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An Emergency Call-to-Arms


New member
First off, cheers Ono for having the stones to stand up and be a republican on a pot forum!
I too am a registered Rep. althought I have considered re-registering as Ind. BUT..... I for one am glad that we had GW as Pres. when we did because if Gore or some other Dem had been in office I truely believe the planes could have just kept raining down.
You know what? The Iraqi's are much better off now too, vandetta or no they are better off. Just ask the troops who have been over there.
Do you hardore anti-bush guys support our troops? Just curious.


fr0g :frog:


I support the troops. They are mostly just boys out of high-school... hardly men... not allowed to drink legally... yet asked to go in harms way to save innocents from persecution (OR STEAL OIL... depending on your POLITICS!)...

I watched a Discovery special tonight called "Irag, One Year Later"... I HIGHLY recommend it! It gave me great pause to see some of the scenes as seen directly from the eyes and cameras of the worlds reporters...

Discovery channel did an EXCELLENT job of applying NO SPIN WHATSOEVER!!!! ...they simply reported the exact interviews and pictures and videos taken during the war.

... I cannot describe how MACBRE a scene was that a female reporter observed...

During the huge initial celebration of the toppling of Saddams iron statue in the sqare, this reporter was at a nearby field hospital or local clinic... not shure which... VIEWING the stream of casualties coming IN FOR TREATMENT..as the city celebrated outside.

..a little girl with no left arm... in another scene, a 7 yr old boy and several of his aunts and sisters shot to death while mindlessly running a checkpoint...no guns..no bombs... just girls and kids....

The reporters brought the true horror of what war means right up close and personal into your face.... certainly, invasion for whatever noble cause (or dastardly thievery)... causes untold horror to innocent lives.

However, the reporters ALSO brought back the indisputable videos and photographs and documentaion of HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of political executions and exterminations perpetrated by Saddam and his Basque Ruling party. The horror of this satan on earth is absolutely mind-numbing to contemplate!

..and herein lies the rub..

There are clearly two MAIN factions in Irag (not considering politics in particular)... those who wish to be free to choose for themselves... and that would be the everyday man of Iraq... just a guy with a wife and couple of kids trying to make it... no ambition.. just wants to LIVE.

AND THEN you have those who wish to DICTATE rigid law and punishment and will stop at NOTHING to gain their ends.... this would be the extremist terrorists... if we lose to them in IRAQ.. the war on terror is LOST and the world will be under the thumb of the bombers...

Everyone knows (the WHOLE WORLD KNOWS IT) that Iraq is the "center" of the World War on Terror... if the terrorists succeed in bombing the Spanish out of Iraq... it will only encourage them to go after others.

I laughed somewhat spitefully on hearing the news of Franch being SEVERELY threatened with violence because of a slight mis-step they made with PUBLIC SCHOOL POLICY IN FRANCE!

hahaha... the French thought they got the "free ride" from terror threats by being totally against the US and it's allies.... and then some lamer politico gets a law passed that kids can't wear religious robes and turbans and whatever to school..

..the Jews and Shieks and Catholics were all ok with it... but NOOOOO .... this is an INSULT to ISLAM!!!


...trrrillliiiilliilitttrrrilliriiillriirjrj (..you know that funny tounge noise they make for a battle cry!) :D

..sorry... it's NOT FUNNY. It is serious... and if you think the Islamic Holy War does not aim a world domination and the enslavement of ALL ppl ... you have been smoking too much of the ganga...

...grow up... buy a clue! You lives are at stake.

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cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Caution, opinion ahead....
I think that ANY pot smoker that is voting for Bush is making a mistake that may end up coming around to bite them, especially if they grow. I expect that Bush and company(especially his boy Asscroft) will only get more serious about the drug war. The Patriot Act was the first step, and there are more on the drawing board. With the DOJ pushing for more rights for law enforcement and less rights for the individual, it will only become more common for the armed goons to kick in your door over some "questionably obtained evidnence".
Who knows...maybe Bushie will come out and say he's pro-pot during the election...yeah right. Kinda like how he claimed he would back states' rights for the MMJ issue during the last election. Of course, as soon as he was elected medical users and providers started gettin popped. Oh, and I won't even get into "operation arrest bong vendors" .
Nah, this administration has told me I'm a terrorist for buying a sack. I'll be sure to terrorize their asses in the voting booth.

