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Anyone have any suggestions for my light leaks??

I have a heavy 30mil black tarp as a divider for my flower and veg area and at the top of the tarp where it is hanging from the ceiling there is a gap and large lightt leak.Here is a pic

Anyone have any ideas. The best idea I thought of so far was to nail a 2x4 to the ceiling and attach velcro to see it together. I am using velcro on the sides currently.
Anyone have any other suggestions for the top?

BTW I almost done with my new flower area. Will start flowering hopefully tommorrow.
We finished everything today except the light leaks.
Here are some more pics.

Im about to throw all those plants in flower as I already have other clones vegging waiting for their turn :)
The entire room is filled with mostly Rez's Galadriel (c99 x sourdiesel) with a few Berry smelling pheno Blue mystics and one kcBrains mango. Should be a nice little harvest :)

Good thing we just harvested these all organic soil grown nugs to hold us over



Very nice looking area full of our lovely girl's.

I took 1 x 2 and rolled it up in the plastic a few time's. Used a stable gun to staple plastic down to this piece of board. Then screwed this into the ceiling, no light leak's, but just for safety I ran black PVC 10ml tape around all edge's.

I am more thinking on the line's of putting up a solid false wall sperating the two area's so I have more room for vegy area.

Nice looking bud's and they should hold you over for a while.

grow safe.


Then there is the insulation foam in a can, just remember it swell's up alot, but I sprayed this around the light leak area to take fill the area up and no more light leak's.
Not sure about clean up of it all, but I will just pay a good handyman to totally redue the room when I am done.

Happy New Year's to all.


Active member
:canabis: Say Flip; I'm lookin' at your set-up, shorten the duct run and get your fans closer to the lights for max efficiency, just a thought. I have had similar probs with plastic walls, lol. Watch the fans blowin' the surface exposing light and humidity too. I used the same method as Realhigh did. Good Luck!
Thanks for the advice guys.
BadMF I have shortened my duckwork a little coming of the reflector but cant make it short as I would like because the light is on a 6ft light mover. Eventually I am adding another 1000w light to the space and will not have that mover in that spot so I will be able to shorten my duct up alot.WHen the light moves alll the way to the one end I only have about 1inch of clearance between the reflector and the wall mount asc. fan.
The white box on top of the reflector is a pretty powerfull exhaust fan so it exhausts the heat from the light out pretty good.
The other ductwork in the room is a/c coming into the room.Right now I have 4inch ductwork coming off the a/c hole and releasing the a/c out ground level.
I am testing my temps currently.Tommorrow I am going to remove the ductwork and just let the a/c flow out from close to the ceiling and see which way has the cooler temps. :) thanks for the help


Active member
Sorry I wasn't certain that was a fan or not, good show! I would lean towards coming out at the bottom, it would help rezs temps and plants are closer to the floor than the ceiling, at least most are, lol. But an interesting experiment do post the results! And have a Happy and Safe New Year!


mike looks nice. You can always take a 1x2 and accomplish the same result. you can also use heavy cardboard to staple directly through the plastic into the ceiling. Ductcing looks good. You can alwasy put a y on the supply ac line and direct some air down lower if you want.



3M makes a spray glue that is the same as the stuff on post-its. So it doesn't leave residue. Spray both surfaces and stick
what i used on mine it aluminum tape it sticks to almost anything and can hold some weight, little pricy but a must have for any grower


Active member
Hi mike,
nice shots!!

could you line the rest of the ceiling(or the rest of the walls on the inside of the room, for that matter) with plastic, overlapping the area where light is leaking?

i have used plastic white on one side and black on the other. easy to cut and tape.-comes in rolls or sheets, i think.