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Anyone 'cured' prostate cancer with....

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this sounds reasonable from my perspective.

although never overweight, i did lose about 15% - from 180 to 155 - after switching to low carb/healthy fat diet in 2018.

i had been doing 100 pushups a day - responding to a thread challenge here on icmag in maybe 2015? - and then after starting to lose visceral fat, my left shoulder was clicking. i find now in 2021 that has stopped and i can do pushups again without problem.

also, i had sciatica for about 6 weeks in my left hip/leg - and that has also resolved to a nothing burger.

zero sugar, low carb, healthy fat (less than keto levels), whole food, omnivore - i think this is the reason for my current good health. plus exercise.

Thanks BT.

Yes, and that shoulder in particular, suffered an ignorance injury, maybe 15 years ago or so; likely tore a rotator cuff, maybe quite well; I was squatting under the canopy in my truck, and was loading up a moose, having just flown in from my friend's in the bush, and rather than turning sideways, to move this 125-135 lb. piece of neck, brisket and back, all joined as one piece from a 90-degree off-set 'sheer strength position' (upper back, upper brisket, and lower neck, from a larger young bull), I tried to move it by jerking it sideways, straight in-line with the shoulder, from the squatting position, and it went poorly..

Ignorance in haste and excitement, but it would've taken additional shifting in there for this nerve to get involved. Still, as you say, quite possible.

I've eaten whole grains, low carb, no refined sugars, no white flours, white noodles, etc., etc for about 11 years now.

The thing that got away from me briefly this last later spring and summer, with C-19 and isolation, was we went on a modest tamale binge, often eating ONE tamale in red sauce or green sauce for breakfast, then ONE for lunch, and ONE for dinner (yes, we DIG tamales, my younger son and I).

With carbs, even if they're clean, non-refined, complex carbs, is that too much is still too much. A little bit is good, too much provides the same outcomes. So it was a matter of moderations, changing metabolism, and that may have been influenced by other factors.

I'd done pretty good at keeping the weight off back 11 years ago; lost 70 lbs. in 70 days; I was younger and healthier then.
This time was about 43 lbs in 70 days.

As we get older, bringing our metabolism back on line, takes more out of us. Especially when done rapidly, which can come with side-effects that aren't desirable, such as the gall stones accelerating in formation.

I had a sense back then, the first time when I was first dx'ed, that this was a trick of self-discipline that my body would likely only tolerate so many times; heart and other organs pay sometimes when doing these things.

Each of our metabolisms change or morph differently as we age; some faster and some slower. What we thought we knw about our capacities isn't always on the mark further down the road.

When I was first dx'ed as Type II, I could get up at night and eat 8-10 servings of watermelon, and not kick the glucose to the moon. I thought it had something to do with enzymes or something in the melon. Nope. My then-Doc told me he had patients who couldn't eat watermelon, that it wasn't the melon, it was me.

Turns out that to some extent, all through life, just as Socrates and Jung advised, we're still getting to know ourselves, even if we've been paying relatively close attention.

I can still eat a bit of watermelon, and a good crisp ripe red seedless melon is manna in my view. But I'm WAY past the tolerating 8-10 servings with no effect. That guy left the neighborhood. ;)


Hot Tuna

Covering Barry McGuire's 'Eve of Destruction'

From the 'Pair a Dice Found' Lp



Shaved 2 x's for the silicone P100 mask in prep for the town trip, minutes away; once with electric to knock the shrubs down, then the hand razor to take care of any stubble that might interfere with the mask sealing well.

I have to do my second re-entry to Alaska COVID test today, heading to the airport for that, in between arriving flights, to avoid traffic.

I don't view the COVID testing area at the airport as an especially clean place; hung curtains forming temporary small cubicles, and one person in, then out, and next person in, with scant time between folks, and the curtain likely interfering a bit within the airport's otherwise decent air exchanges/ventilation.

Was +22 f. here, ~2 hours before sun-up, and we're supposed to reach at least +25 today, so, in pursuit of stopping some aspects of the psychotropic merry-go-round, I'm hoping to extract from some NON-DECARBED sugar trim from the last harvest, and/or some flowers, in limited amount, to derive or extract some THCa. If I can't be ingesting my CBC in decent dose until Monday or Tuesday, I can at least reduce some of the dulling that comes from too much THC, while upping the dose..... hopefully, and theoretically.

