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All canabinoids are beautiful [grow diary] 2024

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
Finally the last pictures are uploaded, the heat has been messing with the internet too, so I decided to divide the pictures into multiple posts. Tomorrow temperatures are supposed to drop a little bit but it is summer so we'll have more 40c + days.

Humans and animals have gone into survival mode and I tried my best to get the plants through without suffering too much and they don't seem to be bothered. The rich layer of mulch is doing a good job protecting the soil and root system.

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
Damn, 40° is too much… it was 32° here yesterday and that’s too much for me 🥵 also incredibly humid though so hard to cool down.
Plants are looking happy 👍
I agree 32 is already too much especially in high humidity. Here humidity is really low so it's somewhat different but in summer you want to avoid the sun. Siesta is something that just happens here, good time to rest and read a little.

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
Hi, very nice of you to stop by!
Beautiful content on the NH x thh thread on your part, a pity that there's been so much drama, it must have been frustrating.

Anyway, always happy to see someone with a passion growing some interesting genetics. For me diversity is important and some good sativa or haze should be a part of the stash.

I'm still making my way through the thread so more love is likely to follow.

Thanks for sharing your work.

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
The high temperatures remain, today we're getting 40c again. Too much for humans to be out in the sun but the plants don't seem bothered. Yesterday they got 20 liters each to help them to cope.



GBM1 to 4

My old seedlines are having difficulties to get sprouted but there's still some hope. I was planning on getting some more seeds ordered but came across some interesting cuttings that can be bought in Austria. Unfortunately the package arrived rotten and molded and a second try had the same outcome. Still hoping for a solution for this situation from the seller but for now the excitement made room for disappointment.

The idea was to start a collection of mothers again and the clones were supposed to take some pressure off finding good selections from seeds. I should have just bought the seeds that were in my mind instead 🙃 Now I just lost more time and money. Luckily the cuttings from this seasons plants are looking good 👍

Smells keep developing and changing but it's all pretty interesting 🤔 I keep being reminded of that skunk x haze I grew years ago with gbm3, there's one with a pungent diesel odor, some limonene and one that smells like the weed around when we were young.

There's 3 plants visually leaning towards sativa dominate but the other 3 are not gaving the most indica appearance either. It's going to be interesting to see how they mature.

This is what disappointment looks like in a package 😅

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
Yikes on the clones. I’m sorry that happened to you but your outdoor plants look pretty darn good.
Somewhat unexpected I got the seller to respond and open up communication again after not getting anymore replies. It took some persuading but the seller agreed to fully refund my order in the end. Neither of us had the best experience but I feel that the right thing was done in the end.

I just wish I lived closer to Austria, then this would have never happened in the first place. Maybe sometime in the future that will be the case and I would honestly just try to order from him again.

For now I will stick to buying some seeds though 😅

Rocket Soul

Well-known member
OP: one question/advice? Do you till your ground before planting? Its something I (and pretty much any farmer) would recommend. Makes it easier to root well, untilled soil can be compact for roots to penetrate.
Youre fighting some harsh conditions with heat and wind but harsh can lead to stronger smoke :)

Rocket Soul

Well-known member
Seeds are the way to go imo… less chance of pests or mould…plus much more variety of strains and different cannabinoid profiles.
Hope you find some elites of your own :tiphat:
I rec taking indoor elite clones out in the outdoors - youll see what theyre all about if you have good aun like in spain. The stoniest i ever had was our glue trap outdoors. Was strong inside but mental face melt outside. Clone or seeds all good, just as long as you got decent genetics.

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
OP: one question/advice? Do you till your ground before planting? Its something I (and pretty much any farmer) would recommend. Makes it easier to root well, untilled soil can be compact for roots to penetrate.
Youre fighting some harsh conditions with heat and wind but harsh can lead to stronger smoke :)

The plant holes were dug out to about 1 meter in depth and the same width about 3 years ago. They were amended with homemade compost, manure from guinea pigs, chickens and turkey to improve the soil organically. Every year in spring I will add more compost and manure on top, then work this in without turning the soil too much but loosening the soil in depth.

Usually we get winter rains that keep the soil hydrated and alive until the plants are planted but it's the second year in a row where we are going through even more drought than usual. Compaction is definitely a thing here, especially if the soil is left to bake in the sun so we added lots more manure, compost and straw on top.

The rest of the beds where the plants are have not been amended properly so I might extend the existing holes in winter to give the roots some extra space.

When I bought the place I had very different dreams, coming from a country where rainwater was never an issue so it has been quite the sobering learning curve.

Were definitely in a place of extremes but I agree that it can make for some very nice smoke.

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
Seeds are the way to go imo… less chance of pests or mould…plus much more variety of strains and different cannabinoid profiles.
Hope you find some elites of your own :tiphat:
I have grown a lot from clones before when I had my mothers, most came from seeds that I had sown but I was gifted some clones before. Last few years I grew only from seeds and I did like it but also missed some of my old clones. Only growing a few plants each year it's nice to have some proven quality next to some new genetics.

For me it was the first time I saw you could buy clones from a legit shop and I got excited 😊 so much genetics that I never smoked or some amnesia core cut from back in the day, sounded like heaven for me 🙌

I wanted to find some crashtest male in my old seedline which is amnesia x bogglegum by core and use the core cut to get it pollinated just for nostalgia.

However I agree ordering clones is a risk for introducing pests and diseases. Therefore I think it's a good idea to always quarantine anything that comes from outside.

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
It's been very windy since yesterday so the girls got something refreshing this morning after I took some pictures.

My old seeds didn't sprout so I don't have a male which could be used for pollination. So if anyone has some extra pollen or a lead on someone willing to share I would be very grateful 🙏.

I know it's only some mixed genetics but I'm getting some nice smells and feelings about the plants. It would be nice to have some homemade and free genetics again to play with.

Some pictures of the developing buds this morning. Same order as usual for ease of tracking.

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
A few days ago I noticed some pink pistils on GBM1, a first for me. If all goes well I should have some pollen to play with soon.

Anyway, just wanted to share a picture of GBM1

All Cacti Are Beautiful

Active member
This morning I took some more pictures and there's some close ups from last week.

It looks like caterpillar season really started 😳 I have been finding some but today there were little ones everywhere. Not wanting to spray anything it’s hand picking for hours, probably my least favorite task growing here.



ICMag Donor
It's been very windy since yesterday so the girls got something refreshing this morning after I took some pictures.

My old seeds didn't sprout so I don't have a male which could be used for pollination. So if anyone has some extra pollen or a lead on someone willing to share I would be very grateful 🙏.

I know it's only some mixed genetics but I'm getting some nice smells and feelings about the plants. It would be nice to have some homemade and free genetics again to play with.

Some pictures of the developing buds this morning. Same order as usual for ease of tracking.
View attachment 19050565 SSM 2
View attachment 19050566 GBM 1
View attachment 19050567 GBM 2
View attachment 19050568 GBM 3
View attachment 19050569 GBM 4
View attachment 19050570
I think they look very intriguing :)

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