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An Open Letter to Sam_Skunkman - A Sincere Request to Share 99.9% Heads Tech a.k.a Pure Dry Sift.


Active member
Hey Sam

I sincerely hope that your health is managable, and that you are able to manage your cO2 levels easier, with technology developing quickly, I can only assume that your ailments will be easier to manage? Id imagine your cannabis consumption has significantly decreased as a result. Are you able to consume edibles?

The reason I am writing to you is my sincere interest in refining dry sieve hash, and the fact that you have never publicly shared your method for 99% pure heads. I know there are a few out there with this knowledge, but YOU need to be the one that open sources this methodology and technique, as I cant see people like Cubangrower ever doing this, as they have a commercial edge. I will give you 2 very good reasons why you really should do this: -

1. Cannabis is increasingly becoming dominated by corporations, and big Pharma. Im sure you can see this. The community of growers around the world need to have the techniques to refine this medicine without the need for big pharma. Yes there are methods now such as Rosin which have brought us much further, but the layman without a mechanical press wont achieve such purity, that is unless they can use a method to refine the heads.

2. What would it mean to your legacy. Without your input in this industry who knows how it would have developed, or indeed would have developed at all. You have some shade against your name from the early years notwithstanding, but however you will always be a legend in the community for your dedication, achievements, accolades and notoriety. I know are in your moonlight years, and while we all wanna live on, its guaranteed we will not. At least not in this iteration. You need to leave this as your final lasting legacy for the people of ic, and the wider world who have proliferated your work worldwide. Leave this as your parting gift to the world which you have served and been a huge part of.

I would like to post this as an open letter, as I feel that the whole community will be behind this, and will honour and preserve your methods, and recognise the tech as SAMS, Skunkman, or however else you wish. I recall you once speaking of trying to patent this in some form, but the world we now live in is much different, and I think that open sourcing this is really the way forward.

Peace, Love and Good Health.

Orange's Greenhouse

Well-known member
All I can tell is you is that with legalization all this artisinal stuff is history. Even the 'industrial' type things such as washers with 5 digit price tags are a joke to an engineer.

I told my father, who has decades of experience in the beverage industry, about a type of CO2 extraction that I found cool. He immedietly suggested several process improvements to lower cost, improve quality, raise throughput and increase customer satisfaction.

That is in just 2 minutes outside his core expertise. Just imagine what coca cola can achieve.


Active member
Whilst i agree that the iindustry will bastardise everything it can, this does not mean the end of artisanal stuff. In fact what trends show is that millenials and gen z are ditching big corps to follow brands that resonate with a message, and that their decisions are more driven by brand affinity. In cannabis terms, artisanal brands in LA are getting $800 a zip, and rosin is off the scale. But there are still some fantastic hash producers there selling amazing pressed hash, as there will always be those that appreciate the hand ade over machine made.

@ORANGE'sGreenhouse, yeah those washers are repurposed catering equipment basically with a neat UI for $30k it is a joke.
Back to dry sift refinement... A little background. Ive been making hash since 2005/6, starting first with Bubblebags, from my first ever grow. As my growing capacity increased so too did my material to make hash. I got a pollinator, and soon realised I could produce a Bulk sift very quickly, but knew that the tech was needed to refine the bulk. Step in screen printing screens, knowledge of micron size, and a company that makes bespoke screens within a 30 minute drive. This is where the real fun started. Ive used static tech (dvd wrapped in parchment) to clean a good amount of already very clean sift, and tbh the process is laborious. I experimented with the screens, but tbh this gets you only so close. I know cuban mentioned that he just uses screens, so im thinking some incline may be used. Recently ive seen another method which makes sense, where a latex gloved hand is moved over the screen holding the sift in a circular motion, and the static forms a outline of the glove of pure heads. I havent had the capacity to work dry sift for a while and have for the immediate future taken off my growing gloves to focus on other things.

I did however do pick the brain of chatgpt to see what it would come up with.