If in the end, it doesn't work, I can always write to NIH, and complain about their study. :)


Tedeschi-Trucks Band

Covering, 'Darlin' Be Home Soon'



Well-known member
In light of the initial info. (almost accurate, but not quite) that following radiation, more or less saying it was a 1x deal, and recurrence meant chemo, that was an eye-opener to some extent, to hear the inverse, too. Made it more than a one-way street, ending in a dead-end alley.

That's what I was referring with my earlier comment. What I remember re. percentages was that EBRT and radical prostatectomy had similar outcomes as far as survival rates with the stage of my cancer. My parameters were least invasive/most effective. I rolled the dice and took the leap and whatever cliche fits is what happened.


Hawaiian Inebriatti
Saw the same stats.
Also saw that radiation turns the area to mush so is a one shot thing for remission. Can later be used to shrink mets, but not remission.
On the other hand, recurrence after surgery is treatable with radiation.
My surgeon wanted to irradiate the prostate bed and feed me chemo post surgery as a just in case. I declined.

PC grows too slowly for chemo to be effective.
And radiation seed RICs (radiation induced cancers), that pop up after 15-20 years.

His goal was to prevent recurrence regardless of the damage it might cause me.
Surgeons are rated by their success rate, yah?
When I got serious about the RSO I made no other changes.
Being in the rare position of having a marker, (PSA) to chart progress, I eliminated other variables. Was not that risky all things considered.
Knowing that the information gathered could be gold to other patients, I documented it all with lab tests and photos.
The photos are from my dog's mammary cancer remission.
My medical record and my vets notes may take the fear factor out of some folk's decisions.

Been 14 years and change. So far, so good.


That's what I was referring with my earlier comment. What I remember re. percentages was that EBRT and radical prostatectomy had similar outcomes as far as survival rates with the stage of my cancer. My parameters were least invasive/most effective. I rolled the dice and took the leap and whatever cliche fits is what happened.

Thanks, buzz.

My intensity and hopes may have the surgeon passing me off to the radio-oncology team, or hoping to.

I went to the best I could find in my network, after hearing the remarks of folks who I now, somewhat privately, regard as 'bush league.'

Yes, as Weez says, surgeons are rated by their success rates, and larger hospitals with more money, more specialized teams, state-of-the-art NEW Multi-Million $$ equipment, etc., are absolutely going to have better successes.

Those were some of the key factors in wide-ranging outcomes between clinics, per JAMA.

When we're watching tens of thousands of $$ fly across the table at a time, I figure $1,300 or $1,600 for a hotel room for a period, or for a month+ in a studio apt., if I decide to go with radiation, plus several hundred $ for some wholesome groceries from the nearby organic grub store, another couple hundred $ for the town car service, is all small change in the grand scheme of things, if it ends where I want it to.

Full 25" interview with 'Country Joe' McDonald, re. the hippy days, Woodstock, the Peace & Love movement, and more. The more I hear from him, the more I respect and like him. Funny stories about how he ended up on stage at Woodstock, and how much Americans and westerners love to yell the word "FUCK!!" when encouraged.



Saw the same stats.
Also saw that radiation turns the area to mush so is a one shot thing for remission. Can later be used to shrink mets, but not remission.
On the other hand, recurrence after surgery is treatable with radiation.
My surgeon wanted to irradiate the prostate bed and feed me chemo post surgery as a just in case. I declined.

PC grows too slowly for chemo to be effective.
And radiation seed RICs (radiation induced cancers), that pop up after 15-20 years.

His goal was to prevent recurrence regardless of the damage it might cause me.
Surgeons are rated by their success rate, yah?
When I got serious about the RSO I made no other changes.
Being in the rare position of having a marker, (PSA) to chart progress, I eliminated other variables. Was not that risky all things considered.
Knowing that the information gathered could be gold to other patients, I documented it all with lab tests and photos.
The photos are from my dog's mammary cancer remission.
My medical record and my vets notes may take the fear factor out of some folk's decisions.

