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ICMag Donor
Thats about 3 cups dehydrated chicken manure equals a lb. Do you ever get nitrogen burn issues from the chicken manure?

What brand do you use and what is the analysis?

I used to load it up more, but now I just broadcast it once at top dressing at 25 lbs per 1000 sq ft per label recommendations.

I use Dave Thompson's Healthy Grow All purpose 3-3-3 which is a mixture of chicken manure, feather meal, and potash. I also have the Coop Poop brand chicken manure pellets 2-4-2 I think it is, but i am using the 3-3-3 Healthy Grow to prevent burn issues and maybe get a little more nitrogen.

Chicken manure can be topdressed. A handfull per square ft . Just a light application, I go with 25 lbs per 1000 square ft for top dress as well which is about 4-5 lbs for my small 125-150sq ft area.


Well-known member
Happy harvest! Looks like some tasty flower!

Garden is shaping up with a great start. Should be alright not amending this go around, since its been fertilized before. Liquid ferts and topdressing will probably be enough. Don't really want too much nitrogen around anyway to make the flush before harvest easier. I like to use cottonseed meal top dressing. Its all slow release, has response.

Be courageous, stay strong in the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Praying for you. That must be pretty intimidating going back in after the first round. One step at at time, one day at a time, how we get through everything. Thankfully they are able to get you fixed!!!

Looking forward to watching the garden grow. Lots of great strains! Smoked Cereal Milk before. Thats nice you have some friends you can give the ones you don't need to. Will be fun to watch the summer grow! Glad you were able to get them watered again. Could do a little mulch to make it easier to manage water.

Have a good one! Take care, BrassNwood! See you soon! :smoke:

Thats about 3 cups dehydrated chicken manure equals a lb. Do you ever get nitrogen burn issues from the chicken manure?

What brand do you use and what is the analysis?

I used to load it up more, but now I just broadcast it once at top dressing at 25 lbs per 1000 sq ft per label recommendations.

I use Dave Thompson's Healthy Grow All purpose 3-3-3 which is a mixture of chicken manure, feather meal, and potash. I also have the Coop Poop brand chicken manure pellets 2-4-2 I think it is, but i am using the 3-3-3 Healthy Grow to prevent burn issues and maybe get a little more nitrogen.

Chicken manure can be topdressed. A handfull per square ft . Just a light application, I go with 25 lbs per 1000 square ft for top dress as well which is about 4-5 lbs for my small 125-150sq ft area.

What the local big box store sells.

So we are about a mile from the hospital when the phone rings and it's them calling to cancel my surgery. Sigh seems the specialty operating room used for endovascular work suffered a mechanical breakdown when the sliding table motor died.



ICMag Donor
Hope you're able to get that surgery scheduled soon. Guess you have some time now to feel more up to taking on another round of surgery. Would be good to have stress low when going for another one. Hope it doesn't complicate your treatment plan.

Will look into the manure brand you have. Do you ever have burn issues using it?

Seems like mine tends to burn, but its highly effective long lasting fertilizer. I spread it on my lawn a couple times in the fall at 20 lb/1000 sq ft rate. Can also use at 10 lb rate.


ICMag Donor
I have used something similar, thats different than what I use. Mine is composted chicken manure, but its deydrated and pelletized for spreading with a spreader.

When its not dehydrated I think it has less risk of burn, and likely more soil micro-organism activity. Maybe more humus/organic matter too. But the dehydrated has strong growth response, is light weight and easy to spread.



Well-known member
View attachment 19013159

What the local big box store sells.

So we are about a mile from the hospital when the phone rings and it's them calling to cancel my surgery. Sigh seems the specialty operating room used for endovascular work suffered a mechanical breakdown when the sliding table motor died.


At least you were not on the table that failed. I understand your frustration bnw.


Well-known member
I was concerned that the self-donated blood is going to age out before we can use it. New surgery day is the 25th and the 1st pint of blood is good till the 27th and the 2nd good to the 1st. If the table gets an early fix, we'll all get moved up accordingly.

Going to try to get a 3rd pint banked if possible, between now and then. Wife is on the phone working that as I type.


ICMag Donor
Got the tincture from my friend. It is great, he gave me about a fluid ounce of it and it has a sprayer to calibrate it. It is very effective. He said 2 sprays will do it. I like 1 spray, it has a bit of a hit like smoking! He put mint in it so its very hard to detect the smell!

I have some nascent iodine dietary supplement with a spray bottle similar to this. It says 1 spray= 0.18 mL.

How do you dilute you tinctures? What is the dosage you use?

He had a cup or 2 of alcohol and steeped about a half ounce flower in it I think he said.


Well-known member
Got the tincture from my friend. It is great, he gave me about a fluid ounce of it and it has a sprayer to calibrate it. It is very effective. He said 2 sprays will do it. I like 1 spray, it has a bit of a hit like smoking! He put mint in it so its very hard to detect the smell!

I have some nascent iodine dietary supplement with a spray bottle similar to this. It says 1 spray= 0.18 mL.

How do you dilute you tinctures? What is the dosage you use?

