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another idiot with a bear story


Resident pissy old man
Our constitution gives the Federal government the responsibility of protecting us from foreigners and from each other. Unfortunately, the politicians have decided that we are all to stupid to make decisions for ourselves and they must protect us from ourselves. The will tell us what we can do, what we can eat, read and drink. Eventually, they will tell us what we can think.

While I agree that feeding wild animals does pose a danger to others, this man lives way up in the boonies. I think government has bigger problems to deal with than this issue.


Active member
The feeding with all the bears and the grizzly mama and two cubs was INTENSE. That grizzly mama was getting majorly pissed!

~Abbie :joint:


Resident pissy old man
first as u guys prolly know i don't agree w/ what the guy is doing for the exact reason that subrob mentioned. The guy isn't doing the bears any favors.

Alaska fish and game have some bigger issues that they should spend their time on tho.

While this guy is playing teddy bear w/ bears that'll prolly kill him off eventually anyway there is a HUGE problem going on in Prince William Sound and other parts of alaska w/ asians that are killing black bears left and right and hacking out their gall blader to sell on the asian black market, and letting the rest of the carcas lay to rot.

maybe spend some time dealing w/ that and hopefully this guy will stop like he says, or the bears will stop it.

Most of the bears that I have seen in the wild have no problem finding food and don't have to resort to dogfood and cookies. I am old and cannot forage for myself. I have to live on catfood and crackers. Social security doesn't go very far. Why can't someone feed me instead of the damned bears? Life just isn't fair! The bears get everything!


me blunt is like, wicked yo!! owight
i dont mind anyone doing anything they want to , as long as it doesn't lead to anyone getting hurt, even ones self. i guess things are cool for now, but once this guy gets eatin then those bears are gonna be fare game for all they approach


Its not like hes feeding them potato chips at his cabbin.

He got caught on video feeding them fukkin nuts and berries in the middle of the woods.

I dont see it as a real threat.


Active member
Its not like hes feeding them potato chips at his cabbin.

He got caught on video feeding them fukkin nuts and berries in the middle of the woods.

I dont see it as a real threat.

it is a threat because what he is doing is conditioning the bears to associate humans w/ food.

more than likely it will end up causing the bears to be put down (if the bears have 1 negative encounter w/ a human the D.O.W. or dept of fish and game will kill that bear)
They are not pets. They do not come into your house and sleep at the foot of the bed with you. They are not your shitzu lap dog. These bears will kill you.

I know from experience that these animals rely on memory for food...much like the moose that wander into my yard when all my raspberries are in bloom in august. Many are tagged.

What happens when these same bear come back after hibernation and hes low on food? You think the man will get a pass from the bears? Or better yet....what about the hiker that goes through that area and comes across a bear whos looking for the bacon burger handout....yeah...hes gonna get his ass 'treadwelled'....all because some jackoff thought he was doing mother nature a favor.
^you got that right. That bear guy makes me nervous. Almost as nervous as the lunatic who follows Lions with just a stick for protection on the Animal Planet. Now that guy is nuts! More nuts than Steve Irwin 'was'. Feeding Yogi ain't too smart either but he's only one guy and probably wont be around much longer in the grand scheme of things. Sad because he's a very unique human and a real adventurer.Too bad the government has to step in and muck up his life.

On the other hand Bears in Alaska are a big big problem. I've seen first hand a mauled kid right after a Polar Bear incident and it was obscenely grotesque and sad.. so I can sorta' see the Governments position...just sorta' 'cause I hate the government most of the time

Guest 26753

This guy is a mate of mine.

'Bring it on, sweetie': Man kills bear with stick (and he's got the scars to prove it)

A man who was attacked by a black bear while walking his dogs survived only after crushing the creature's skull with a stick.

Jim West needed 60 stitches on his head and body to close wounds from the terrifying attack.

The 45 year old was out walking his dogs on Saturday in British Columbia, Canada, when, he said, he heard a grunt and turned around.


'All I saw was eyes full of hatred,' he said afterwards.

'I had no option … So I stuck my foot up and tried to kick her in the face.'

The bear responded by attacking him and knocking him to the ground.

'I rolled onto my stomach and clasped my hands at the back of my neck,' Mr West said.

'She tore into my skull at the back of my head, moved over and bit me on the left side of my body, on my ribs and left arm.'

But Mr West was not about to go down without a fight. Battling to his feet, he managed to grab a stick about as thick as his arm.

'I said, in effect, bring it on sweetie,' he said. 'I took one step forward — smash! I swung the stick and broke it over her head.

'She kind of stood there and shook it off, like she was stunned. I realised if I didn't continue the attack she would knock me to the ground again and I would not get up.

'I swung my piece of wood like a sledgehammer driving spikes and I kept swinging till she was lying flat on the ground and there was blood coming out of her nose.'

The 5ft 9in man eventually crushed the bear's skull with the stick, killing it. He then walked a mile to a local lodge, where he was transported to hospital.

Even conservation officers were shocked by the terrifying incident, saying they were surprised he had lived.

Sadly, the bear was the mother of two young cubs - who had to be euthanised because it was believed they would not survive the cruel Canadian winter without her.

Even so, he said, he did not regret what he had done - believing it had been necessary for him to survive.

And here is the Youtube clip on the attack.


Active member
just read this from a blog from one of vandergaw's former students:

Those of you who are frequent visitors to this blog probably already know that Charlie Vandergaw was my high school science teacher. I have written about him and his "Bear Haven" several times in the past, and have often struggled to decide exactly where I come down on his dangerous experiment.

However lately I have called for Mr. Vandergaw to please put a stop to his Club Med for bears because I fear for his safety. At 70 years of age his reflexes are not once they once were.

If Mr. Vandergaw were to be injured or killed by these bears that he loves so much he would undue all of the work he has done over these last 20 years to show them to be fascinating creatures, with complex personalities, instead of simply voracious killing machines. I know it would break Charlie's heart to leave that as his legacy.

Because I know Charlie Vandergaw I am very drawn to this particular story, since in many ways it fits so well with the personality of the man whose class I attended over 30 years ago.

The other reason that I find myself so interested in his work is that it is so fundamentally an "Alaskan" story.

Before the pipeline days this place was filled with the kind of no nonsense, make it up as you go along, freethinkers that thought nothing of going out into the wilds of Alaska for weeks at a time just to experience some new adventure. Charlie Vandergaw seems like one of the last examples of that very rugged, individualistic type of Alaskan.

Charlie was not content to simply have us sit quietly in his class jotting down notes while he lectured to us about the periodic table of elements. No he wanted us gathered around the Bunsen burners combining exotic chemicals, or interacting with electricity and testing how the human body worked as a conductor. (Of course we were kids so we spent much of the time shocking the crap out of each other, but we definitely learned to respect the power of electricity.)

Mr. Vandergaw was just one of the amazing, eclectic teachers who helped shape my own somewhat singular personalty. I can definitely trace my lifelong love of learning to these amazing educators, and I owe Mr. Vandergaw and his peers a huge debt of gratitude.

So once again I implore Mr. Vandergaw to simply walk away from his "experiment" and let these bears acclimate back to the life they were born to live.

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