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  • Seeds Mafia is running a TURBO contest with great prizes! You can check it here.



There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Saw Motarebel has new gear out, and frequents the farm...anyone know a back story on why we didnt know here, and why Motarebel has morning Daze (ECSD x Mango Haze) going over there? Just wondering....Im sure they would be sold out on the bay or boo...
good vibes
:yeahthats?? I like Motas gear...quite curious why its only at the Farm....anyone?
1800 isn't that bad man... the only reason I'll be trimming with scissors is because I can't warrant the expense... once I get out of the red from my initial investments, I can assure you some artificial assistance will be acquired... I am still rather interested as to how this will do in regards to sound... I heard they can be pretty startling to the untrained ear. nice purchase none the less, even though I'm a bit surprised no one in the f.a.m. has tried a DIY-type of thing... :joint:
:yeahthats Preach brotha!...lol. Area 51 hurt the pockets HARD...but all will be in the green by end of this run...:woohoo:then I can relax, and REALLY start breeding...heh.

Anyone down for UFC? OR COD? Hydro? Tona...aint seen you online in a HOT minute. Acess wont get off Halo Wars...lol. Good call Lap...lol
good vibes


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Hey hey....I've been playing some COD5 with Hydrofome.....and I've been playing Star Trek DAC...and I'm getting ready for the release of Ghostbusters the game for Xbox 360 about mid June...
I've been considering getting Red Faction Guerilla....and that UFC game...but honestly there's only so many hours in the day. You should actually d/l that Halo Wars demo bro...I guarantee you'll be addicted like moi!

Lappy is right....I hate...hate....hate....trimming. I've been putting off a harvest for over a week (which actually ripened things up a bit more) because the trimming sucks balls.
I may not have alot of finger hash....but I'll have all my trim in one locale (ie-the trimpro bag) instead of all over the damn place. Now I can make budder more readily! Laps has that crazy automatik one....I thought that was a bit over the top for me right now....possibly upgrade in the future if it becomes necessary. But for me, this purchase is a godsend. I can't wait to get it open and running asap.

I got a few PC chambers to keep some bonsai moms in. So whatever space that thing occupies won't make the difference between me keeping an extra strain.

Honestly I'm surprised that alot of the F.A.M. hasn't adopted this...especially you big-time cash cropping crazies! I mean comeon man...you actually sit there and trim like 10 lbs?
You're only gonna end up with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome....hurting necks or backs.....maybe a numb ass....

As far as justifying the cost of a machine like this......hmmmmmmmm.....I was honestly considering getting the Trimbox which is about half the price I spent ($800), or the Trimbox Workstation...which was about $1300 instead.
However, after looking at all the options and thinking about what I could use this for in the forseeable future...the larger and original Trimpro was the way to go.
I COULD have bought one on Ebay for $1000......it may still be listed...but that clownshoe only had like 8 rep points...and none of them were for selling...just for purchases of some B.S...
So I sprang for the brandy-new showroom model. I'll let you all know how it works out.
If I see that the nuggage is coming out roughly the same if not better...I'm gonna be happy!

Peace! :friends:


High Class Grass
What up Ax, Kalle and everybody else...been a while since i glanced thru this thread, but lo and behold....Ax copped the trimpro.....Im lookin into finding a EU distributor where i can grab that one too...Im anxious to hear how it works for ya bro. Just wanted to drop a few pics since i chopped most of the girls in the tent last sunday. All the SSSK got chopped and are ready for the glasses in a few days. I must say that this one look quite interesting and im lookin forward to blazin this once cured.





F.A.M.I.L.Y. or not....i just think id let yall see the fruits of my labor this time around....I still have 2 SourDogs and 2 HP´s standing, and im expecting to let em go until 85 days....im leavin for a festival in Germany the 24th, so i think theyll get the chop the day before...ill post up some pics here if you like....if not peep the thread:http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=120812

Stay Safe


You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Yea guy's maybe a COD game would be nice.
How the hell is everyone doimg,
maybe setup a game I am off all this week so I will be on xb quit a bit.
well putting everything to flower today, trying to combat the heat issues I am going dark during the day.got clones of just about everything,( strwa-d, A11, g13x burm, and Afghani) so all will be going dark today.