Ono Nadagin

Active member
Hmmm lets see

Vote For Bush whom is anti MJ law reform, but will take the fight to the ppl that have through their zealousy sworn to kill every american possible until they get what they want


Vote for Jerry whom is also anti MJ law reform and is willing to bow to the Terrorists that demand we do what they want or they wont stop killing as many Americans as possible until they get what they want............

Until they want something else and start murdering Americans and other nationalities again, because they have seen that the tactic works.


Lets see....

A vote for Bush equals no MJ Law reform

A vote for Kerry equals no MJ Law reform

A vote for anyone else equals no MJ law reform as we all know only one person from the 2 major parties has a chance of winning the election

Ill go with Bush till we get the terrorists stopped.

And then worry about how MJ laws effect 'myself' and reforming MJ laws once our country and the world are free of ppl whom think they can hold the contries of the world hostage in terror, murdering ppl as they seem fit until they get their way of the day fufilled.
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I am more afraid of the police kicking my door in than I am of "The Terrorists."

I have been mistreated more by the ruling-class than I have ever by any islamic fundamentalist and I live in an area that has extremely high probablity of another attack.

America works because of fear.

But what do I know, I'm just here to talk about Pot.

Ono Nadagin

Active member
Ok, if you wish to mbe more fightened of the police kicking in your door to arrest you that you are of a group of ppl that have publicly sworn to kill you, thats your choice.............

All I can suggest is hide your grow well, dont grow where you live, dont tell anyone that you grow and use the internet with intelligence and hie yourself while using it.....

By doing these you you can minimalize your chances of having your door kicked in....

But what do you do to minimize the dangers of those willing to strap on a bomb then blow themselves and many around them up in a public area.... or how do you protect yourself from them driving a car bomb up next to your building and blowing it and you up...... or How do you stop them from setting off a dirty bomb in a major town or flying another plain into a building, in an attempt to sway the will of your nation and your government to bow to their wishes through terror?

Hard choices must be made
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well I'm on the outside looking in

well I'm on the outside looking in

And Bush scare's me more than OBL does
America is reletivly new to terrorism the UK and Europe are old hat's at it now

Removing Sadam was a good move but why lie about the reason's
the American Government has managed to get to the stage
where the right's of the individual don't matter
it's all about the state and there wishes

it's called the Patriot Act


Bubblegum Specialist
Ono Not again?

Ono Not again?

I love you all. The world is full of shit.

Fascinating to watch because truth is truly stranger than fiction at least on this planet.

The problem with Ono is that he represents almost half of the Americans point of view.

Sadly, the belief that only the Bush can keep them safe makes them lose all reason. Debate and arguement can go on forever but it won't change anyones opinions really.

Unless you are very young you chose sides long ago and we never admit to having been wrong all our life. Neigher Ono, or I will want to do that. We all think we are right or we wouldn't think it. :p

Ono can be seen as argumentative and he is but he is for real and he believes his statements. If anyone finds his arguements vexing then remember his name but that doesn't make him a troll. If he is a troll his heart is still in the right place and his words are governed by his inner goodness.

Many people have been blinded by the right all over the world. Luckily Spain has seen the light. We can think about peace if we just change a few of our policies and restore leadership to the U.N. America has fumbled the ball and now we will need a new leader as will the world because bush is just a shrub and he will be a repeat of his lame daddy. BOG :)

Ono Nadagin

Active member
He seems do be doing a good job here, and exactly when was he put incharge of the homeland security of Spain..... I must have missed that in the news.

And as to why it happend, it appears as if Al Queada murdered hundreds of ppl in Madrid prior to a national election in an attempts to kill as many ppl and sway governments into bowing to their will.... You must have missed my mentioning of that as their goals earlier in this post
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Bubblegum Specialist
But , ONO...

But , ONO...

Aside from any differences we may have what will happen if lots of our allies get hit? Will their people blame america or alqaeda?

I know it isn't reasonable but considering how Bush strong armed other gov'ts to help in Iraq he may be seen as having some responcibility for their defense.

Any hit on any of our allies can bring some responcibility back to Bush and the USA. I know it's a war but we need to win it and we can't if we go it alone. Imagine the possible backlash if Al Qaeda so easily outmaneuvers us in world opinions! :eek:

And perhaps you feel I add to the perception that Bush is to blame but I know we didn't bomb our own buildings or Spains trains so I an not a total conspiratorial but...

You stated that Bush has kept america safe. I wonder if he has kept us from knowing about the sucessful attacks on us since 911. You know the third year of natl emergency powers were granted again to Bush so he still has special powers.