Been 14 years and change. So far, so good.

Yeah, my condition is substantially further along than buzz's was, but in those days since, just as surgeons are different, sometimes with better techniques and equipment, application of radiation is, or can be different too, from what I'm learning. buzz's condition was far lesser in development than mine, from what we know, and yet his time in the exterior radiation tx was far longer than what I've been told; I think buzz said he was in the tube for 45" or something at a time (correct me if I got that bass-ackward, buzz), and this guy is talking about 10" at a time, if I recall what he said correctly.

And of course, I have no clue re. changes in Palladium seed tx, if any. I was surprised to learn these things are custom fitted.

But I'm not yet done deciding.

I need to get the questions answered re. both review of what was said the other day, and stuff I neglected to ask.

The radio-oncologist's nurse said that those might be best sent through one of the many hospital-related portals, of which I'm now in enough of them, that I've got names of systems and passwords literally taped to the edge of my computer desk's book shelf, all across the shelf. with little slips of paper, sometimes even doubled-up.

Anyway, one more post, and park the car after the successful town trip.

Thanks again, Weez.


Bruce Cockburn

From his 1971 or 1972 Lp, 'Night Vision'.

'You Don't Have to Play the Horses"

My now-deceased sister brought this Lp on vinyl back with her after hitching across Canada in the mis-1970s. Still have it here, as well as on CD, and maybe cassette. First time ever I heard an electric banjo.

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Made all of the stops, and ended up in conflict with folks not respecting space again.

Ended up eating a half of a Hydroxyzine 35mg, which was light-weight, but got my pulse and head straight, in order to contend with the trip and BS. A LOT of stops today.

Desk person at the insurance office was mask-less (the irony).

Woman in front of me in the grocery store takes has mask away from her face, and peeks around the plexiglass shielding the clerk, as though the whole purpose of masks is some costume ball, and cultural norm of seeing the mouth when speaking, over-rides the clerks obvious and intentional safety apparatus.

I asked the cashier if many folks do that (he was new and in training). He acknowledged they do it quite frequently. I told him that if I was OBVIOUSLY sequestered in such a manner, for personal safety, and some idjit did that, I'd be apt to beat them with a fish club.

That was after the woman behind me came right up my back-side at 8 to 10 inches, and starts unloading her stuff next to mine. I was fed up before I even got half-way through my missions, and in that case, said more than audibly, "SIX FUCKING FEET!!!!"

She replied, "I'm sorry" in what I perceived as disingenuous tone, and I retorted, "GOOD!"

I told the clerk in the others' presence, "Ya know, we've been doing this shit for 10 fucking months now, and some persons STILL don't get the protocol!!" Remedial bastards!!

Folks at the test area at the airport let me do my own swab again; coolness. I barely want MY hands near my face, I sure as shit don't need theirs.

The nice part was, when I arrived, I was the ONLY one there.

I asked if they could share how much they make, facing hundreds of deplaning folks, many of them infected, at such a location. They declined to report THEIR wages, but said a new company is taking over the contract at the airport, and stated that company is hiring right now for $18/hr. I was shocked, as that's what my older son makes (a little bit more, but not much) as a courtesy clerk at a grocery store, and these poor bastards are swabbing mucous membranes of complete strangers for the same money as someone who asks, "Do you need help with those groceries?", or fills in for a cashier on break.

Shook my head at the corporate model and its expression of greed in this pandemic.

Was glad to be away from the masses.

Hopefully no more trips in the next 11 days, though if my younger son goes in, I will remind him that I neglected to re-stock on plant-based sausages. Got meds, groceries, and everything else done; no need to head back in for a while.


Bruce Cockburn

'Lovers in a Dangerous Time'

Bruce is graying like the rest of us. Still an amazing guy.


Favorite line from this tune, since decades ago: "Got to kick at the darkness 'til it bleeds daylight." YESSSSS!!!


Friends in the Yukon Territory from the Hippie School Days offered money if we need it.

Another acquaintance offered air miles for travel.

