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An American Dream White Picket Fences.


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We drove back to the house, and I spent a bit of time cleaning the skirts of the newest plants.
Forest Gump


About half done here. Skirts and Tops to even things up


Well-known member
Looking good. Buds are good anytime. How do the Spring ripened flowers differ from the fall ripened. Much longer daylight in the spring, may give better potency!

Need to get some Sativa Candy Chunk sent out.
I have a time limit for spring harvest at June 1st. Pushing further into June will foxtail and start to show signs of reveg. It's usually a high-quality high yield run.

Oct 15th harvest = #1 Best
June 1st = #2
Jan 1st = #3
March 15th = #4


Well-known member

The 16 travelers.
Off to self-donate another pint of blood this morning. Pain was back and high enough to take a half a codeine for. More diffuse and feels like I've been punched in the chest rather than the pinpoint arrow through the heart it has been.

With the no aspirin directive for 7 days before the next implantation I'm avoiding it for the blood units as well. Web says it only matters for a platelets donation and whole blood doesn't matter but I see no reason to not take the extra effort on the backup pints.


ICMag Donor
Travelers are looking good. You're donating blood, what an awesome generous gift for someone going through so much. Thats great! I guess they are alright with a few extra cannabinoids in the blood from Brass Capsules?


ICMag Donor
Hope it wasn't morning when you posted that this evening! Wonder where the world you are traveling? Must be where you can get the medical care you need. Will keep you in my prayers. Take care, hang in there. Glad you are using the pain relievers responsibly. Could use more though if needed because the pain medication can have a better effect cumulatively sometimes, keeping the pain down, I have heard.

I was wondering if you usually do any further processing with the material after making dry ice hash? I know at one point you made some tincture with it.

I am asking because the spent material seems to definitely have a little resin remaining. If you wanted to keep kiefing it, it has some trichomes, but its pretty heavily contaminated by plant matter. I keep smelling the resin in the lawn where I tossed the bucket of spent material. I thought it was the seedlings, but they are gone now. Maybe its the potting soil, not for sure. But it got me thinking about recovering more from the spent material next time.

Thanks for the help! Hope you get feeling better soon. :smoke:


Well-known member
Travelers are looking good. You're donating blood, what an awesome generous gift for someone going through so much. Thats great! I guess they are alright with a few extra cannabinoids in the blood from Brass Capsules?

It is self-donation for my next round of Surgery. Since I had the lead time, I took the option of banking my own blood in case it's needed.

They'll destroy it if not used. Too low a hemoglobin count for general use but fine to put back in me. I didn't take the COVID 19 jabs and have no desire for random RNA from the "Not a vaccine" if I have a choice.

Hope it wasn't morning when you posted that this evening! Wonder where the world you are traveling? Must be where you can get the medical care you need. Will keep you in my prayers. Take care, hang in there. Glad you are using the pain relievers responsibly. Could use more though if needed because the pain medication can have a better effect cumulatively sometimes, keeping the pain down, I have heard.

I was wondering if you usually do any further processing with the material after making dry ice hash? I know at one point you made some tincture with it.

I am asking because the spent material seems to definitely have a little resin remaining. If you wanted to keep kiefing it, it has some trichomes, but its pretty heavily contaminated by plant matter. I keep smelling the resin in the lawn where I tossed the bucket of spent material. I thought it was the seedlings, but they are gone now. Maybe its the potting soil, not for sure. But it got me thinking about recovering more from the spent material next time.

Thanks for the help! Hope you get feeling better soon. :smoke:

The blood collection sites are much closer to our little mountain cabin than the home is and I often bring young plants with us so I can attend to them rather than trusting the neighbor woman who while she waters tends to overdo it.

I do a second extraction of the scraps left after power shaking with high proof alcohol (190). Then reduce the tincture to RSO.

That should drop you at the right spot for Tincture / RSO makings.


Well-known member
Temp was 96.0 when I got up this morning. BP is 108 / 58 / 62 pulse. Shockingly low for me. I've had a scary event morning with high pain on the right side of my chest that comes in waves then fades. Took a capsule as the adhesions woke up this morning. Hit like a hammer and is just now wearing down a bit.


ICMag Donor
Hope everything settles out, should be better once all the surgeries are complete I would assume.