Particle Separation Principles Relevant to the Process

  1. Density Differences: Resin heads (trichomes) are denser than plant material. This could mean using gravity, vibration, or air currents to separate heavier trichomes from lighter contaminants like stalks and debris.
  2. Shape and Size: Trichome heads are more spherical, while plant contaminants are irregular. Techniques exploiting rolling or bouncing behavior could isolate the heads.
  3. Electrostatic Properties: Trichome stalks and plant debris might adhere to surfaces with an electrostatic charge, leaving the resin heads behind.
  4. Frictional Behavior: The surface texture of trichome stalks versus resin heads could allow for selective adhesion or movement on certain materials.

Practical Techniques Using Simple Tools

  1. Inclined Surface Separation (Gravity-Assisted):
    • A tilted surface with a smooth texture could cause spherical resin heads to roll down while flat plant debris sticks or slides more slowly.
    • Pre-conditioning the material to ensure dryness and uniform size might be critical.
  2. Vibration-Based Sifting:
    • Vibrating a screen or mesh at specific frequencies could encourage resin heads to separate due to their weight and bounce characteristics.
    • This aligns with traditional sieving but may require an intuitive feel for the right vibration.
  3. Airflow Separation:
    • A gentle, controlled airflow over sifted material might lift lighter contaminants (stalks, plant matter) while resin heads remain due to their density.
    • This approach is simple and replicable in a low-tech environment.
  4. Electrostatic Adhesion:
    • Rubbing a surface like polyester or certain plastics over the material could cause stalks and contaminants to cling due to static electricity, leaving resin heads behind.
  5. Rotational Techniques:
    • Spinning or shaking material in a circular motion could leverage centrifugal force to separate resin heads from contaminants. This might explain reports of round-frame mesh shakers being effective.

Why It Works in a Simple Setup

  • Low-Tech Requirements: Gravity, airflow, friction, and vibration are natural forces that don’t need advanced machinery.
  • Pre-Conditioning: Proper drying, freezing, or pre-sieving ensures uniformity of material, which optimizes these simple methods.
  • Efficiency: Combining methods (e.g., inclined planes with vibration or airflow) might allow for quick processing.

Recreating the Process

To replicate this:

  1. Dry and freeze your material to make the trichomes brittle.
  2. Use fine mesh screens to separate larger contaminants initially.
  3. Experiment with an inclined plane or gentle airflow to isolate trichomes based on their density and shape.
  4. Test friction or electrostatic techniques to clean up any remaining contamination.
The ingenuity lies in leveraging accessible tools and a deep understanding of how resin heads behave under different conditions.
Thinking about this logically, and factoring in the breadcrumbs left by bubbleman cuban and sam, im favoring the glove on the screen method. It fits all the criteria So unless someone can chime in....@Sam_skunkam... I think this makes it clear. Hoping Sam can correct or confirm....


Active member
sam doesnt owe anybody anything
sorry, you arent adding anything positive here. Lets keep it positive, and in the spirit of knowledge. Sam owes who he owes, he knows best. But as we are grateful for his work, so too wil he be grateful for the support he has received no doubt.
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Active member
Man, speak for yourself. Genghis Kush. is right. Noone owes anyone anything.

You could "ask nicely" and take a no for an answer. But what you do is making demands, "speaking for the whole community".

IMHO he has told and mentored the people he finds worthy. Thats life. Not everything is common goods.

Hes just an old stoner with a lot of passion. You could try to find out yourself. But u wanna skip the journey? Talking about common goods? You really believe that he will even answer to that kind of claim?

Pretty sad


Active member
wow, some really triggered people here. This is an open letter to Sam, he can surely speak for himself. As to the whole community benefitting from this, i can hardly see an argument against this. "People he feels worthy" is your assumption, so like i said this isnt an opinion piece, its about facts, and trying to establish a protocol for refining hash to almost complete purity. I did not intend to sound prosecutorial. I layed my views as to why "I" believe he should share the tech. As to your point about my journey, you obviously havent read the post, just throwing your toys out the pram. I did ask nicely. Nicer than some of your responses. And i am not owed a thing.
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Active member
I thought the secret was shared thru bubble man. Isn’t it the static tek used in the above video? Called carding?
No Ringtail, carding is the use of a card to lightly scrape and move the kief around the screen. What is in the video is what is termed electrostatic adhesion (please correct me), basically static tech.


