Baking soda, alcohol and epsom salts
Acetone eats glass? I dare you to find me an automotive solvent or fluid that will “soak through glass”.what?are you talking about break cleaner fluid?you cant use that let that soak long enough i gaurantee it will soak through the dont wanna ruin a $750 glass piece like that.ISO or grunge off.thats what the experts say but i havent been a part of the glass scene a while.ill see if theres anything new out
Acetone eats glass? I dare you to find me an automotive solvent or fluid that will “soak through glass”.
Brake cleaner is specifically formulated to evaporate with zero residue. Otherwise freshly cleaned brake parts would kill people.
thanks man.yeah its no can might be a bit more expensive but its worth it sometimes to go with the grung off.imagine paying 5 or 6 hundred on a piece to use nasty chemicals.just saying.not judging.probably good with brass pieces.done that before after a good dude above said you could shatter the whole piece in your face if your very unlucky.i dont know the exact stress it would have to be under but my aunt and uncle were welders for 30 years.pretty sure they regret it.You can cut glass with acetone don't ya know
Brake cleaner (toulene, hydrogen chloride) has sent many welders to the hospital. You assume it's evaporated, soaked into a greasy pore somewhere.
If you read my post, the bare glass is boiled after I clean it with non chlorinated brake cleaner. I only use non chlorinated because I have a tig welding shop, and don’t want some idiot making phosgene.You can cut glass with acetone don't ya know
Brake cleaner (toulene, hydrogen chloride) has sent many welders to the hospital. You assume it's evaporated, soaked into a greasy pore somewhere.