We/I smoke with the thinnest paper I can roll with, without forfeiting structural integrity of the joint, if I'm smoking a jont at all.That is just total nonsense. Maybe similar thickness paper from similar pulp might be difficult to identify in a blind test but you don't need to be a super taster to notice a difference between different thickness, and different materials. And even if that were the case there would still be differences in how it stays lit, ease of rolling, if it sticks to your lip...
Most expensive papers would be the Shine gold papers. $11/paper (yes, just one, cheaper to roll with a ten-dollar bill).
Old habits die hard, we grew up twisting joints, and joints were safer re. not having to toss paraphernalia if stopped. Circumstantial evidence on a stretch in some places, but no charge for defacto possession, based on residue in a pipe. And papers were cheaper than pipes, too.
I have vaporizers, but they're a pain in the ass that can (in contrast) turn the ritualistic preparation of joints into some sort of quasi-Rubix cube complexity or mess, so despite having vaporizers, they're typically skipped and collect dust most of the time.
If pipes are used, there's glass, but again, travel with them, and carrying them, provides another hurdle some times.
Thin white ZigZags or the thinner Element papers suit the bill for us. If the taste of paper interferes notably with the taste of good buds, it's probably the wrong paper. And if it's rancid on the taste buds, it's quite probably that much more harsh on lung and throat tissues as well.
But no place in my extensive history have I ever spent $11 on a paper. Maybe if someone gave me one, I'd use it.