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3rd-Eye Jedi
What happened years ago is nothing to do with us or future

everything in the present and "future" is related to what came before.

to truly understand the of the past to the here and now we must keep in mind that we all at some point choose how to let that past effect us and everyone has a different background which means we are not all effected equally

what we do with this information and how we let it shape mankind is up to us and as evolution has revealed success lie in abundance and diversity not in trying to keep the past alive forever


to truly understand the of the past to the here and now we must keep in mind that we all at some point choose how to let that past effect us and everyone has a different background which means we are not all effected equally

what we do with this information and how we let it shape mankind is up to us and as evolution has revealed success lie in abundance and diversity not in trying to keep the past alive forever

I never said any thing about keeping the past alive for ever?


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
to truly understand the of the past to the here and now we must keep in mind that we all at some point choose how to let that past effect us and everyone has a different background which means we are not all effected equally

what we do with this information and how we let it shape mankind is up to us and as evolution has revealed success lie in abundance and diversity not in trying to keep the past alive forever

Yes Weird " nail on head",,
makes me sad when i see and hear good people tearing themselves
up over awful shit that happened before i was born,,,,,
time for any guilt by association of country or nationality to be
kicked into the past where it belongs,,,,,s2:tiphat:


No but both views polarized enough to make a good example, it was not a critique just an observation

you misunderstood what i wrote.

it was simple.

the past effects the present and "future", nothing can stop that. Its not my opinion, its a fact.

anything else you are suggesting about polarization is coming from your own mind.


3rd-Eye Jedi
you misunderstood what i wrote.

it was simple.

the past effects the present and "future", nothing can stop that. Its not my opinion, its a fact.

anything else you are suggesting about polarization is coming from your own mind.

I understand what you wrote but the future isn't written yet and not everyone knows of the past.

The law of cause and effect is a constant, how cause and effect is manifested through us is not.

Those two elements, the law of cause and effect, and the liberty for us to individually perceive and effect causation is also a constant. This is further complicated by our ability to perceive the same phenomenon differently.

The past reveals the human condition under a set of specific circumstances at a certain time of development both as a race and individually. To try to understand it out of relative context takes away the value, to accept it as fate is to abandon free will.

There is a middle road here which is ultimately my point.


Well-known member
What happened years ago is nothing to do with us or future

True but we do still have military bases in Germany and Italy just to remind who conquered them.

Really politically they do both have a lot of problems especially with the migrant problem we could see another Hitler we are backing neo Nazis in the Ukraine.

Kind of funny how the US government is, we push both sides and get people fighting then they still work with us.

Even helped Napoleon and Hitler get a start. Lol


I understand what you wrote but the future isn't written yet and not everyone knows of the past.

The law of cause and effect is a constant, how cause and effect is manifested through us is not.

Those two elements, the law of cause and effect, and the liberty for us to individually perceive and effect causation is also a constant. This is further complicated by our ability to perceive the same phenomenon differently.

The past reveals the human condition under a set of specific circumstances at a certain time of development both as a race and individually. To try to understand it out of relative context takes away the value, to accept it as fate is to abandon free will.

There is a middle road here which is ultimately my point.

That still has nothing to do with what I wrote.

Once again, weird, human races do not exist.

how do you know the future isn't written yet?

Science and eastern philosophy point to free will being a mere illusion.

we have already argued these points before.
not sure why you are looking to start it up again with me.
I wish you would get over it.


I understand what you wrote but the future isn't written yet and not everyone knows of the past.

The law of cause and effect is a constant, how cause and effect is manifested through us is not.

Those two elements, the law of cause and effect, and the liberty for us to individually perceive and effect causation is also a constant. This is further complicated by our ability to perceive the same phenomenon differently.

The past reveals the human condition under a set of specific circumstances at a certain time of development both as a race and individually. To try to understand it out of relative context takes away the value, to accept it as fate is to abandon free will.

There is a middle road here which is ultimately my point.

Imo, free will is probably an illusion. Depending on your genetics and life experiences and when confronted with choices, you will always make the only choice that you could, thus voiding free will, if you get my drift. So I'm saying that in any situation there is only one choice that you can make, and that is the one you take.

I get great peace and comfort from being something of a fatalist, as everything that happens is preordained, flowing from the past and into the future, and so everything in the universe is exactly as it's meant to be, as it can't be any other way.
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Brother Nature

Well-known member
True but we do still have military bases in Germany and Italy just to remind who conquered them.

