Huh, it's a time capsule, unalterable. The show itself is even more fascinating to me now, I had zero idea it was riddled with this sort of contention but I do now. Thank you for your considered response I read it twice.
Well I don't know if it's fair to say it's riddled with contention because to me that sounds almost like it was intentional. Now if you mean that it's unintended then yeah that's probably a true statement but you could also make that statement about most of the shows from that era compared to now. I mean life was just so very different back in those days. I mean back then American's in many ways were healthier then now for one example, people ate lots of red meat, eggs, real butter, drank whole milk yet there wasn't an obesity crisis, diabetes was much less common, hardly anyone even knew about cholesterol and cancer was a fairly rare thing. A lot of that was because the foods were more whole foods, weren't highly processed and weren't loaded with sugar or high fructose corn syrup. Another reason people were generally healthier is that while people owning cars was becoming fairly common people were much more active and walked more or rode bicycles more. I mean when you examine it closely it's actually quite amazing how different things are now compared to then, many differences are for the better but many more are for the worse.