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Any gym rats or bodybuilders in the house?



muscles.jpg Ouch!


I knew heard of HGH in the Triceps. Heard of Syntherol etc also Andreas Munzer (R.I.P) used to have triceps just like that in fact his upper body was so lean and too many Pharmaceuticals thickened his blood causing multiple Organ Failure.
Site injections.


Active member
I knew heard of HGH in the Triceps. Heard of Syntherol etc also Andreas Munzer (R.I.P) used to have triceps just like that in fact his upper body was so lean and too many Pharmaceuticals thickened his blood causing multiple Organ Failure.
Site injections.

Again, no clue what your talking about.

Hgh is injected subcutaneously into the region around your navel, you grab a 1 inch fold of skin, pinch it, and inject sideways into it so it's under the skin but above the muscle.
Never is it site injected, never.

Synthol is used for site injections but is an inert oil that swells the muscle by adding fluild volume to it.
Ernie Taylor(Pic) has used synthol in his triceps, this is a bad pic but you can see the shape is lumpy and unnatural looking.
And heres a pic of the poster boy for synthol abuse, greg valintino, as you can see his arms look like misshapen oil bag tumors, that's not muscle, that's the fascia stretched to bursting with oil injected into the muscle, guy ended up getting a hideous abscess in one arm a few years ago.

And the only steroids that are truly used for site injections are water based drugs that aren't bound to an ester so the steroid receptors at the injection site get first crack at them before they enter the bloodstream, and this is something that still has not been proven, just accepted by most bodybuilders.

All that pic is is a very lean bodybuilder who use performance enhancement drugs, there is no evidence of any site injection.
And the horseshoe shape is how the muscle looks when it's fully developed.
Horseshoe shape comes from drugs, LMAO!!! Some of you princesses need to actually develop some triceps then you will realise that is the normal shape, lol.

Munzer took a laundry list of crap that was shocking even to most seasoned bodybuilders, I'm surprised he lived as long as he did.


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Horse-toothed Jackass
"A former trainer convicted of dealing steroids, who says he used to supply former baseball slugger Mark McGwire, told ESPN on Thursday that McGwire's goal was to get "bigger, faster, stronger" to improve his performance on the field, contradicting recent statements by McGwire, who said he used the drugs to maintain his health.

Curtis Wenzlaff, speaking to ESPN's Outside the Lines, said he feels there is no doubt that the array of drugs he provided McGwire helped him become a more-accomplished home-run hitter.

"Will it help you hit a baseball?" Wenzlaff said. "Let me put it to you this way. If Paris Hilton was to take that array, she could run over Dick Butkus."

McGwire and the St. Louis Cardinals declined to respond to Wenzlaff's interview, which will be featured on Outside the Lines on Sunday (9 a.m. ET, ESPN).

The New York Daily News reported in March 2005 that Wenzlaff provided McGwire with the following drug recipe: ½ cc of testosterone cypionate every three days; one cc of testosterone enanthate per week; ¾ cc of equipoise and Winstrol V, every three days -- all to be injected into the buttocks.

At the time, Wenzlaff would only confirm that he provided steroids to McGwire's former Oakland teammate Jose Canseco. But on Thursday, Wenzlaff confirmed what had been reported and confirmed by FBI sources and documents nearly five years earlier -- that he supplied the drugs to Canseco and McGwire and he added that the drugs were to help McGwire become a better baseball player, not to recover from an injury.

Wenzlaff was arrested in Operation Equine, a landmark anabolic steroids case that resulted in more than 70 trafficking convictions in the early 1990s. One informant told the Daily News in 2005 that Wenzlaff injected McGwire at a gym in Southern California on several occasions, although Wenzlaff said he couldn't recall the injections because it was more than 20 years ago."

So.... "½ cc of testosterone cypionate every three days; one cc of testosterone enanthate per week; ¾ cc of equipoise and Winstrol V, every three days -- all to be injected into the buttocks."
Would this be considered a large amount? Doesn't seem like a lot to me (volume wise) but what do i know...


Active member
Good thread, and glad to see it on here as i often see people talk about smoking or asking questions about smoking while training.

Been going for a year with a few mates, one who is has been on multiple cycles one thats been going natural for years.
i try to get there monday-thursday and fridays/weekends off (should start some cardio weekends soon)

usually mix up the days a fair bit.
but Legs i love doing i currently can squat 150kg/330pd 8x3 reps have got up to 180kg before xmas however.
also got up to 30kg dumbbells bench press before xmas.

i need to start working on arms however but have just found the others more enjoyable

this year after my holiday (snowboarding for a month) going to get into it to hard and cut back fat and bulk up the arms and upper body more. need to work on a diet for that any advice? i'm and about 88kg/194pd 184cm/6ft

Currently like the ultimate nutrition iso mass.


I used to be into it but I have spinal and lower limb injuries to live with so no longer go to the gym. I can only do a limited range of exercise but after years going from wheelchair to cruches then more surgery, and repeat shit, my arms are pretty strong. I have a door frame bar I hang from and do pull-ups on. I put a 3kg weight on each ankle and do 2 sets of 30.
I do that once a week and do other bits with a resistance band on other days. I do miss the social aspect but feel too self conscious these days.


Namekian resident/farmer
Wouldn't say I visit a gym much anymore but I do enjoy engaging my muscles until I can't move anymore the feeling of that sorta pain keeps me alive must be the "endorphins" but nonetheless helps soothe the beast within

"He who makes a beast out of himself gets rid of the pain of being a man" -Samuel Johnson


Well-known member
I used to be into it but I have spinal and lower limb injuries to live with so no longer go to the gym. I can only do a limited range of exercise but after years going from wheelchair to cruches then more surgery, and repeat shit, my arms are pretty strong. I have a door frame bar I hang from and do pull-ups on. I put a 3kg weight on each ankle and do 2 sets of 30.
I do that once a week and do other bits with a resistance band on other days. I do miss the social aspect but feel too self conscious these days.

You can do 30 pullups without resting? That's pretty good.im in such bad shape I gotta start working out again.only exercise I've been doing is beer curls.used to work out everyday

Storm Shadow

Well-known member
I used to lift really heavy for years... then the last 6 years I started Hooping alot... 60+ games a month and my lifting routine changed completely...

Now I just do lighter weights...mostly all machines (free weights way too many people) I do lighter weight and try to rest less than a Minute in between sets...

I went from bulky 235 lbs to 205 lbs.... Dear lord... Im 38 and just destroy the youngsters on the court now... Activate those Fast Twitch Fibers ... its fun being in shape and now that like half my facial hair is gray(Persian Genes)..I get the less athletic players guarding me and I just wreck Havoc . ..its so fun... I hate trimming.... been sitting here for 2 weeks day dreaming about lacing up my Lebrons and hitting the Vape Mod on the court

Cardio is the best ... hitting the Vape Mod and exercising is the most amazing supplement you'll ever need


You can do 30 pullups without resting? That's pretty good.im in such bad shape I gotta start working out again.only exercise I've been doing is beer curls.used to work out everyday

Without any weight, if I shout, I can do about 50 without rest. Started off struggling to do two sets of 10 with no ankle weights about 3 years ago. After I got to two sets of 30 I used the wives 1kg ankle weights. When that got easy I bought 3kg ones and haven’t moved. I used to do it every day now I do it a few times a week and do other bits other days.

St. Phatty

Active member
Yes, for about 40 years.

Stopped about a month ago because it was too punishing, exercising with tooth pain.

As my friends know, it would take something like cancer for me to stop working out.

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