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An American Dream White Picket Fences.


Well-known member
I'll move them out of the garden come Aug 1st when I kill the lights and spread them around the yard to get max distance between plants. Bunched up to stay under the lights for veg. Yes, I'll let them finish in the current pots. I figure I'll lose all of July and who knows how much longer after my next procedure. I doubt I'll be in any shape to play plants

All the best @BrassNwood, see you in a bit. :plant grow:

Boob McNoob

Well-known member
Best wishes from the jungle.


Well-known member
The device implantation went well enough. Call that a success but it paralyzed my left leg. It's gradually waking up. I can actually wiggle my toes a little bit today and they're talking about physical therapy


ICMag Donor
Sorry to hear that, hope you're able to get use of it back. Glad it went well other than that. Take care BrassnWood. Thankfully it wasn't both legs. Get some rest and do the physical therapy, got plenty of capsules, you know what to do. Keep the hope.


ICMag Donor
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Last view of the plants for a while.

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Grow my children.....

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The 20:52 to outer space. How cool is that?

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Walked out into the street to get the full trail shot.
That rocket take off is amazing. Wonder what kind of project it was for.

Garden is looking good, its taking off too! they are bushing out, going to have some big plants after a couple weeks. Do you ever do top dressing? Could top dress with cottonseed meal or an all purpose fertilizer like Dr. Earth 4-4-4.


Boob McNoob

Well-known member
You left to your own devices on recovery or is there a planned (and covered by insurance) rehab to get you back to your old self? From a relatively active retirement to porch sitting has got to be disheartening.


ICMag Donor
Yeah been thinking about you. Sounds like a tough road ahead. Hope you get some use of it back. Something that may be able to benefit nerve regeneration is Ultimate celluar health from Global Healing. Praying for you! Take care, take courage, stay in the Spirit, give thanks in all things for this is the will of God in Jesus Christ.

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