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any good or bad experience with dxhydro...

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Storm Shadow

Well-known member
This mans work is legit... I have some of his controllers..custom made ones..they run fine ...smooth sailing all day/night ...


There are FOUR lights!
as a consumer, that tells me your lazy and don't give a shit about customers...

That's a little harsh, isn't it Krunch? I mean people are putting their
money and their grow rooms in Dan's hands. He seems to build a quality
product and apparently has gone the extra mile spending hours on the phone with customers helping them out. (As per several in this thread)

He came on here trying to defend himself for the Code thing, and you call him 'Lazy' and inconsiderate?

That's pretty lame, buddy. Give the guy a break.

What he meant was atleast his shit hasn't burst into flames and he hasn't been accused of ripping people off.

I would feel totally secure sending him money, knowing I was getting a high quality product for an honest price.

But thats just me.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
This mans work is legit... I have some of his controllers..custom made ones..they run fine ...smooth sailing all day/night ...

I would feel totally secure sending him money, knowing I was getting a high quality product for an honest price.

And when the 1500 watt heater that you had plugged into the 20 amp receptacle protected with a 30-50 amp breaker bursts into flames, you would feel how? I can guarantee that no electrical inspector would pass this gear no matter how comfortable you are with it. There is no reason to build this equipment in this manner.


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
That's a little harsh, isn't it Krunch? I mean people are putting their
money and their grow rooms in Dan's hands. He seems to build a quality
product and apparently has gone the extra mile spending hours on the phone with customers helping them out. (As per several in this thread)

He came on here trying to defend himself for the Code thing, and you call him 'Lazy' and inconsiderate?

That's pretty lame, buddy. Give the guy a break.

I sure did and stand by it....

I own several businesses AND I buy alot of shit.....

Customer service is #1, NO MATTER WHAT!!

And to see a business owner say something like what he said, is an insult to anyone who pays for his products....

funny thing is, i have refereed MANY people to his products on this ICMAG......

Hold Your Fire

Finding my way back home
I may need one of these in the future. If not from DX, who do I buy from?

No way I'll feel more comfortable, doing it myself.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
I may need one of these in the future. If not from DX, who do I buy from?

No way I'll feel more comfortable, doing it myself.

I think that DX is fully capable of building a safe controller, but you will need to specify that you want the ampacity of the receptacle/wire/breaker co-ordinated rather than his "interpretation" of what is allowable. I think that he is doing it this way to keep the price down a couple of bucks and stay competitive with the other manufacturers using the same shortcuts. The impact on the pricing should be pretty minimal. When you get to the point of ordering, post on here if you still have questions and we'll help you through it.

His communication issues are a different problem. You will have to decide if that is important to you or not.


I sure did and stand by it....

I own several businesses AND I buy alot of shit.....

Customer service is #1, NO MATTER WHAT!!

And to see a business owner say something like what he said, is an insult to anyone who pays for his products....

funny thing is, i have refereed MANY people to his products on this ICMAG......

I agree with Rives, most of his simple controllers would not pass electrical inspections, if you're a licensed electrician there is no reason to ever have a customer complain how you built and wired a very simple unit to build. Glad to see we agree KB, we had a disagrement about the Hydrosolutionz flips, but they're out of business now.

I can tell you someone else to go to for a controller, but you can't spam here.



Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
I agree with everything rives has stated here. If I would have been told how you where going to build the controller I would have passed on it. I assumed you would build it to code I was wrong. I believe your interpretation of the code is flawed. Sending 30a to a 15a receptacle is not smart and not to code IMO. You could have built it just like I did with minimal increase in cost. I was lucky to find excellent help from rives. Now my unit is safe and to code.
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Active member
ICMag Donor
well my panel is hooked up and running smooth.... with the plc i can control all parameters.....it is sweet unit and i can sleep at night knowing i can safely run up to 20000 watts ..... would recomend him and will use him myself again on next bigger adventure!!!


