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Anybody not smoking currently?


Stay away from Ambien, for sure ...

Stay away from Ambien, for sure ...

Originally Posted by Hail:
I used to have a script for ambien and that is the whole reason why I am on probation because I woke up in the middle of the night and drove my car and blew my tires out and got arrested for a DWI.
Hey all- sorry to hear about your issues with Texas' "finest" there Hail, I know all too well how things run in the lone star state. If I was you I would either quit completely or smoke very occasionally, maybe once or twice a week at most- and one or two hits. Ambien has some weird ass side effects, I'm honestly not suprised to hear about your nighttime Ambien adventure, my friend took Ambien and almost the exact same thing happened to him, only a cop had to bust out his window because he fell asleep at a stoplight with his foot on the brake after he sleepwalked and sleepdrove almost 10 miles from his house........weird shit man, stay away from Ambien...

I have never used Ambien, and was very concerned by these reports. I looked around and saw many personal experiences at least as bad than those mentioned here. People can sleepwalk and do all sorts of bizarre things which they don't remember afterward. It is incredible that companies can get drugs with such horrible side effects approved - and these drugs stay on the market. Never underestimate the power of payola.

Texas... I lived in TX for 20 years. Back in the 70's TX was decriminalized; possession of one oz or less was a only a fine. In Houston we got half-assed Mex for $10/oz, mid-grade for $20 or so, and good Colombian for $40/oz. It's too bad that they changed the mj laws there. I would not want to move back to TX. The cost of living is low there, but the heat is definitely not good.


I really dont smoke as much as I would like too, but it is ok. My buddy comes over every now and then and smokes a bowl with me, I recommend that everyone should take a break every now and then because the high is so much more intense when you dont have the tollerence built up. I just cant really afford to smoke right now, Unemployment barely pays the bills. I am in construction and that has been shit right now but if something comes up I will have to take a drug test for sure.


been on probation for 3 and half years. now I'm on mail ins .so I smoke for 2 and half months and stay clean for 40 days before reporting. just bide your time till unsupervised probation. my freedom is coming in 18 months, so I have learned some patience. this for you just a roadblock. the whole trick is to go unnoticed as possible. don't give the P.O any reason to stay up your ass. during this time read as much grow info and be self-sufficent when your probation is over. this will end any dealers or other folks controlling your supply of cannabis. Taproot


Active member
same as others , waiting for the phone to ring , I have a shot at a job that will defiantly help my economic status, when and if it rings i will have to take a test, anxiety is through the roof, cant sleep at night , back is killing me,
had to go back to taking xanax and lortabs:noway:, when I get the call I will roll up one huge ass joint and probably get stoned in the parking lot RIGHT after the test :woohoo:
I personally know at least ten folks who are in the same boat :mad:

but like stated in above posts , sometimes the shitty world we live in takes precedence :wallbash:


New member
I dont smoke and havent really since July 2003. I've had a hit rarely a time or two since then, I've missed it terribly. Not on probation, job doesn't test, just have been trying to get my shit together, I was growing back then and couldnt seem to manage to get my life right, was hanging with the wrong types of people.

Now Im married with kids, steady job, putting wife through college and gonna start a small grow, she has anxiety problems and I have an over active mind, obsessive (like getting to involved in work and hobbies, not like washing my hands to much in a day) also I would say I'm a little to high energery and even hyper. Find myself medicating with alchohol and wanna switch it out with something more organic and less adictive.

Not to thread jack but any of you guys have any good strains to reccomend for these .. Using a 600w and gonna have between 4-9 plants. Btw, ill start smoking when my first harvest comes up.



Not to thread jack but any of you guys have any good strains to reccomend for these .. Using a 600w and gonna have between 4-9 plants. Btw, ill start smoking when my first harvest comes up. Thanks
Go to the Strains & Hybrids forum here at ICmag for strain info and feedback from group members. Also look at the grow forums on this site to see complete grows with pics, grow room design details, etc. There is an enormous repository of growing information here - just have a look around :D


Thanks for the help man, I will go see my doctor and ask him about that. I used to take xanax, about 2mg a day and it worked quite well but I had pretty bad withdrawl symptoms and my anxiety was twice as bad when I quit taking it. I have heard of that and apparently it does all the good benzos do but without feeling retarded.

Yeah it sucks about pigs, narcs and shady dealers. Before I was on probation I would get a pound or so of some real high grade and sell it to my friends for like 40 an 8th and 300 an ounce just so they wouldn't have to deal with shady people. My dealer(who wasn't shady at all) got his door kicked in by the police and had a quarter ounce of hash and like a pound in his house and now he is facing 1st degree felony possession of a controlled substance for the hash.. Which is ridiculous because in Texas hash is more illegal than many hard drugs. Now my friends have to go buy crappy commercial bud for 65 an 8th and like 400something an ounce.

One good thing about not smoking is you find out really quick who your true friends are and who are friends with you just so they can get stoned for free.


