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An American Dream White Picket Fences.

Swamp Thang

Well-known member
Holy chit that is an ominous-looking fire. SoCal is going through the absolute worst-case scenario right now, what with this deadly combination of high winds, high heat, and low humidity.

Purely from the standpoint of public safety, California's state authorities must now bite the bullet and impose a zero-tolerance policy for homeless encampments in undeveloped brushlands. Without a single exception, homeless people start fires to cook and for warmth, or purely for kicks, when mental illness is a factor.

Because homeless encampments pose a direct and deadly arson threat to the life and property of tax-paying residents, drastic legislation changes are overdue in California. Compassion for the less fortunate in life must be tempered by a sober realization that falling through the cracks of society CAN NOT equate with carte blanche to act in casual disregard of laws forbidding the establishment of illegal encampments.

The devastating effects of global warming and climate change are perilous enough as they are without the escalated risk factor of allowing thousands of potential arsonists to simply erect tents and squat wherever they wish while setting open fires daily as a central aspect of that vagrant "lifestyle".

/Rant over


Well-known member
Holy chit that is an ominous-looking fire. SoCal is going through the absolute worst-case scenario right now, what with this deadly combination of high winds, high heat, and low humidity.

Purely from the standpoint of public safety, California's state authorities must now bite the bullet and impose a zero-tolerance policy for homeless encampments in undeveloped brushlands. Without a single exception, homeless people start fires to cook and for warmth, or purely for kicks, when mental illness is a factor.

Because homeless encampments pose a direct and deadly arson threat to the life and property of tax-paying residents, drastic legislation changes are overdue in California. Compassion for the less fortunate in life must be tempered by a sober realization that falling through the cracks of society CAN NOT equate with carte blanche to act in casual disregard of laws forbidding the establishment of illegal encampments.

The devastating effects of global warming and climate change are perilous enough as they are without the escalated risk factor of allowing thousands of potential arsonists to simply erect tents and squat wherever they wish while setting open fires daily as a central aspect of that vagrant "lifestyle".

/Rant over

It's not just that. Much of the problem is the constant urban sprawl. All the outlying empty hills and canyons would burn every few years. I've lived in the greater Los Angeles basin for 65 of my 70 years and I remember it all too well. Now all those canyons are full of ticky tacky multi-million dollar wood frame homes on narrow winding canyon roads.

The fires would burn from Moorpark clear to the ocean. I also remember we had a chance to buy a pair of Canada built water dropping tankers for a few million each. Was decided it was too costly.

They keep letting camps develop in the San Gabriel riverbed. In my day they arrested your ass and threw you in jail for trespassing in the water district re-charge basins. That is my drinking water supply these people are shitting in.


Well-known member

Wide range of finger sizes considering they all came from the same pack

From an era when America actually made things from Iron and steel.


15 seconds from touchdown.


I don't catch them at night very often.


Winter in So Cal = Frost on the lawn.


ICMag Donor
What are the seedlings with varying finger sizes, you have in the containers?

Hope you see some germination. Temperature is important, but they will germinate at surprisingly cool temperatures, it just takes a little longer.

We have a foot of snow on the lawn right now! :smoke:


Well-known member
We drove down to the house for the day to collect the mail and feed the plants taking advantage of the light Sunday traffic.


Took the light down and I'll let these flower / sex.


Next set with 4 laggers from the last group


Everybody got a shot of Alaskan fish goo. The 5 sexed female seedlings outside the fence are finally starting to shake off reveg and put out some normal fans.


ICMag Donor
Awesome! Looking great! Did they get hit with frost at all?

Did you plant more of the SCC from your friend? Is that what the second wave of seedlings are? Looks like some fat leaves!


Well-known member
Awesome! Looking great! Did they get hit with frost at all?

Did you plant more of the SCC from your friend? Is that what the second wave of seedlings are? Looks like some fat leaves!
No trace of frost damage. Yes another set of SCC. Quite a wide range of fan sizes on the #2 group.

Up at the Cabin for the chance of some rain and naturally at 05:00 when my feet hit the floor (slept in) the damn electricity went off. Bastards!!!!


Well-known member
Will this kill your outdoor plants? I thought you lived closer to me in the mountains behind me (Palm Springs). Apparently not. LOL

Good luck


ICMag Donor
Plants are at another location.

Love the snow, we got a good dose of it for the first time in 3 years! Got about 10 inches followed by 5 more inches a few days later. Tired of pushing snow though so the warm weather this week is alright with me. I think its going to be heading this way again in a week or 2. Goes in waves.

Plants all have some indica influence and you can see that once they get bigger. Its pretty stable resin profile with some slight variation. All the phenotypes have been good medicine.


Well-known member
Will this kill your outdoor plants? I thought you lived closer to me in the mountains behind me (Palm Springs). Apparently not. LOL

Good luck
Cabin in the San Bernadino mountains. We come up for the snow but got a bit more of it then we planned on. Neighbor in town will water and check on the plants when she brings in the mail for us.

If I wasn't still half crippled from my stent implantation back in June I'd have already been after it with the snowblower but now I doubt I can even start that pig of a machine let alone wrestle that tracked bastard up the 600 ft driveway.

Interesting read. Explains why I have zero strength now and I had no clue of the damage on a biochemical level.


ICMag Donor
Man I'm sorry to hear that. Hope it starts getting better as time goes on.

Inflammation can cause you to be tired. Here's an article I posted recently that had information on how to help reduce inflammation. Fatigue can be caused by different things. Sometimes can be related to inflammation due to other factors.

Atrophy doesn't sound fun. Hope you get your energy back. Let the Spirit give you life.

Last edited:


Well-known member

This was near black to my eyes. The shadows are from across the yard and can't be seen in the near dark where these are.


Not cranking as fast as I'd like.


These are happy campers.


ICMag Donor
Looking great. They're still growing at least and days are getting longer with more light intensity, so hopefully they start to take off this month!

How cold has the high and low temps been?


Well-known member
Looking great. They're still growing at least and days are getting longer with more light intensity, so hopefully they start to take off this month!

How cold has the high and low temps been?
Night lows are usually mid 40s F. Days can range to high 70s. The close proximity to the ocean helps to keep temps moderate.


ICMag Donor
Thats not too bad, but the cool night temperatures along with less intense light may be part of it.
Thats nice to be able to grow outdoors during the winter. . Is your soil sandy a little bit?


ICMag Donor
Do you think the plants could have hop latent viroid? Do you take clones from other sources? Clones can be affected much more easily than seed. SCC has been isolated and doesn't have hop latent viroid.

This extension article says in 2021 a study found that 90% of cannabis growing in California could have hop latent viroid. Its not reliable to detect it based on any specific symptom. It requires a test to verify its presence.

They seem healthy enough, maybe they just wanted to be transplanted a litte earlier. Looked like they lost a set of leaves early, but they're going good now. Can't wait to see how they turn out! :smoke:
