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All Cannabis Sales Illegal: Gascon in San Francisco

The ag here in michcigan closed down dispensaries and decided that all transactions invllvoig pot are illegal. Hydro shops sales down, dispsensaries closed up, for the most part, and everyone is back to doing the black market stuff. Gotta wonder if all the big ca cash croppers didnt pay this guy to do this...


Grower of Connoisseur herb's.
ICMag Donor
This is an ongoing issue where the Fed's are basically beating the tune, BUT letting the local municipalities enforce their wishes. We saw it in San Diego, Sacramento, Fresno (where my father lives) which is just now starting to close dispensaries en masse' and I think several northern counties are experiencing a rebirth of much more aggressive controls being placed on 420 users/providers. This is just my personal opinion AND I have stated it numerous times on this site, people you MUST get active politically and locally let your voices be heard, TELL or WRITE the local politico's you 1) Vote 2) you support the continued access to medical marijuana 3) and you want less restrictions on producing such medicine.

I think the second thing (and yes this takes some effort on YOUR part) is to also make sure your state representative and local representative how you feel. I had an old girlfriend who took me to meet her boss, he was a state representative in Sacramento and he said "You must tell us how you feel, or we just here from lobbiest or peope with money and agenda's, the everyday man voices doesn't get heard unless HE/SHE tells us".

I have never forgotten those words.

Get active, get political, put SOME effort, en email, a phone call ANYTHING...tell them how you feel or adapt because it is headed in a direction it seems noone here is happy about, if you do NOTHING you then deserve exactly the representation you get.


Gascon is an LA pot nazi....if I am correct he was put into office by Newsom and the election that confirmed him as DA was the 2011 election...Nobody votes in these off off year elections so its pretty hard/impossible for an incumbent to lose.


Active member
From experience, one delivery service in SF was bringing in 10k-20k even 30k on 4/20 in sales per day. They were licensed, taxed, inspected and put excess money in the bank. Most of what money didn't go to cover operational costs went into paying for after work parties and dinners. Every employ was paid cash for that days work at the end of the day.

One employ was pulled over while doing a delivery and was searched and had to provide paperwork saying the person was an employ and that they were making a delivery to a patient. 2 police and their sergeant let the employ go after citing them for a traffic violation.

I guess what I am saying, like Yes4Prop215, is that they would be stupid to let the tax money go when the dispensaries have been well established for awhile now. Keep regulating, no need to back step any more and put pot underground.

More regulations huh..You do realize the more regulations they put on this the more impossible it will be to move forward. For example, down by me, the ruled Disepenses can stay open and aren't illegal, BUT California catch 22 here we go. The dispense has to grow its own weed right? Hows that overhead, rent, hows that square footage, hows that guy robbing that store,hows that landlord with his new " regulations", hows that security issue, and hows that insurance, hows that Bank that won't deal with you , oh yea...and how those taxes and paperwork and, and , and...rinse repeat. Regualtions is code word for grabbing ankle and blowing out, so the O ring opens wide.

Yea dude, keep regulating it, so the only fucker that can run a shop is the Gov. " Hey, we are giving you guys the option to open a dispense, but heres a long list of things you need to do, but hey big biz can handle that, can the small shop owner?" Maybe, and some will, but these handcuffs(regulations) are their way of making people submit cause there is so much bullshit to deal with. Enter the large gov warehouse grows, big business.

A good family friend up north( large outdoor ), his city is fining him, coming up with all sorts of regulations that will make my bro just have to fold and move on. Regulations = more fines, one only has so many funds before they give up. One can't do business like that.

You wanna know what more fucking regulations do to businesses in California? They move out of the state.

Wanna know what " more regulations" did to my legit businesses PM me, its long.

IMO, i think people choose the easy word ( regulate ) but they truly have no clue what that word does to small businesses. Unless you buttfuck the Mayor of Vernon I don't see how one can deal with more " regulations".

Fact is, baby boomers need to die off, for MJ to go anywhere.

As far as pushing dope underground. It never left the building, and never will.:tip hat:
If anything it makes Underground more versatile if shits legal. Oh Johnny doesn't want this? Ill go to X places. If anything its just a slight fail safe for underground guy.



It's really not fair to Californians that assault rifles are banned in that state, but they'll have them pointed at you when they raid your dispensary or co-op. I would like it to be a fair fight, level 3A body armor, level IV trauma plates, and AR's equivalent to theirs.

I say unto you my Cali brothers, Si vis pacem, para bellum.

There never was a credible threat from Iraq or Afghanistan, because the real enemy to freedom can be found in every branch and level of Government, at home and in your own backyard. Depending from whose viewpoint you look, a patriot and a domestic terrorist are often the same person.


They're obviously taking their lead from a bigger bunch of morons, the ones in Washington DC.
Yet we live under their control and laws, while the get away with murder so who are the biggest bunch of morons??

I'm confident this SOB DA believes what he's doing is right after discussing it with a couple cronies over doubles of expensive scotch.
And im confindent he wasnt even thinking about the days work as he unwound by sniffing a rail off his male prostitute's cock.

One can just argue that the all participated in harvest. After-all, this is part of the cultivation process.