We've declined the money and air miles for now, knowing if things get dire, then... humbleness is on the menu

Former priest who grew apart from formal religion and was also at the School then, though several years before me, continues to correspond re. his amazing recovery from PC, and his 2 brothers who scored a dose of it too..

His surgery was done with a cross-over technique, maybe somewhat experimental at that time, using hormone suppression therapy, but only 2 injections, to shrink the prostate and tumors within, and then surgery by a surgeon who, at that time, years ago, was THE urology surgeon guru in Canada.

He got his taken care of while the numbers were small, yet 5 of 8 cores had cancer. Too many!!

He's doing well, and only one of the brothers has had recurrence of the cancer.

Then there's the folks here, who offer information, personal testimonials, music links in PM's, comradery, sometimes a delivery of needed medicine in need (Seattle), and more.

There's a lot of times my head is spinning from who-knows-what, and waking with pulse rate and noteworthy anxiety.

Thanks folks.



Blind Faith, Live in Hyde Park, 1969

About 47" of priceless nostalgia.


Steve Winwood, Ginger Baker, and Eric Clapton were all so young!
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Well-known member
I spent 10 minutes at a time in the EBRT machine. I had 43 treatments over the course of 9 weeks. I misstated the number of treatments I received as 45 earlier in this thread.


I spent 10 minutes at a time in the EBRT machine. I had 43 treatments over the course of 9 weeks. I misstated the number of treatments I received as 45 earlier in this thread.

So the amount of time is static still, then.

That doesn't instill additional hope, re. Weez's reference to later-cancers form the Palladium seeds.

I assume you get tested for cancers of various forms on a regular basis, buzz?... Not just PC, but other related cancers?

My best guess is that for other cancers, there's other markers tested for, or a rise in white blood cell counts, or ????


Going to need to get a written inquiry done TODAY, and try to figure out how to direct it to a specific physician in my provider list in one of the many 'safe' portals they are using for HIPAA-'protected' communications. The radio-oncologist's nurse specified this as the better method to get questions to the Doc, but didn't know how the system worked to do that, so we're going to have to figure it out on this end.


Woke up in the middle of the night again, about 4:00 A.M., after going to sleep way late (1:30 A.M.). My left ankle was cramping up again, though not as badly as recent events.


Hadn't weighed myself in the last couple days, so when I headed for the restroom at about 4:00 A.M., I stepped on the relatively consistent digital scale, and have lost another 5 lbs.!!

This is no longer a 'wait and see' issue for me; there's now some limited or mild bowel issues occurring at this time, and I'm thinking I need to make a concerted effort to 'stop the drop'.

So I got up fairly early (6:30 A.M.), grabbed a fresh avocado, some salsa, and seasonings, along with a splash of lime juice, and decided on a whole avocado, turned into guacamole, of sorts, and am eating that.

The flavor of this stuff, versus dipping the avocado out with a spoon and nothing on it; night and day. YUMM.

CBD oil hasn't been scanned by the USPS since it arrived at the origination P.O. I hope it's just another classic moment when they often, of late, scan it incoming, then send it on without a scan out.

Otherwise I may need to head into one of the canna shops, and score an as-of-yet, unknown source's CBD tincture, or??? I can phone around and see who has what, and cross-reference to the better oils listing I have here.


Didn't have time or energy after the town run last night, to make any THCa extract, but we're supposed to be between +13 to +15 today below the inversion, and perhaps +mid-30's above the inversion, higher up in the hills. We'll find out which side f that we're on today, and maybe get this done today. Otherwise, toward the end of the week, we're looking to see -30 f for lows, and 0 for highs.

Nature's delivered yet another ultimatum. She doesn't seem to care too much about my energy levels, or sunlight and chores.


Steve Vai

Covering Hendrix's 'Little Wing'



Well-known member
I assume you get tested for cancers of various forms on a regular basis, buzz?... Not just PC, but other related cancers?

My best guess is that for other cancers, there's other markers tested for, or a rise in white blood cell counts, or ????

I see my Health Plan PCP every 6 months for routine blood work and a yearly PSA number. I see my VA PCP once a year for same. The VA doc wanted me to do a Cologuard test as it can detect cancer DNA as well as blood.

I choose blissful ignorance when it comes to monitoring for potential recurrence. I burned up a lot of my worries with radiation I suppose.