I always felt the airbus over NYC after 911 was a terrorist bomb. The crash was never adequately investigated and the crash was taken from the NTSB and given to Nasa by the feds to investigate. Evidently the story now is that some wind blew the tail off.

Then there is that power outage we stated started in canada but it was really Cleveland? Couldn't that have been the terrorists? We don't really know and so damage control and lies could be as much a part of natl security as bush's phony war for oil was. BOG


Sanitised Info

Sanitised Info

Living in Europe and having cable tv gives me an insight to what the american government tells it's people

CNN & NBC and the rest of them showed a very sanitised view of the war itself
the American government was furious that the BBC showed
a report when there reporter traveling with the American Special forces in northen Iraq
came under fire and Kurdish leader's, American Special forces and two reporters were killed
by American plane's and precision bomb's
with American troop's screaming into radio's to call off the attack

the American defence forces tried to get the report burried
but the reporter refused to hand over the tape's
they even asked the Brittish government to stop the broadcast

America Uses it's influence to drag other countrys in that didn't want to be there
in the name of a common goal and American companies cream off the profits from the contracts to re build Iraq

Bush didn't do it to stop Terrorism he did it for oil money


First off this republican vs democrat issue just isn't pertinant. They are the same freakin party. I would be in favor of a republican....a REAL republican. One who is for smaller federal government, more power to the states. Strong defense and tax cuts. Is Bush a republican? He wants to increase the size of federal government with homeland security office, also his no child left behind program (I thought education is a STATE issue not FEDERAL), also the change to medicare.
A real democrat is for tax hikes and social programs.
Basically the 2 parties are nolonger the separate entites neccessary to balance the country. Republicans are supposed to be supporters of less government control. They want those who are working to take home more of their paycheck and they don't want a bunch of taxes to pay for stuff like welfare and the poor. Democrats are supposed to spend the money, they are to the left, more socialist. Their idea is that we are responsible for one another, they take the taxes from those that make money to pay for programs to benefit the poor. We need both and have neither.

Before you all start lovin Kerry. He now talks all this crap about how the war was wrong, Bush is a liar ....then why did he vote for the war. He had his chance to voice his opinion with his vote, he had a chance to do something and didn't, and now , when it doesn't matter, when it's already done, now is when he talks. I may not like Bush (and I don't) but at least he has the balls to pick a path and follow it even if others disagree (this is both good and bad). We gave Saddam a million chances to come clean, he gave the UN inspectors the run around, what were we supposed to think? Were we supposed to give him a million more? He invaded Kuwait, we should have taken care of him there and ousted him. Bush senior didn't, why? Because the UN wouldn't allow him to.

As for corporations and the wealthy, I hear everyone talking about how they suck and evil greedy corporations. The top 1% pay for over 50% of the taxes in this country. Corporations like walmart wouldn't get that big if people didn't shop there. They shop there cause it's cheaper due to lower overhead. I'm sure there'd be just as many complaints if they were abolished and people had to pay 10 bucks for some Tide detergent. Corporations also provide the majority of jobs in the US. Those in the US making over 100,000 pay almost 45% of that in taxes, those in the middle class pay about 25%.

I don't like Bush, I don't like Kerry they are both tools. The patriot act is BS as are the Amber act and rave act. Oh yeah for those staunch democrats out there, during the 90's (clinton admin) we were bombing the living heck outta Iraq. Last count we had decimated over 500,000 including women and children. During the Columbine occurace we were bombing Kosovo killing mad people over there as well.

As you can see, i have no idea who to vote for lol. With Bush I'd get some idiot asshole who says some dumb crap and does dumb crap. With Kerry I'd get some idiot asshole who says dumb crap and then decides to do some other dumb crap. I'm in favor of REAL Republicans and REAL democrats doing their damn jobs.



New member
I ask all of you left wingers to answer one question for me...What has the Democratic party done in the last 40 years that has worked......................?
i ask you a similar thing. when was the last time something the republicains did anything that worked.

they both suck.
expand yourselves past the silly old ping pong game. but toss bush 1st before he starts another holy war because he was cialected

If americains actually voted we might be in better times.

you only live in a democracy if you vote. if you don't excerrcise your rights they will be gladly and easliy removed.


phillykid said:
First off this republican vs democrat issue just isn't pertinant. They are the same freakin party. I would be in favor of a republican....a REAL republican. One who is for smaller federal government, more power to the states. Strong defense and tax cuts. Is Bush a republican? He wants to increase the size of federal government with homeland security office, also his no child left behind program (I thought education is a STATE issue not FEDERAL), also the change to medicare.
A real democrat is for tax hikes and social programs.
Basically the 2 parties are nolonger the separate entites neccessary to balance the country. Republicans are supposed to be supporters of less government control. They want those who are working to take home more of their paycheck and they don't want a bunch of taxes to pay for stuff like welfare and the poor. Democrats are supposed to spend the money, they are to the left, more socialist. Their idea is that we are responsible for one another, they take the taxes from those that make money to pay for programs to benefit the poor. We need both and have neither.

