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Anyone tried Swami Organic Seeds?


Active member
After the ROLS thread, they tried stealing members to their seed site .Nl address one and confirmed the shit show. A whole decade has passed. Damn. Even CC hates their guts, which is ironic.....

I still have nastycomments from Gas and crew rols cult on my profile and I didnt start coming back till 18 or so. One mod still has a boner for them though........


ICMag Donor
For as much as they made fun of High Times and current pop culture cannabis - I did block names to prevent rule breaking but...this was the goal of the ROLS group, ultimately.




Active member
There are folks not happy with swami, but then again there are also some that are. Just keep that in mind.

Any reason they'd be unhappy with him?

I know he's well known, just haven't heard too much about his gear

Wondering if his chocolate thai IBL is the real deal... on another forum someone told me it's just a money grab, but wouldn't elaborate more.


Well-known member
a couple years ago swami showed up on coots door step asking him for help identifying Blue Orca and The One and probably some other strains because he hired someone as a helper and this person was told to scrub pots and they wiped the names off plant markers too? it was kind of a weird story but coot flipped out on him and a week or two later he had a heart attack. So when he came back online after he healed up, swami was selling velvet rush and coot said it wasn't legit velvet rush due to this plant mix up on this forum you're speaking about. i would search the organic forum there for velvet rush and look for the name Over Hill or agnesdawg as coot has posted under several names. you should trust the person who said it was a money grab and wouldn't elaborate because the reason why is swami is a security risk. big huge glaring security risk.


Active member
I grew out a couple of Swami’s Mr Greengene’s Cherry Bombs this past summer and was very pleased with the results.


Active member
a couple years ago swami showed up on coots door step asking him for help identifying Blue Orca and The One and probably some other strains because he hired someone as a helper and this person was told to scrub pots and they wiped the names off plant markers too? it was kind of a weird story but coot flipped out on him and a week or two later he had a heart attack. So when he came back online after he healed up, swami was selling velvet rush and coot said it wasn't legit velvet rush due to this plant mix up on this forum you're speaking about. i would search the organic forum there for velvet rush and look for the name Over Hill or agnesdawg as coot has posted under several names. you should trust the person who said it was a money grab and wouldn't elaborate because the reason why is swami is a security risk. big huge glaring security risk.

Thanks Thailer, does sound sketchy. I'll stick to Snowhigh and ACE stuff for now, seems like the go to places for landraces I've found so far.


Well-known member
Where can I get in contact with Coot?
I have some old BOEL stuff I wanna send his way.

Fir some reason I thought SOS was Coot, but Im glad I now know its Gas and can close all those tabs on my browser.
I remember Gas and his wife(thrupple more like it) vividly from my time in Washington. Goddamn, theres a lot of junkies in WA. 95% of the growers I met in WA were junkies/tweakers. What a culture.


Well-known member
Where can I get in contact with Coot?
I have some old BOEL stuff I wanna send his way.

Fir some reason I thought SOS was Coot, but Im glad I now know its Gas and can close all those tabs on my browser.
I remember Gas and his wife(thrupple more like it) vividly from my time in Washington. Goddamn, theres a lot of junkies in WA. 95% of the growers I met in WA were junkies/tweakers. What a culture.

He used to be on instagram. I found a profile just now under clackamascoot but it says it has zero post. It's either not him, or he removed his post because I know he has posted before. Wish I could help more, I remember you from Breedbay back in the day.


Well-known member
Where can I get in contact with Coot?
I have some old BOEL stuff I wanna send his way.

Fir some reason I thought SOS was Coot, but Im glad I now know its Gas and can close all those tabs on my browser.
I remember Gas and his wife(thrupple more like it) vividly from my time in Washington. Goddamn, theres a lot of junkies in WA. 95% of the growers I met in WA were junkies/tweakers. What a culture.
I don't have a direct way to contact coot but have a mutual friend I can relay the message to but I make no promises.


ICMag Donor
Just go look on Instagram at The Pot Cast post - announcing Swami as a guest. In the comments, you can witness the duo at their finest. Berating people and causing derision as they bounce people back and forth with responses all over the map.

It's a shame, but it is exactly why they have the reputation they do.


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