I see my Health Plan PCP every 6 months for routine blood work and a yearly PSA number. I see my VA PCP once a year for same. The VA doc wanted me to do a Cologuard test as it can detect cancer DNA as well as blood.

I choose blissful ignorance when it comes to monitoring for potential recurrence. I burned up a lot of my worries with radiation I suppose.

Thanks buzz.

I think lots of persons get to a point, from what I've heard and read, where they simply stop fighting any 'maybes', and some stop fighting in general, and get on with life without a hospital scheduling book running the show.

An acquaintance from the Yukon Territory, who lived through one of the earliest, if not the first case of COVID in Canada (he's now in BC, having left the Yukon Territory), has been battling 2 types of cancer (while beating C-19), beat the other, but the one remaining has spread.

A person overseas in a distant place makes concoctions for him to help live with the symptoms of his condition, I assume mainly the pain or discomfort, and perhaps nausea.

He's decided to stop wasting remaining time, and he rides his bicycle and paddles his kayak, and is focused now on maximizing his time with loved ones and living the way he loves.

But that's a point or line that I think every person reaches differently.

Some say he's brave or courageous, and I'm sure there's some who know to keep their opinions to themselves, who view his path as a long, slow suicide.

I understand what he's doing. He's older than I am, has a pretty impressive and amazing past, and each person owns their own path and destiny, if permitted, in my view of things.

Thanks again.

I'd add that one eye-opener was when the guy who offered me dismal numbers in Los Anchorage, was asked about the causes of cancer (my cancer, particularly), the spread, and why, the causes, and why, his response was that there's a lot they don't yet know about these things.

It frankly reminded me, to a lesser degree, of shrinks I worked with in mh, saying that they weren't sure why some of the meds they prescribed did one thing for some, and something else for others. But they kept on writing them.

It did not instill faith that my driver knew where the car was headed, or what to do when we got there, and, especially, why.


Buddy Guy, Ron Wood, and Johnny Laing

2010 Crossroads Guitar Festival

'5 Long Years'



Thorough confirmation of the meeting's information from the other day with radio oncologist, and questions that weren't asked but should've been, sent through the portal I use to communicate with the team in reference.

Picked up a bag of Bob's Red Mill Almond Flour the the day; less than 1/4 the carbs of our other flours, from what I could read, but MAN (!!), paid about $23/bag for a 2-lb. bag. Being able to eat semi-normal (for my past routine) diet, including the occasional smaller sandwich, at this time of weight-loss, might be nothing shy of excellent.

Working the map to get back on track.

Possible THCa extraction today, maybe try and get outside to drop some trees on the lower end of the property, if the energy's there, and new batches of soilless mix to put together.

The girls are doing what they've done before when they were neglected by life's stressors, recovering a good bit, and greening up, but I'm still a week or 3 from even being close to taking sufficient cuts from select moms.

For what I have here, and considering which of them might be best suited to the cannabinoid array I THINK I need from what I have, I'm leaning toward either a White Lotus, or Goji OG, or maybe a Satori. Those, or a somewhat unstable Space Cake, are likely the most sedate strains I have, and some of them are regarded as 'in-betweeners' by me.

Thoughts on which of those is likely best suited?


John Mayer

2010 Crossroads Guitar Festival

Covering the classic 'Ain't No Sunshine'





my tastes have morphed lately into most anything without lyrics.

...except for the weekends when i listen to Blues...here:


6pm to midnight saturdays and sundays. hardly any interruptions, almost like FM radio used to be.

you do know that potassium comes in a supplement right?

Thanks, trich.

Yes, potassium comes in capsule and/or pill form, but despite the recommended daily intake, ranging from 3500 to 4700 mg per day, depending on the source of info, because it's also a dangerous supplement when ingested to excess (it's a part of the lethal injection and oral medication concoctions), so they limit the supplements to 99mg/dose, despite the significant amounts recommended in a day.

Go figger'.;)

Anyway, I figured I need to try and stabilize what appears to be a free-fall on the digital scale lately, and start finding methods to try and make the stuff I now subsist on, be more presentable, desirable, tasty, and healthy, all at the same time, though the chili powder of scarce amount that I added to the guacamole is technically suspect where my current PC is concerned.

