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Anyone here raise turtles?


Medicinal Advocate
ICMag Donor


looks pretty quick to me.......



I hold El Roacho's
I use to love having my little 10 gallon fish tank when i was young and when the pet stores in my area sold turtles but of course years past and after many years of not having a fish tank or any fish or turles i miss watching my 2 turtles.

I want to thank them because after watching them do this all the time it gave me the idea to do the same at the good old age of 11 to my first GF sally but when i tried doing what my pet turtles do i got my ass slapped and was grounded for a week.

great turtle pics by the way :yes:


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I always like to watch the big turtles at Petco that they have in a kids pool filled with sand. I just use to see turtles in the ponds and lakes near my house but they were always much larger then the pics shown.

Will they out grow an indoor tank? also what do you feed them? still really sweet to have them if they stay small i seen frogs at the pet store as well.


The cat that loves cannabis
Great tips on turtle catching.

You know what the turtles in your area think when they see you?

my turtles eat insects crickets ,meal worms wax worms meat from the fridge always accompanied with turtle pellets i try to keep it something different each day these guys are only 2.2 inches big yes they will grow in a tank if u have the proper size im stepping up to a 75 gallon tank for them soon u just set them up like a fish tank with a UVB/A lamp and a place to climb up on and bask other then that all u need is a couple over sized filters for what ever tank u use if u use a 10 gallon tank i would use 30 gallon filter if tank is half full to keep the water clean as possible if u look on page one u will get a better idea of a setup a 20gallon long could house these guys for a year or two but bigger would be better im going to give them a 75 or 90 gallon wide so they will be set for a long time may add some tree frog species and make her 2 levels a land and water level they are like fish they only grow to what u keep them in i plan on keeping these guys til they can make it on their own the snappers should be good to go in spring of 2012 the painters will stay til they are atleast 4-5inches probably 2013 spring i keep these guys fed and they are pretty calm til placed on the ground then they take off nah the turtles i catch are going to a nature preserve as soon as they are adults snappers will have great homes where im letting them go at when they are old enough i keep all baby turtles i find and raise them out of 100 eggs 15 are lucky to survive the first 2yrs of life in the wild so i just raise them and release them when they are older


I have a 4" male eastern painted in a 40 breeder 36" x 17" x 18"
75W Zoo Med halogen basking bulb
20W Zoo Med 5.0 UVB
Filstar XP3 canister filter (keeps the water clean as fuck)

I had a female mississppi map in there as well, but she was having none of his courting efforts and he was becoming very aggressive towards her (constant harassment, biting, etc) so I had to remove her.

Just a note on diets... while painteds/sliders are naturally more carnivorous when they're young their diet should not all be protein (especially when they get older) as this can lead to pretty severe shell deformities. I work in a pet store and have seen this first hand. I had a couple come in the other day with their 5" RES. The outside rim of its shell was turned upwards at maybe a 100 degree angle with the ground. When I asked what they'd been feeding it they said "just blood worms". On that note, make sure the diet is varied with pellets (Reptomin's a good choice), romaine lettuce, and cantaloupe (My EPT likes this). Feeders aren't really nutritious anyway, can carry parasites, and at 10/$1.00 - 1.50 can be costly in the long run. I tend to stay away from 'em and just use night crawlers or meal worms as treat.

I noticed the snapper in there with the other turtles and while that may work while it's small... eventually you may find your other turtles with missing legs :) But IIRC, you said you'll be releasing it before it gets large so I guess its all good.

found these guys while pulling weeds in my turtle enclosure


wow i wish i could get a few of those off ya. i always mix my turtles diet with pellets ... my lil ones all 5 are barely 2+ inches. fluval U3 2 of em which are underwater filters kick arse in my 75 gallon tank water is always clean... what are u goin to do with all of em ? i would to add a RES or 2 or 3 or 4?

i also got problems with my male trying to court my baby female .he always rubs her face gently with his claws . which leads to a snap or a quick scurry away ... remember these guys are all 2.3 inches at most
Man, cool shit for sure... Turtles are awesome....I live close to a salt water river, with a creek coming off of it, through my front yard, and I see alot of HUGE Gator Snappers, like 1.5 foot long shells....They crawl up into my yard alot...Also alot of Eastern Box Turtles, and the occasional Slider, like pictured above....I would love to find some babies and hook them up with a nice environment to live in for a while...looks fun....


