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Any Thru Hikers out there?? any LD trails


I hiked the at a couple years ago for about 5 months and oh yeah i hiked Springer to Damascus this year with a friend 450 miles. I have a hellacious time blowing people up on the trail. I carry a bag of cannacookies, bubblehash, and an ounce or two of 5 strains-oh yeah i like to roll about 10 J's before i leave town so i have the quickie bad weather smokie fix.

Add a bottle of whiskey or shine to the mix, maybe some shrooms and boom!!! no hiking today...finish off with steaks and bacon, real veggies and potatoes hellz yea...

I vac seal my herb for down the road (months away). It's always hard to find nugs on a long hike-it does turn up from time to time and angels will give some to you from time to time, but it's rare you have to plan(t) ahead lol.

I love the trail!!! heading to the whites new hampshire to do the pemigawasset loop this summer for a few days woot woot ! happy trails

You surly do know how to trek my friend...hope i get to run into lots of good people like you on the trail in the future :yes:


hey johnpipestran great thread, personally i prefer to bring kief in little airtight boxes and pre rolled joints when i hike. because weed tends to get alittle moist on LD hikes .. well hereabouts it does anyway hehe

requires less space etc..

ill sure put some pics of my hikes in here sometime, weve done alot of across tundra hikes. its real comfortable walking you can make great distances, and there is plenty of game bird and trout in the lakes and rivers so we dont carry much protein.

just got back today from a 3 day 60km (30 or so miles?) hike at 1000feet, 70 degrees north. we had seawinds so was quite wet and bad fishing. going inland at higher elevations this weekend.


Mourning the loss of my dog......
When I was younger, I often dreamed of hiking the PCT, even if I had to break it up over several summers.

About 10 years ago, I ran into a thru hiker where my trail crossed the Pacific Crest trail in the Marble mountains of Nor-Cal. He chatted with my group and I for a while, and then headed south. It was late August, and he had started at the Canadian boarder in June. He was very lean, and his pack was a third the size of our packs.

When ever I am in a glass shop I always look for the smallest spoon pipes, the ones that are just over 2" long and a 1" wide. This is what I use when on long hikes(2-4 days). Smoke is stored in a film canister, usually all my trips smoke and the pipe/lighters fit right in my camera case, but I'm not a thru hiker.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
^I am reading a book right now called "A walk In
The Woods" by Bill Bryson. It is about section hiking the AT over a few summers. It is making me want to do a thru hike of some sorts.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
Next I am gonna read the book about a guy and his girl friend doing the pct called "cactus eaters"

Then I will read another pct trail book called "dances with marmots"