I believe they see hot peppers and night-shade in general as irritating to the area, if not toxic.. But it's not meat protein. ;)

Thanks for the tunes.

I'll give them a 'go shortly.

Edit: I ate a modest dose in a capsule of my THC (not THCa, but THC) extract earlier today, with no obvious negatives, and between that, and a half of a 35mg tab of Hydroxyzine, most stressors parked curb-side and took a walk to the park. So, shortly, after moseying a bit, I'm on to chores; laundry to finish folding, and soilless mix to take another stab at.

'Nuther edit: Found Otis Taylor studio session at your blues site. A fan of his for bit. Good stuff.


Bruce Cockburn


A 1.5 minute instrumental from the 1st cut off his Night Vision Lp, somewhat reminiscent of Leo Kotke.

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Weez, if you would, another point of clarification.

Had some communication today with another cancer patient who has faced far more trials than myself. We discussed the extract/oil dosage you'd described.

I'd arrived at the conclusion(?) that you are doing a dropper of CBD oil in the AM, another at PM, and a dose of 140-ish mg of THC extract PM only. Did I miss something?


I sent an email to the CBD hemp source, inquiring specifically re. herbicides, pesticides, etc. whether in soil or on plants, bagged wet or dry, etc., etc.

I informed them that I have been making extract, and was intending to first test it at a canna lab, to make sure it's below .3% THC, then, if it is legal, by virtue of low THC, for another (not canna-related)_lab to process, intending to take it to a mass spectrometry lab for a thorough run-down on ANY nastiness, residual or otherwise.

I'll see what the say. My gut instinct is they'll say there's nothing questionable there, (and that may well be true), but it sure seems to give me a jolt, when it should be a calming thing.

If it comes back relatively clean, I'll try the process with ethanol as a substitute.

Otherwise, if an independent lab identifies some form of residual neem presence, or something that might not affect others negatively, but clearly does so for me, then I'll have the remaining majority of about 3.5 lbs. of some CBD hemp that I can't use, but maybe someone else can.

That's the plan for that issue. And maybe someone will score some cheap or free, properly stored CBD hemp, in decent quantity.. or not.



Edit: Just had a number of Tofurkey brand Beer Brats, and other plant-based sausages brought home to me. Gotta' say the Tofurkey Beer Brats are far less offensive than some I've sampled recently; still not quite really good, more tolerable and repeatable, for now. But arms and heads above some. The choriso ('Soyriso') is a textured veggie protein soy product, and I'll have to read further on-line to find out if they ferment the soy or use it straight. If it's not fermented, then those won't be making a repeat performance here, no matter how tasty they are.
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Trying to recall what I remembered about 'fermented soy products = good' versus 'non-fermented soy products = bad,' and this article came through. I noted it's 2014, so not fresh, and not too ancient.

There are links in the article to various studies or supporting sources.


Not all bad news, necessarily, and not as cut-and-dried as I remembered.

Edit: of note in the article, is that TVP (textured vegetable protein) is reported to be beneficial (indirectly, at least, where dietary fiber intake effects health and relation to some types of cancer) with some cancers, and not helpful with others.


Radio-oncologist has some records that are not accurate, and I need to send a third message to correct some Rx med and other errors, as well as what appears to be inaccurate info from local labs.

Also, in the past, working with Docs with whom I've had a relationship, when I have asked for some tings to be off the record, there's been agreements. I'd asked this fellow not to make a formal mention in records of the cannabis extract therapy (specifically referencing THC-a), and apparently liability awareness reigns pretty heavily these days, as there's now a formal mention of that in my formal records, and the data base is a shared portal.... so.... GREAT!! <Not>

What's the world coming to, when ....
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Well-known member
It did not instill faith that my driver knew where the car was headed, or what to do when we got there, and, especially, why.

Yeah, but was the driving making good time? ;)

After treatment ended I took on some projects to "prove to myself" I could still function. My father in law died during that time and his house needed repairs and paint and all the little things that need doing to sell an empty house. I got it done.:bis:

Once you enter the medical portal you'll more than likely be inundated with Cancer Society literature. I gathered all of that stuff and circular filed it. I did not ask to join their club. I am not their disease.