Really politically they do both have a lot of problems especially with the migrant problem we could see another Hitler we are backing neo Nazis in the Ukraine.

Kind of funny how the US government is, we push both sides and get people fighting then they still work with us.

Even helped Napoleon and Hitler get a start. Lol

The U$ Government cares about a $ingle $ide, like most the rest of the world.


Well-known member
True but we do still have military bases in Germany and Italy just to remind who conquered them.

those bases are there because both countries are members of NATO, as we are too. signed treaties are why they are there. when they expire, the home country is not obliged to extend them. our bases in Japan/Okinawa are a sore spot with the Japanese people, but until China and North Korea stop rattling their sabers i doubt we will be bring those troops home either. our troops/overseas bases are what is known as "insurance". no one likes it, no one wants to pay for it. but, having insurance in the long run is worth it if it keeps tanks parked and missiles in their silos...


everything in the present and "future" is related to what came before.

A cool quote from the Celestine Prophecy.

""""""""Look not from the mind, but from the soul.
For the life that is coming
is already before us, waiting to open up the world.
Just look more cloesly. Find the eyes to see.""""""""""

-From the First insight.

And just to stay on topic, Merica sux.


Well-known member
those bases are there because both countries are members of NATO, as we are too. signed treaties are why they are there. when they expire, the home country is not obliged to extend them. our bases in Japan/Okinawa are a sore spot with the Japanese people, but until China and North Korea stop rattling their sabers i doubt we will be bring those troops home either. our troops/overseas bases are what is known as "insurance". no one likes it, no one wants to pay for it. but, having insurance in the long run is worth it if it keeps tanks parked and missiles in their silos...
Lol, them bases are their because we won and they lost. Who is the leading members of NATO again?? Can't be the USA and the UK by any chance could it? Don't even say Germany Dutchland has been taken over.

But we let Germany make money it's a lose win like Japan, though they got FUBAR (fucked up beyond any recognition) but they are just behind China economically. Why? Because they're 'Murica!!! Just like Germany and Italy obviously France they have no say they didn't even fight. Lol, we started the UN we started NATO.

We are the biggest baddest criminal organization on the face of this Earth. Of course we do good like the Hell's Angels buying toys for kids only more.

'Murica, fuck yeah!!

[YOUTUBEIF]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aDACorIaxNw [/YOUTUBEIF]

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
When did we conquer Italy or Germany?

I think that the historical term is 'Liberate' rather than conquer Italy and Germany at the end of WW11.

After funding nazi Germany to get to where it was able to dominate and conquer most of Europe and parts of N.Africa, the USA entered the war (in 1941 after it had started in 1939) and in 4 years aided and abetted its allies to reduce much of Germany to rubble, then was instrumental in funding the rebuilding of Germany after the war was over.

To the bankers, industrialists and politicians of the time it all made good business sense.

You build 'em up, then knock 'em down, then build 'em up again, regardless of the human cost and suffering.

Rubber Chicken

It will be 3rd world-ish if you guys don't wake up and b*tchslap the cheeto covered POS con man that you have in office, to the curb.

He doesn't care about you.... he doesn't care about ANYONE except himself and his grandiose delusions, and will drag you down with him, gladly, like he already is.

'If i can't be the boss of the world, why even have a world?' is his mantra.

And don't even say 'don't bring politics into it'.... it's not politics when the one at the top is a try hard dictator.

Snap out of it America.

Gypsy Nirvana

Recalcitrant Reprobate -
Blaming the chosen actor/fall-guy, and even changing him/her for another deep state backed 'Tool' will make no real difference to the plans of the 'elites' I am afraid....

They have already determined their new world order, and as we saw 70 years ago.......history may well repeat itself as more discontent and obfuscation is sown/seeded by the MSM propaganda departments to prepare the world for another great war......

It will be 3rd world-ish if you guys don't wake up and b*tchslap the cheeto covered POS con man that you have in office, to the curb.

He doesn't care about you.... he doesn't care about ANYONE except himself and his grandiose delusions, and will drag you down with him, gladly, like he already is.

'If i can't be the boss of the world, why even have a world?' is his mantra.

And don't even say 'don't bring politics into it'.... it's not politics when the one at the top is a try hard dictator.

Snap out of it America.


peri alypias
When did we conquer Italy or Germany?

Your welcome.:)

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