He had a cup or 2 of alcohol and steeped about a half ounce flower in it I think he said.
I don't really use the Bud based tincture. I make mini-Hash shooters as they hit harder and taste better. All that tincture gets reduced to RSO.


ICMag Donor
Oh yeah, hash shooters, I remember now. Do you dilute with water before shooting? I guess its not decarbed flower?

Garden's looking great. See you have the lights on, has it been cloudy there?


ICMag Donor
Not letting it cure for 60 days this time?

What do you put your foot against for bud stripping the bucket?

Looks like some tastey flowers. Gets it all before trimming for even more resin yield but not cured yet.


Well-known member
Oh yeah, hash shooters, I remember now. Do you dilute with water before shooting? I guess its not decarbed flower?

Garden's looking great. See you have the lights on, has it been cloudy there?

I take a sip of water or tea before tossing it in. Just having a wet mouth tones down the 190-proof hit to a tolerable level.

Not letting it cure for 60 days this time?

What do you put your foot against for bud stripping the bucket?

Looks like some tastey flowers. Gets it all before trimming for even more resin yield but not cured yet.

I use the cut-out 5 gallon lid from the Hashmaster kit. Stick the branch in the hole, step on it and yank. I used to just use my left hand, but age is catching up with me and my wrist will ache for days after. Should have figured out a better way years ago. LMAO.

It'll get the 60 day + cure once I jar it up. It'll be fall and that Oct harvest before I'll dig it out for smashing to hash.

Boob McNoob

Well-known member
Does the three and a half gal represent the entire garden at harvest or just a portion? With a more flexible light schedule than Mother Nature, indoors I'm finally on track to organize the sequential perpetual I've been blathering on about for the past dozen years. Much more confidant in that pursuit given the return to the walk in closet; eventually I hope to hone things down to just the starter shelves running 18/6 and the main space on 12/12. Cutting out three additional transitional cabinets and the accompanying fixtures should uncomplicate my current routine and hopefully cut back on the power bill.


Well-known member
Does the three and a half gal represent the entire garden at harvest or just a portion? With a more flexible light schedule than Mother Nature, indoors I'm finally on track to organize the sequential perpetual I've been blathering on about for the past dozen years. Much more confidant in that pursuit given the return to the walk in closet; eventually I hope to hone things down to just the starter shelves running 18/6 and the main space on 12/12. Cutting out three additional transitional cabinets and the accompanying fixtures should uncomplicate my current routine and hopefully cut back on the power bill.
View attachment 19015400

That was the entirety of the spring harvest. Small plants with very little veg time. I didn't do much better for the plants I put out for this summer set, but they'll at least have the 2 months of long days to veg under.

With my stopping inhalation for the moment, I'm in no danger of running low with many jars of hash on the shelf and a full container of 800 capsules in the fridge.

Boob McNoob

Well-known member
From experience, I'd wager you could give a rough estimate on how many capsules that 3.5 gal of buds will net and with your rate of consumption how long that supplies you for. Using decarbed buds instead of kief, I'm running a three month soak in VG to attempt to create some home brewed vape juice (two pens and empty carts just ordered yesterday). Will have a chance to sample at the end of Aug when I mash it through a strainer.


Well-known member
Eyeball guesses. It'll fill about 10 half gallon jars. I tend to get 15 grams (1 small jar) of Kief / Hash from each half gallon jar of bud. 90 capsules from 15 grams of Hash. 700ish capsules would be my guess. It's about what the last run worked out to. I still have 2/3rd of that dead of winter run that was the last big plants I had. Jars of it and a full box of Hash jars 300 grams left as well

Bud works out very close in weight to capsule number using Kats recipe. It's only 1/3rd as strong is the real difference. Bud dust is tougher to work with unless it's flour grade dust and finer. 220 microns or smaller. 320 micron will clog a standard eyedropper and give endless frustration.

Decarb 240 F for 40 minutes
5 grams of Bud dust or Hash or ....
1 tablespoon Coconut oil
1 teaspoon Fearn liquid lecithin
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
Heat 220 F for 20 minutes
Fills 30 #0 capsules.

Currently 3 capsules a day with 2 or 3 hash mini shooters as needed. With TTS gone back east and only me and the cancer ridden dock rat Tommy being supplied from the garden I'm flush with product again.

The Hash capsules are so effective and long lasting that even a small grow can be shaken and use just the trichomes. Remember most "Normal" people are hammered on just 3 drops of the goo. I take 60 drops in the 3 capsules. 3mg per drop. Bud dust is 1 to 1.


Well-known member
Gave all a heathy shot of Alaskan fish as they didn't go deep green as expected. Kick em in the ass. Near mid month and only 6 weeks of real veg time left. Depending on how things run I may let the main garden run under lights as long as needed.


Well-known member

Root balls tight enough to transplant so everybody got kicked up to their final pot. These will all need to stay under the lights to veg more. Ran out of FFOF and had to run out for more.

The current plan is to run up the hill tomorrow as the Yacht club is meeting on Friday for happy hour at the Mountain Historical Society in Lake Arrowhead with a docent on hand. Then flip back down Saturday morning for the monthly Alamitos Bay Dock party Saturday afternoon / evening. Live music and old people with canes a dancing.
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