Active member
i haven't smoked today, and i'm feeling restless, it's 1:09 am, and I don't think I will be able to fall asleep

so man, you are not alone


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I'm herbless for the time being.

But to you smart blokes on Parole or Probation, your balls are in the mighty vice grip of the system. You are at their mercy.

Keep your piss clean and get done with it.

I'll be going to court for a misdemeanor charge here in a few months and if they offer me probation. I'm going to refuse and take straight county jail time.

I've been on probation once for a petty misdemeanor and there is no way in hell I'm going to put up with that bullshit of paying fines, fees and all that bullshit.

It'll be a vacation so to speak. They call it detention centers, I call it day care. I can do the time, I just can't deal with the stress of being on probation.

It's easier doing time in jail when you're not expecting to get out at any moment. But knowing you're in for the long haul, imo, makes it a bit easier to do.


New member
Go to the Strains & Hybrids forum here at ICmag for strain info and feedback from group members. Also look at the grow forums on this site to see complete grows with pics, grow room design details, etc. There is an enormous repository of growing information here - just have a look around

Ive heard that a lot, but I have checked out the strain list and the comments are few and far between, theres almost never a medicinal comment on them and all there is is the effect, Couch lock / body buzz etc. Is there something I'm missing because I don't even know what charecteristics I would want?


the last post by S. guerila was dead on. take the time and screw probation. the P.O will try to make your life hell. if you do get probation. on reporting day. show up at time place opens. this show's you have a job and you need to get there. PO's notice that and they see a person who is more responsible.also stay clean for 30 days min before screens. if not get use to bad food, no life,showering with every fucking sicko watching, and no snatch,unless you like man snatch. just use common sense.


the last post by S. guerila was dead on. take the time and screw probation. the P.O will try to make your life hell. if you do get probation. on reporting day. show up at time place opens. this show's you have a job and you need to get there. PO's notice that and they see a person who is more responsible.also stay clean for 30 days min before screens. if not get use to bad food, no life,showering with every fucking sicko watching, and no snatch,unless you like man snatch. just use common sense.

I'm thinking about buying a sack sometime in the next few days. My next probation meeting is on September 4th. I could probably get away with smoking for a day or 2 then quitting again till' then but I'm just paranoid, plus I am 6'3 220lbs so I'm worried about it staying in my system longer than 30 days. I knew a guy who it took about 2 months for him to stop pissing dirty but he was a total fat ass and weighed about 100 pounds more than me I'm sure it wouldn't take me that long.. I'm just not skinny and have some body fat.

I also should warn you guys that all drug testing places are different and so are your bodies so don't always think the "dilution method" works for everywhere. My buddy who lives in Austin, Texas says that they just give him a dipstick test so he just pounds down water. I tried the "N2" dilution method that it seems that he has posted on every damn cannabis forum on the internet and that has produced a diluted test every time I have tried it. I drank gatorade instead of water, vitamin b2 and took creatine subs for 3 days prior to the test and took asprins. My county must have a really accurate testing place they send their urine to because it hasn't seemed to work for me so far. I could have just drank gallons of water and I would have gotten the same diluted result except without having to spend money on all that junk.


my advice is to hold off. I usually give myself about 36 to 40 days of no smoking. I'm 6ft 165lbs. the test the use on me is a stick test and test to 50 nanagrams. I watched him take out test and remembered manufacture. I looked up the company and read what they test for and how many nanagrams.if i have to totally quit.I will do that. jail or prison sucks. also everyone thinks BOB BARKER(price is right dude) is such a nice guy. he's a douchbag.he owns a company that supplies jails with cheap supplies.Maximum security is the company. that shit is awfull. just use common sense and you will stay out of the klink. Taproot


What Taproot said - stay straight until probation ends, then get lit. I have been in lockup a couple of times, and didn't like it too much.


Active member
my advice is to hold off. I usually give myself about 36 to 40 days of no smoking. I'm 6ft 165lbs. the test the use on me is a stick test and test to 50 nanagrams. I watched him take out test and remembered manufacture. I looked up the company and read what they test for and how many nanagrams.if i have to totally quit.I will do that. jail or prison sucks. also everyone thinks BOB BARKER(price is right dude) is such a nice guy. he's a douchbag.he owns a company that supplies jails with cheap supplies.Maximum security is the company. that shit is awfull. just use common sense and you will stay out of the klink. Taproot

BOB BARKER --- very true. when i was sent to county jail for 3 weeks for failing my first urine test for drug court i seen that old hag's name on everything they gave us.. toothbrushes, toothpaste, plastic bowls from commisary, even the fucking toilet paper. what a scam that guys running since he quit his tv show

Joe Budden

i know a few Bigtime growers that don't smoke, there's even one here on ICM that I know, kinda amazes me that they put so much time and effort into growing the herb but never get to smoke it and be rewarded, but they like the money and depend on people like me to test it ;) so I really shouldn't be complaining heehee


Good luck Hail,

Just wanted to mention that I've had good luck with Valerian root extract (found at a health food store) and Kava root powder (ordered from a farm in Hawaii) for mild anxiety and insomnia.