Yeah, but was the driving making good time? ;)

After treatment ended I took on some projects to "prove to myself" I could still function. My father in law died during that time and his house needed repairs and paint and all the little things that need doing to sell an empty house. I got it done.:bis:

Once you enter the medical portal you'll more than likely be inundated with Cancer Society literature. I gathered all of that stuff and circular filed it. I did not ask to join their club. I am not their disease.

Thanks buzz. These days, when I need other mainstream Social Media, I use a family member's account to view things, and the electronic algorithms these sneaky bastages apply these days don't even require the electronic portal foot-print you've described to launch nonsense at you; as soon as you get to a site that sponsors ads, it becomes plenty clear that Google or someone has been sharing search histories with someone, and sending related ads, accordingly.

I initially woke up early again, about 5:15 AM, perhaps sensing both the sinuses again, as well as my wife apparently being up, dealing with the pups. Early morning risers they are, when able.

Had little to no tingling anxiety in the belly and chest; too soon to say it was definitively a matter of dietary imbalance. But I -CAN- say that yesterday, having watched the numbers on the digital scale dropping fairly steadily, sometimes fast enough that weight loss no longer seemed so attractive, I slammed a fair amount of "high-density, nutrient-rich, whole-plant-based diet", regained a small amount of lost ground, and there's no anxiety-born or apparent tinging or electrical sensation.

And my heart rate is close to normal this AM (no Hydroxyzine since later mid-evening yesterday, maybe 8:30 or 9 PM, which was only a half-tab, and it's not a super long lasting drug), and my oxygenation levels are right up tip-top; 97% to 99% upon initial review.

Ate a slightly greater dose of my own THC extract last night, dipping from another overly-full capsule; I noted a slight up-tick to heart rate, not entirely uncommon, per my reading and communications, and otherwise not an unpleasant dosing experience at all. When the 1/2-tab of Hydroxyzine and the slightly stronger dose of THC extract kicked in, I was trying to get chores completed before my chin was bouncing off my chest.

I launched into some chores yesterday evening, feeling some greater energy, similar to what you described, buzz, but pre-tx, and without too much strain. with the exception of noting both shoulders, toward the back, and near the top of the arm-pit, more or less where the serious searing pain had occurred on the left-hand side the other day during the coughing effort on the back left side, were having some creaking and cracking going on, as well as a little antagonism toward those nerves..

It was in response to lifting partial 27-gallon soilless mix tubs. My conclusion was that it somewhat reinforced my wife's and BT's hypotheses that the thing involves displaced nerves, resulting from the fat and muscle tissue changes.

I recounted my tubs of soilless mixes last night, left-over from last Spring's mixes (which had been too stout on several nutrients/minerals, and too slight on 2-3 others), and redistributed the ~35+ gal. of the more stout mix, approx. equally, so the stout mix will be diluted by the greater-in-volume new mix coming in. Despite the slight increase in physical demand of this task, the energy was notably improved.
I considered that medical crises are, or can be, to some degree, a re-boot on life. A wake-up of sorts, re. priorities, relationships, healthful habits, and more. Sometimes they also bring things that are not helpful or positive, but if a person -can- rise out of the psychological pit that such wrenches being tossed into one's life can bring, it the circumstances can help those focuses of things needing changes or tending.

I can certainly attest to the last 4 months not having done muscle tissue much good at all. And I now seem to have sufficient excess skin, that I could likely donate enough for a good pair of boots, or a small set of luggage to be made. No clue how it might compare to snake skin, or something more exotic..

Anyway, in under 15", I got the 35+ gal of stout mix redistributed to 7 of the 8 total tubs (disorientation has me repeatedly not remembering how many total totes I have, etc., and I see this memory thing, currently, as potentially both stress and diet related. Both factors are, for now, improving).