Alright, so you always go over it again to extract with alcohol. Oh well. I have the meds I need. Had to go through and get seed was the important thing. Will have to prepare to make RSO in the winter. My friend steeped it for a couple days then screened with cheeseclith ininstead of power shake for 10 seconds.

Would it work to just run it again through the hashmaster with a smaller mesh screen for another round of extraction? Would that have too much plant matter contamination?


Well-known member
Hope everything settles out, should be better once all the surgeries are complete I would assume.

Alright, so you always go over it again to extract with alcohol. Oh well. I have the meds I need. Had to go through and get seed was the important thing. Will have to prepare to make RSO in the winter. My friend steeped it for a couple days then screened with cheeseclith ininstead of power shake for 10 seconds.

Would it work to just run it again through the hashmaster with a smaller mesh screen for another round of extraction? Would that have too much plant matter contamination?

I've done both but found the second shake to be harsh to toke, low effect as capsules and very contaminated. I grow enough I really don't need to even wash for RSO but supply a couple of people who prefer the heavy sedated stone it has over the hash caps that can feel speedy to many users.


ICMag Donor
Cool. Yeah it was pretty rough looking material and would be hard to purify to kief once thrashed like that. RSO would be a good option. I guess need a still and have to do it outdoors.

Do you prefer cured flower to fresh harvested to process in dry ice kief?


Well-known member
Cool. Yeah it was pretty rough looking material and would be hard to purify to kief once thrashed like that. RSO would be a good option. I guess need a still and have to do it outdoors.

Do you prefer cured flower to fresh harvested to process in dry ice kief?

Cured flower. Something is gained in the 60-day minimum cure I use. I get a more mellow edible and toked stone. I've tried to take the shortcut, but something is lost, and I get a choppy anxiety edged stone I don't care for from fresh dried.


Well-known member





Forest Gump x2


Forest, Cereal Milk, Gordon, Chunk.


Chunk #2 (sativa), Gordon, CM,


With the lights moved to the main garden it was time to move the remaining clones to where where light is.
24 here


Another 20 here. I see I didn't get any sorbet #4 set out and I have several clones of her. I've got 3 spots I didn't get weeded and planted so I can slug a couple back there.

I'll sort out a full spread of each strain for my 2 grow friends and see what is left. Need to have it all wrapped up by Friday noonish as we are off to the start of endovascular stage #2.
Last edited:


Well-known member

Drove back down to the house / grow for a last watering before I'm admitted tomorrow morning for part #2 of my endovascular surgery.

I've got to say I've a full-blown case of the heebie jeebies.

Boob McNoob

Well-known member
In the past you've shared your soil recipe but I don't recall a breakdown of the stump pulling and revitalization for each planting site. I have to imagine you have streamlined the process so that there is minimal physical exertion but would love to see a photo array that details the system you've devised.


Well-known member
In the past you've shared your soil recipe but I don't recall a breakdown of the stump pulling and revitalization for each planting site. I have to imagine you have streamlined the process so that there is minimal physical exertion but would love to see a photo array that details the system you've devised.

I usually toss a 1-pound coffee can worth of composted chicken manure in after pulling the stump but I didn't even do that this run having limited energy to get it all done. I'm trusting on the double hit of Alaskan fish goo to take up the slack while I'm gone playing endovascular stent games.


ICMag Donor
Happy harvest! Looks like some tasty flower!

Garden is shaping up with a great start. Should be alright not amending this go around, since its been fertilized before. Liquid ferts and topdressing will probably be enough. Don't really want too much nitrogen around anyway to make the flush before harvest easier. I like to use cottonseed meal top dressing. Its all slow release, has response.

Be courageous, stay strong in the Lord and in the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Praying for you. That must be pretty intimidating going back in after the first round. One step at at time, one day at a time, how we get through everything. Thankfully they are able to get you fixed!!!

Looking forward to watching the garden grow. Lots of great strains! Smoked Cereal Milk before. Thats nice you have some friends you can give the ones you don't need to. Will be fun to watch the summer grow! Glad you were able to get them watered again. Could do a little mulch to make it easier to manage water.

Have a good one! Take care, BrassNwood! See you soon! :smoke:

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