Active member
Static refining over 180 and 230 lpi will get you pure melty heads. I question however if this purity is actually better for mind and lungs.

Definitely cleaner high, but I like this purity to add to a joint, not consume on its own. I find dabbing too crackish as a man who has enjoyed smoking joints for 30 years, Also hash has generally been smoked with tobacco in most hash cultures, and I love a pure heady joint with tobacco. Something special.


Active member
wow, some really triggered people here. This is an open letter to Sam, he can surely speak for himself. As to the whole community benefitting from this, i can hardly see an argument against this. "People he feels worthy" is your assumption, so like i said this isnt an opinion piece, its about facts, and trying to establish a protocol for refining hash to almost complete purity. I did not intend to sound prosecutorial. I layed my views as to why "I" believe he should share the tech. As to your point about my journey, you obviously havent read the post, just throwing your toys out the pram. I did ask nicely. Nicer than some of your responses. And i am not owed a thing. I
Talking about triggered people ;D

If you can't see the problems with your "open letter", good luck, and don't be to sad in life, for not getting stuff, although you "asked nicely" ;D

Why an open letter? Why not convince him personally and then publish it, with Sams permission? Why put someone on the spot and not leave him in peace?


Active member
why why why....I dont know why he swallowed a fly, perhaps he'll die? Again a lot of assumptions, dude, you arent Sam, you dont speak for the whole community and neither do i, this is an open forum.
In answer to your question about why an open letter, transparency. Sam doesnt post often, and surely sees his messages very infrequently. Transparency (or lack of it)is why this industry is moving the way that it is.
@MROrganicGreenz if you wish to dm me and elaborate on how i could have been nicer, im happy to hear, but pls stop clogging the thread with your view of whether i should or shouldnt have, its immaterial because i already have. Im really sure this message on a niche forum disturbed his peace. Get a grip.


Active member
Last post on this:

This man has severe health issues. He hasn't posted in over 6 month. Have some dignity and maybe wait until he comes back and posts something. Gives info about whether he wants attention or not.

Wishing someone well and then asking for something in the next sentence is worthless. I wish u luck in finding the info you want to find, but for gods sake, dont put people on the spot, that seem to be off the grid for a reason. Dont be such a person.



Active member
Last post on this:

This man has severe health issues. He hasn't posted in over 6 month. Have some dignity and maybe wait until he comes back and posts something. Gives info about whether he wants attention or not.

Wishing someone well and then asking for something in the next sentence is worthless. I wish u luck in finding the info you want to find, but for gods sake, dont put people on the spot, that seem to be off the grid for a reason. Dont be such a person.

Well its good to see you actually read the part i wished the man well. If you have been around long enough you would know this is something he has evaded answering with any real clarity for many years, while being a poster on here for years. I havent demanded anything, nor put him on any spot. You are rushing to defend someone against no attack. Ive posted a summary of what I think. I have produced very clean dry sift, defo above 95% pure. I dont need his help. There are many who havent got a scooby how to refine hash, nor have the mental capacity to search for an answer.

The whole point of a forum is to share. Where did that get lost on you MROrganic? How many here have come in search of answers or help to find the answer?
If you feel i put Sam on the spot by asking a question in an open forum, well thats on you mate. Again if you have been here for more than a minute you would know Sam has been on and off of these forums more times than a pair of pants. People have IRL shit, and Sam is no different. Hence why i sent the post as a message, and would, if he responded post the response. That was the point about transparency.
Trade secrets... lol. you make me laugh. Afghans/Pashtos refining sift with wooden handed metal blades in the middle of the arid dusty land for centuries in the Tirah Valley. Almost perfect melts. People out there have been refining hash for longer than we would care to believe. Im not after some grail for myself, nor do I believe this has anything to do with entitlement. I feel Sam should share his tech, so asked if he would for the good of all. Or should I do it in private so i can increase my cred and my brand. I need no clout.

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