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Anyone else remember UFOs that occasionally appeared in "back in the day" weed?


aka "Doc"
Anyone else remember UFOs that occasionally appeared in "back in the day" weed?

In one of those thread discussions that got off topic (in a good way) we were discussing quality of weed back in the 60s & 70s and how South American kilos were usually compressed like big phone books. Sometimes wrapped with newspaper (clue to country of origin?).

It got me thinking about all the Unidentified Foreign Objects I found when breaking up the weed. Kilos/lbs "back in the day" were not just flowers, seeds and stems--its that other shit you would occasionally find.

Rocks was probably tops on the list--but I remember finding crazy shit like:

toy soldiers--whole and parts
plastic shards (radio housings probably)
lead chunks from car batteries
dried worms/crickets/beetles
peso coin (once)
pieces of newspaper and twine
seeds that were not cannabis

Anyone else remember UFOs that occasionally appeared in our weed "back in the day"?

Bush Dr

Painting the picture of Dorian Gray
Like 6" nails in a slab of Afghani?

I had 4 of the fuckers in a week... expensive nails, I'd have rather had the hash


Active member

I saw the thread title came here looking for some shit about the flying type UFO's and whatnot, thought that "MAN THESE GUYS MUST SMOKING FAT BLUNTS HIGH AS KITES GOING ON ABOUT UFO'S"

But now it's clear that its GOOD that you DIDN'T SMOKE (at least b4 checking the contraband) :biggrin:


New member
Rocks, dirt, lumber, countless seeds.
In Vietnam the weed was clean and super potent.
When I came back to the 'States Mexican Brick studded throughout with rocks, dirt, lumber, and seeds.

Sure glad I never found lizard legs.

Bud Green

I dig dirt
Small rocks, dehydrated cockroaches and small pieces of unidentified metal...

But the worst i saw was a Mexican kilo that a friend of mine bought..
Remember the ones that were wrapped up neatly in the thick, light blue or light green paper? This was around 1974...

My buddy brought it home, I was with him..He used to use an old fashioned, serrated bread knife to saw them in half, to sell half kilos...He started sawing thru this one... It was a 3/4 inch thick shell of pressed grass, and the inside was absolutely nothing but seeds.. As he sawed, the seeds started pouring out on the table and rolled out all over his kitchen floor! Turns out there was only about 1/3 key of weed and the rest was seeds....

Obviously a rip-off, all the way from the source....


Active member
I remember we found big ass nut and bolt in a qp of brick back in the day.

As far as FLying Objects, when Jimmy Carter said he saw one, that had me sorta scratching my head. But then I realized, "No shit. Lotsa people see things fly they can't identify". :biggrin:


Active member
ICMag Donor
I've heard a few stories about dried lizards in mexibrick. I believe it. Lizards were everywhere when I was first getting into weed. I only bought little bags, so I never found anything other than too many stems. I never saw more than a quarter pound in my life until my second grow.


Active member
ICMag Donor
Small rocks, dehydrated cockroaches and small pieces of unidentified metal...

But the worst i saw was a Mexican kilo that a friend of mine bought..
Remember the ones that were wrapped up neatly in the thick, light blue or light green paper? This was around 1974...

My buddy brought it home, I was with him..He used to use an old fashioned, serrated bread knife to saw them in half, to sell half kilos...He started sawing thru this one... It was a 3/4 inch thick shell of pressed grass, and the inside was absolutely nothing but seeds.. As he sawed, the seeds started pouring out on the table and rolled out all over his kitchen floor! Turns out there was only about 1/3 key of weed and the rest was seeds....

Obviously a rip-off, all the way from the source....

Sounds like a rip off, but I would have planted those seeds. I've had some mexibrick weed that had a good high. From what I remember. I might just have good memories of it because that's all I could get when I first started getting high.


This is pretty funny, my dad was just talking about some of the crap he's found in kilos.
The sole of a converse all star sneaker was the one that stuck out...


ICMag Donor
Sounds like a rip off, but I would have planted those seeds. I've had some mexibrick weed that had a good high. From what I remember. I might just have good memories of it because that's all I could get when I first started getting high.

Might have been a nice surprise...likewise...planted 'brick' seeds long before sharing seeds or catalogs (Emery) and seedbanks. Those were the days.


ICMag Donor
I remember we found big ass nut and bolt in a qp of brick back in the day.

As far as FLying Objects, when Jimmy Carter said he saw one, that had me sorta scratching my head. But then I realized, "No shit. Lotsa people see things fly they can't identify". :biggrin:

Ancient drones...UFO's! ;o)


Hi ho here we go
I got lot's of Kilos for $90 on the American side ...

I got lot's of Kilos for $90 on the American side ...

Lot's of seeds and stems, cockroaches and more seeds.

I used to have pounds of seeds. Planted thousands :woohoo:


I Build Things
ICMag Donor

I saw the thread title came here looking for some shit about the flying type UFO's and whatnot, thought that "MAN THESE GUYS MUST SMOKING FAT BLUNTS HIGH AS KITES GOING ON ABOUT UFO'S"

:yeahthats :woohoo:

As for me - branches off of trees, oak trees, I think it was. Wrappers from assorted packaging, and most of all, STRING (I'm guessing from the harvesters' hanging it to dry?).....

These were as late as the 90's.. Scary to think of what could've been ingested at a microbial level.... YUCK.

Cool thread.


aka "Doc"
It is amazing--back in the day finding UFOs in bricks of weed was the norm....and today everything is packaged in turkey bags (no brick, uncompressed) with nary a seed--much yet UFOs!

LOL...stick a dried lizard in a bag of weed today and it will probably be your last "sell". Reputations have a way of preceding you.