All head?
imo as good as some of the best landrace sativas. some body but an energeic up high effect. very good potency with good duration of high effects.
Aloha is a seed company?
widow variety but not sure of the heritage. My growing mentor and his partner grew on the big island breeding for 20 yrs and originally started Aloha seed co. They retired out of their thing bout 7-8 years ago and sold the seed company which the headquarters is located in A'dam. The seed for the famous 98 Aloha variety was grown close to them on the big island of Kona and they just sold the seeds for the growers. Words direct from the mans mouth himself. BTW... his partner(and his mentor) drew all the Greatful Dead album covers. He has an original painting hung in his house. Wicked to look into it stoned, especially with the size of it. Said when not tending to all their plants, his partner would be down by his private patch, naked, painting and working on the art design for the albums. Neat to listen to those stories
aww is another great mythos story. who knows actual truth until the original aloha breeders post. good news is that stash actually preserved his old aww beans preserved by the famous jojo ( jojorizo now deceased) and that the "sweet thang" pheno or stuff that is close is available in seed form. most other aww crosses available now are from a aww male that's apparently lost most of his mojo.