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Any toker readers out there?

Hank Hemp

Active member
I used to always have a booking going. Now it's taking me forever getting through Tom Sawyer. I just don't read anymore and don't know why.


My favorite author for non fiction is Noam Chomsky. Great mind, one of the last real foreign policy experts left in the world that arnt just for hire pundits the regurgitate whatever their corporate lords feed them. I highly suggest "necessary illusions" or "hegemony or survival: americas quest for global dominance".

I am actually looking to get back into some fiction and adventure books. Recently started watching game of thrones so now I need to find a new adventure series to read. Always loved Tolkien. I have come to realize there is no book stores around anymore.. very sad. I like to hold a book and thumb through it before I buy..


Active member
burroughs western lands trilogy.. stop reading
tao te ching http://www.taoism.net/ttc/complete.htm

the jaina sutras were an interesting read, not really interesting but comparatively differing from other reading experiences. hundreds of pages on how to beg for food.

i like ideas, but books are more often "the emperor's gold to spend on the emperor". reading because we can have things.


Active member
That reminds me of Bill Murray in A Razor's Edge. He is really attached to his books so his teacher sends him and his books up to meditate in the freezing snow all night. Just the weather, his colder by the second body and his books! You may guess or know what happens next, don't want to spoil a 40 year old movie.

Anybody do any 'reading exercises'?

I used to 'try to read' James Joyce's Finnegan's Wake.
Wow.....um, did they have dmt back then? I must say his
oblique approach to word-smithing really inspired me to
take a closer look at etymology, which has been an ongoing
fascination for me ever since. Also on that short list is the book
"Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson" by Gurdjieff. Just to get
a glimpse inside the head of some of these people is really fun.
And at a time when a concise sequence of thought could be laid
out in such an expert fashion, which in turn, allows the writer to
convey in the full floral bouquet of a language, exact philosophies
of a depth unattainable in today's 'sound-byte' rich 'instant gratification'

One more psychedelic book I loved was One Hundred Years Of Solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez? Good one!!!!!!:woohoo:


What were we talking about?
Do underground comics count in this deal?

I'm an avid reader and enjoy reading Science Fiction and Fantasy mostly. I also can't get enough Stephen King.

However, underground comics are really great to read while stoned. I'm a fan of Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, Fever Dreams and Mr. Natural of course. Pretty much anything by R. Crumb really.


Active member
I love to read a book when I have the time.

I was in a foreign country not too long ago, and there was this one shop I found that had English books, for a decent price also.

I was in heaven. Having a lot of free time, and reading books, it made me think about all sorts of things.


Active member
Do underground comics count in this deal? View Image

I'm an avid reader and enjoy reading Science Fiction and Fantasy mostly. I also can't get enough Stephen King.

However, underground comics are really great to read while stoned. I'm a fan of Fabulous Furry Freak Brothers, Fever Dreams and Mr. Natural of course. Pretty much anything by R. Crumb really.

Fat Freddy's Cat OG:woohoo:


Active member
I love to read a book when I have the time.

I was in a foreign country not too long ago, and there was this one shop I found that had English books, for a decent price also.

I was in heaven. Having a lot of free time, and reading books, it made me think about all sorts of things.

That reminds me of a trip to Bali in 99, looking thru the kitchen of our house I found an Australian book by a guy Paul G. Lowe titled 'The Experiment is Over.' That was a fucking insane book! Very eye-opening and thought provoking.:ying:

That same trip I read "the Beach' in one long sitting one evening, which my sister-in-law was reading ....ok it was 4 A.M. when i finished...wasn't too bad...:dance013:


Active member
That reminds me of Bill Murray in A Razor's Edge. ...

back to burroughs again.. it's too early in the morning for me to paraphrase but the general gist was if you hang out and don't do anything you'll find out there's an endless amount of preexistent shit to deal with already.. this is what meditation often is imo - separating ourselves from so many garbage constructs provided to us as the foundation for our lives so that we have a clearer conception than the illusion of substance before us.

i feel like i'm wasting weed if i get high and then stick my nose in some prerecorded media.. what's the point, all of existence is laid out in linear form... if i smoke and just open my ears and eyes then the whole universe starts talking, and it's always deeply more pertinent and essential than just about anything put together by a professional writer.

but that's just where my shit is at.


Active member
back to burroughs again.. it's too early in the morning for me to paraphrase but the general gist was if you hang out and don't do anything you'll find out there's an endless amount of preexistent shit to deal with already.. this is what meditation often is imo - separating ourselves from so many garbage constructs provided to us as the foundation for our lives so that we have a clearer conception than the illusion of substance before us.

i feel like i'm wasting weed if i get high and then stick my nose in some prerecorded media.. what's the point, all of existence is laid out in linear form... if i smoke and just open my ears and eyes then the whole universe starts talking, and it's always deeply more pertinent and essential than just about anything put together by a professional writer.

but that's just where my shit is at.

yeah, i usually drift into the moment when trying to time travel in a book while high as well. I read better at the daily threshold of waking unconsciousness.:ying:


Andinismo Hierbatero
My favorite author for non fiction is Noam Chomsky. Great mind, one of the last real foreign policy experts left in the world that arnt just for hire pundits the regurgitate whatever their corporate lords feed them. I highly suggest "necessary illusions" or "hegemony or survival: americas quest for global dominance".

Chomsky is a big joke for anyone over 30... the guy obviously has no clue what is he talking about or the realities of the world... he lives in some arbitrary and idealized world of extreme pompousness hehehe...



Dipshit Know-Nothing
ICMag Donor
^Thank God someone said that before I did. I couldn't imagine wasting time reading the "political" works of leftist tools, despite my own leanings falling just left of centre. Quick, someone rush in with a reference to Naomi Klein....

Surprised you didn't like Blood Meridian RW Trucker, but then again I'm pretty soft for any Cormac McCarthy. It's the only Western style writing I can get in to. Shantaram is an epic book, and I highly recommend it to anyone.

Elementary Particles is stuck in the loo lately. Just started reading it for the third time, I really need to throw a few new (re:new to me. I'm a used bookstore enthusiast) books in there, but it's still a good read. Michel Houellebecq. Only the second or third French (authored) book I've read. Camus was good times.

I'm a sucker for anything Russian, short of the Soviet-era pansies (excluding Bulgakov obviously. My avatar wouldn't make much sense otherwise). Gorky.. blech. Red whore.