Didn't make the THCa extract the last day or 2 of warmer weather. Friday would've been best, but after an intense town trip, I had too little energy. And yesterday, my thermometer on the front porch never got above 16 degrees f., so it seems I was near the inversion, but not really above or below it by much; never saw the +25 or +30 degrees f. that some did, further up in elevation. And now we're headed into -20 to -30 f for lows, at least a couple days this week, and highs near or slightly below 0. So extracting isn't apt to occur in the next week or more. Otherwise, we've skated this winter, where cold air is concerned.

More chores today, if possible, and we may procure another 160 gallons of #1 heating (fuel) oil from town, which will put us up to full in the main 500-gallon oil tank, and fill up 2 of my stationary 55-gallon drums, or come pretty close to it. Then I just need to fill my five 30-gal. poly drums (~32.5 gal. each) and we'll be full.

Literature on the side of the cool air, sonic mist vaporizer claims 0% humidity to 60% humidity in the area is good, and above 60% is not. I think I'm finding that 30% to 38% is best for me.

I'll be writing the radio-oncologist a 3rd note today, through the portal, correcting the errors re. meds, labs, and scans, and telling him that, having seen the notes in my chart, e-ink on e-paper, re. my pursuing both sulforaphane and THC-a extract (non-conventional) therapies, I am no longer comfortable pursuing THCa tx. This is the only way we figure we can adjust that indiscretion, and MANY folks who haven't walked in some of our shoes, are TOTALLY naïve when it comes to the potential ramifications of having such a note on record, even these days. Loans, security clearances, employment, insurance, some licenses, border crossings etc., etc.

Anyone who believes that Tommy Thompson's & GW Bush's HIPAA Act was truly a privacy act, hasn't read that Act too closely. It essentially opened the flood gates for insurance companies and government entities where health records are concerned, and made it more difficult for your spouse or other family to get updates on your conditions. I was working in MH when it was passed and went into effect, and we noted this BS in the bill way back then, early 1990s.

So no, I do NOT want references to the one non-conventional tx in that record. Nope.

Long, but thorough, and all the news or quasi-news that is, here.

Edit: If a person finds they've overfilled capsules, and doses are tooo stout, I have found that the toothpick method of removing extract from a capsule is too inefficient; the GUM gum brushes, particularly the rubber-handled wire ones, with a green (narrow gap) or a red (medium gap?), work like a sort of mini-paint brush, expedite the process without necessarily providing too much. Oh, yeah, use a clean one. :) If the oil is thin enough from other additives, I've been able to accurately pour excess into another empty capsule, until dose is correct, even with a '0' capsule, but the brush method has fewer messes, and can be used to adequately gauge a proper dose through several dippings.


Another oldie, Bruce Cockburn tune, back when he was only on True North Records, out of Canada;

'In the Falling Dark'

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2nd COVID re-entry test results say I'm negative again. With double-entendre in play, my family says, "We know."

Morning dose of THC didn't particularly help with chores, but I'm regrouping for another frontal assault, as long a they're concluded before Kansas City plays; we've kind of become anonymous adoptive parents to Patrick Mahomes.

Woke up from the early nap (post capsule) with a significant amount of flaking skin between my eye-brows, and redness, as well as one moderate-size red bump resembling a fresh mosquito bite, except there's no skeeters. Me thinks the sinus thing is finding better definition in the allergy category, as was speculated by some to be the case.

Hopefully it's all about something recently added, instead of changing metabolism, as some sort of prolonged hunt for the antagonist would chew some time & energy up..

Found another one of those examples of Yin & Yang benefit, too, in trade off of sorts; the somewhat radical weight loss seems to be helping the healing of my rather pronounced, long-time ventral hernia, as I was told (and suspected) it would.

Some veggie minestrone with organic black beans, red pepper sauce, and plant-based beer brats heated in it, and back to what ever is next. Mixing soilless mix maybe, but with an N95 for particulates.

Edit: Put Hydrocortisone Cream on the apparent evidence of allergy, and it appears to be improving fairly rapidly.

Later edit: Occurred to me that I'd had a tight chest feeling the last time I had a half-glass of boxed wine, and cited sulfur as a possible issue. Checked the Lecithin, and.. 256 mg of sulfur/serving. Not sure, but looks like cause for scrutiny.

Alicia Keys, Questlove & John Mayer Live at Times Sq., NYC

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