yep id have to say that qualifies as a big ass turtle hehe

a big ass turtle wandered up from the bayou and ended up in the driveway the other night. i had to stick it in the recycling bin (lol) and take it back down there.



it looked like a ninja turtle with that band across its eyes hehe :D


the biggest turtle I've seen was one day fishing damn thing came right up to the boat and it was as big as 1/2 my boat. 4 man boat:bat:


Active member
I have a

I have a

I have a red eared slider that is 18 years old. I bring her in during the winter to a 3' wide x 3' high x 4' long fish tank with gravel, heat/ basking lamp and feed her feeder fish and Reptomin pellets. I have the reptomin herpa filter. It is made for turtle tanks. You also should use this stuff that helps the filter pull the shit out of the water( Turtle Clean) it is a conglominator. She is about 10 or 11 inches long about 4 inches thick and I would not pick her up to measure her. She is one nasty turtle and will bite the shit out of you. She is put outside in my pond that I have built. It has a rock wall surrounding it and a water fall that cascades like a creek to the lower pool, so she can travel between the two pools, but cannot escape due to the height of the stone wall I have built. She loves that. She catches her fish by pursueing them and biting off their tails as they swim past until she catches them and them she eats them in one piece by shifting them with her claws until they go straight down the old gullet.
You can go out there and call her and she will pop up and come to see you. She will take food from a forked stick too. Again, I would not put my hand near this turtle. The herpatologist that comes to check her every year got the crap bitten out of him last year bu her, almost bit the tip of his finger clean off. Anyways that is my turtle. She is very cool. She was my wifes pet in college and when I first saw her she was about the size of a quarter. I asked my wife what do you feed it? She said feed it? why nothing... do you think it needs to eat? I have been taking care of this turtle and every other animal/ animals that we have had and have ever since.

I have two painted turtles. The first I found at a trout pond when he was the size of a .50 piece. Turtle is now about 3-4" shell length in 3 years. A friend of mine collected a 2" female turtle a year later for me. Female was slightly larger than Turtle, so she is a little bigger than he is. In the picture, she is on the bottom.


Turtles are awesome, they are quite ferocious with anything I put in there. Last summer they ate 7 bluegill, 3 perch, and 3 rock bass in like 1 month. All of the fish were like 4-5" with their fins, they were as large as the turtles. They will grab a fish however possible and then battle over who gets to eat it, killing the fish in the process. It is quite violent at times. Usually in the winter they eat about a dozen goldfish a week along with some Hikari aquatic turtle food.

I have seen them try to mate many times, but Female is resistant to Turtle's dance and large front claws.

Recently I had to separate them due to Turtles aggression towards Female. When I did, they just stared at each other all sad like for 3 days through the divider. So I put them back together and he has been behaving.

Anyways, I can post more pics if people want, I would love to take some shots of them with the new camera, and that would be a good excuse.



Kiss My Ring
i just caught me a 2in baby gator snapper set him up in 48gal tote with under gravel filters and a lip hanging filter and a UV light ...i was fishing at the local stream when my wife took the kids for a walk and came back with this lil guy he eats anything hotdogs crickets flies worms cheese ham bologna shrimp pellets feeder fish ... to be one of the most aggressive turtles in the world he is awful human friendly ill keep him a few yrs and give him a better chance on life when hes bigger when i release him back at a nature preserve away from humans


Please do not do this! it will become dependant on you feeding it and will not survive after that. take some more pics and release it now, you are interfering with its life.
ive owned more turtles then u can imagine . i know what im doin ,after all i used to do this in fla at a nature preserve in group. as long as u feed live food its all good. nice turtles above. turtles who are fed pellets and stuff yes i agree turtles fed live food they hunt for is another story. please dont put ur nose in my business .when ive been doin this since i was 7yrs old. i work for a nature preserve and been studying semi aquatic turtles for years. like i said as long as they have to hunt they are fine in captivity then going back into the wild. turtles are now in 120 gallon tank with live planted plants . basking docks made of drift wood and more.