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
it is sweet unit and i can sleep at night knowing i can safely run up to 20000 watts

Not to keep this going, but the simple fact is that unless you are an electrician, you don't have the slightest idea just exactly how well you should be sleeping. Unfortunately, just because something is nicely put together and functions well really doesn't speak to whether or not it will provide the protection that you need when things go awry. Personally, it would disturb my peaceful slumber to know that DX was using a very obscure code provision, completely outside of the tightly limited usage allowed, to justify the use of components that are totally mis-matched in current capacity.
While I realize this thread addresses specifically DX, and I am aware that customer satisfaction and safety are being discussed. But I don't think it's really a straight argument to pick apart his products without comparing them to the rest of the crop.

I would have no problem using one of his light controllers with the recepticals home-runned to the 30a relay. This product is perfectly safe as is when used for it's intended purpose, turning lights on and off. Just like the CAP, Sentinal, Atlas, Titan, Powerbox the list goes on.

Where customer service is concerned. Well, perhaps some of lost sight of how unique this hobby of ours is. This is an industry full of entrepeneurs, many running in their homes, many are an army of one. There are not too many industries where this is even possible with all of the corporazation of the US.

When I deal with someone operating in a small cottage industry, I try to consider that I'm dealing with the Prez, the buyer, the Salesman, Shipper, Advertising etc... running a small startup that has evolved out of a passion is difficult. You never know from one week to the next how busy your going to be or when your kids are going to be home sick from school.

This is often and much different and more rewarding experience than buying your things from a big company, sometimes it can require being understanding on a personal level.


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
While I realize this thread addresses specifically DX, and I am aware that customer satisfaction and safety are being discussed. But I don't think it's really a straight argument to pick apart his products without comparing them to the rest of the crop.

I would have no problem using one of his light controllers with the recepticals home-runned to the 30a relay. This product is perfectly safe as is when used for it's intended purpose, turning lights on and off. Just like the CAP, Sentinal, Atlas, Titan, Powerbox the list goes on.

No, in fact it is not perfectly safe to run 15-20amp components behind 30-50 amp circuit breakers. I don't know where you are coming up with your rationale, but please go back and look at the the link that I provided to the actual code reference for DX's justification, then tell us how many people are using these controllers in that precise scenario (the only instance allowable by code).

The justification that "other people are doing it" flies just about as well as when my kids used it as an excuse for doing something stupid. CAP, for instance, provides their "universal" receptacle that will accept either 120 or 240 volt plugs. This breaks a hundred years of codes and standards that have lulled people into thinking that electricity is tamed and harmless. In fact, there is an invisible, potentially lethal, snake residing in your walls that is incredibly vigilant - screw up with it, and a fraction of a second later, you are going to know it.

*edit* If you think that I am attacking DX here, you are incorrect. I have repeatedly recommended his product in the past, with the caveat that the buyer specify what they want built. I think that the option of custom-building the controller gives him a huge leg up on the competition. However, this particular aspect of his stock controllers is very worrisome.
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Wouldn't it be just as easy to run a main breaker (30-50amp) with an appropriately rated 15 or 20amp breaker to serve individual circuits?


Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
Wouldn't it be just as easy to run a main breaker (30-50amp) with an appropriately rated 15 or 20amp breaker to serve individual circuits?

Yes, it would. The cost goes up marginally - I think that a 15a breaker at Home Depot runs about $8. I would think that the product would be improved immeasurably if DX offered his stock controller in full compliance with the code, and optionally offered a discount for the people who thought that their installation met the criteria that he is using to justify the current format. Of course, they should know what the full criteria is, not just the edited version. That way, people who purchase the version with the mis-matched components are at least fully informed prior to making the purchase decision.


Active member
ICMag Donor
up and running dxhydro comes through big time

up and running dxhydro comes through big time



well if u like looks of this wait till u see what it produces!!! dxhydro set me straight and walked me through it, this thing will do everything high temp cut off for each room , co2 monitered ,aux ac/fan,fire sensor,remote power drops for each room with cont and timed outlets (for vertical fans), cycle timed outlet for uv sterilizers, and of course 10000 watts flower room and 6 000 watts of veg room ....plus run 4 ton ac 3 split unit. AND mr. coffee machine and vaporizer!!!!
thanks for all guidance dan :tiphat:

now time to make the carbon scrubbers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:woohoo:
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