Before you all start lovin Kerry. He now talks all this crap about how the war was wrong, Bush is a liar ....then why did he vote for the war. He had his chance to voice his opinion with his vote, he had a chance to do something and didn't, and now , when it doesn't matter, when it's already done, now is when he talks. I may not like Bush (and I don't) but at least he has the balls to pick a path and follow it even if others disagree (this is both good and bad). We gave Saddam a million chances to come clean, he gave the UN inspectors the run around, what were we supposed to think? Were we supposed to give him a million more? He invaded Kuwait, we should have taken care of him there and ousted him. Bush senior didn't, why? Because the UN wouldn't allow him to.

As for corporations and the wealthy, I hear everyone talking about how they suck and evil greedy corporations. The top 1% pay for over 50% of the taxes in this country. Corporations like walmart wouldn't get that big if people didn't shop there. They shop there cause it's cheaper due to lower overhead. I'm sure there'd be just as many complaints if they were abolished and people had to pay 10 bucks for some Tide detergent. Corporations also provide the majority of jobs in the US. Those in the US making over 100,000 pay almost 45% of that in taxes, those in the middle class pay about 25%.

I don't like Bush, I don't like Kerry they are both tools. The patriot act is BS as are the Amber act and rave act. Oh yeah for those staunch democrats out there, during the 90's (clinton admin) we were bombing the living heck outta Iraq. Last count we had decimated over 500,000 including women and children. During the Columbine occurace we were bombing Kosovo killing mad people over there as well.

As you can see, i have no idea who to vote for lol. With Bush I'd get some idiot asshole who says some dumb crap and does dumb crap. With Kerry I'd get some idiot asshole who says dumb crap and then decides to do some other dumb crap. I'm in favor of REAL Republicans and REAL democrats doing their damn jobs.


... DAMN... I wish I HAD SAID THAT!!! ^^^^ ..nice one, kid! :D

btw, I hate it when Bush is referred to as a "TEXAN" .... him and all his inbred family are yankees from Kennybunkport, Maine. They are just carpet-baggers that brought their "money" and influence to the south...

REAL Texans spit and curse when "Dubya" puts on that stupid cowboy hat!!! :mad:

This is a good thread. Whether or not you are in agreement or disagreement with any opinion is not important. What is important is that we all are socially aware enough to examine such difficult issues.... for the most part... in a civilized manner.

It is imperative that War and death never become "Business-As-Usual" .... we SHOULD keep each other honest!

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cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
>I ask all of you left wingers to answer one question for me...What has the Democratic party done in the last 40 years that has worked......................?

Clinton paid the hell outa the national deficit. The biggest reduction in our National debt EVER. Gor the first time, we heard the word budget used next to the word surplus. Naturally Bush thought this was wrong, and shot it all to hell by giving tax cuts to the rich, which unfortunately doesn't include this cook. You guys wealthy or corporation owners?


The economy goes in cycles, Clinton lucked out on being the president during the tech stock boom, he was just lucky. Hey, I like Clinton, I voted for the guy and I think he did a good job and had an amazing amount of Charisma, I also think that he was the only president who spoke to both minorities and white america. But he also sent planes to bomb iraq, we just didn't hear as much about it cause we weren't affected and it wasn't a "war". it was just us dropping bomb after bomb and imposing trade sanctions which killed over a half million Iraqis. If anyone had been president at that time there'd be a surplus. Besides, Bush and clinton as well as any other president has a cabinet and economic advisors. It's not like they're sitting up all night balancing numbers and figuring out our economy, most of them wouldn't have the background in economics like a Greenspan would.
We were due for a recession due to the boom. And also, economic changes lag behind policy formation. We hit the recession just as Bush got into office, before he could implement policy, which means, if ya wanna blame anyone, it's Clinton. The recession just got worse as a result of 9/11 destroying investor confidence. My biggest economic issue with Bush is that he ships jobs overseas and he's weak on immigration.

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