Stay safe and high.

BTW dam nice buds all.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
My "Other" garden

My "Other" garden

Ya' know I love the bud pr0n...but it's always good to see what other things are cooking in a person's garden...
Whilst I was out and about puffin on some fult melt bubble.....I decided to snap a few:



I offered that cat a hit, but methinks it'd rather have a bowl o' cannamilk.​


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
i too love some other nature pics......a nice naked girl or something ...lol...no serious....if i would have space i would grow my own veggies for shure...and ofcourse some regular flowers hehehe.....thx for sharing access...came to say High :wave:


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Well, I got Blueberry, C99xOGKA, Bubblegum and Sour Diesel fult melt.....it's all good......some a wee bit better than others...but it sure is hard to pick! :friends:
Side note: I put up a thread about grabbing nuggets in the Bahamas...never been there...curious if you folk have....and have anything to say about the weed scene there...
I'm hoping it's like Jamaica...with the loose weed practically everywhere...
Would rather not have to bring if I don't have 2.


what was that about a ledge access??
Have fun on your trip!! and for gods sake, please be careful!!!


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Ouch Mrs. B! BaD story.....that's the kinda scenario I'd like to avoid. I was in Jamaica years back....and I guess I was luckier.....I would swim out to boats around the beaches and they'd have shells fulla weed. From the time we landed till the time we left we were asked if we wanted anything....LOL.

Well, I'm not going down like a lead balloon.....when I go somewhere to relax, it doesn't include getting arrested. I'll be bringing a lil' something-something in that case. Gotta keep the special strains on lockdown for some R&R.

Cella: LOL...I got the ledges under control bro. :friends:

cocktail frank

ICMag Donor
Ax, maybe u should start stretching out your prison wallet now.
this way u can stuff a couple of o's in it b4 the trip.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..

Been wanting to throw a picture in of a scanned "OPIUM" leaf from Paradise Seeds. I personally love this plant, but it's a bit finicky about the nutrient regimen apparently. All the other plants (non-Paradise varieties) love my General Hydroponics regimen....however if I can isolate exactly what this gal is lacking....I can hit her with a foliar spray and make up for the difference in the shared reservoir. Where's stitch when ya' need her?​
what was that about a ledge access??

I dunno, but I've heard about Cliff Edge... might be related...


In regards to the spotting... I'd be interested in the diagnosis myself... I've seen light burn do similar damage in photos but it kinda looks like some variation of mag def. as well... I'm by no means qualified to make a diagnosis, but I have done a SHIT TON of reading... let us know what ya find out. That's a big leaf.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
WOW! It's been F.U.C.K.I.N.G. crazy up in this thread! I have to go back and catch up with like 100 pages of stuff you people have been posting......(NOT)...LOL.

Well....you know that this is a repository for pretty much useless drek I like to throw out once in awhile...

So, I was just wondering: has ANYONE out there ever smoked a strain that they thought tasted like Cinnamon?

Here's the reason: I just dusted a vape bowl with some of O and TOH's blueberry bubble...the underlying strains were Ice Cream, ERSB and Lavender phenotype #1. It was a blend that I hadn't done before....what I noticed immediately was the very strong taste of Cinnamon.

It doesn't exist individually in any of those aforementioned strains as far as I've experienced...but somehow the blend of those tastes like it....

I've never heard anyone state that the terpene induced flavors and smells of their plant has ever approached the Cinnamon end of the spectrum...considering pot has been known to taste like numerous savory things as well as sweet fruits....I'm a bit surprised that this is the first time in my life I've had such a strange blend of flavors.

That's all...nothing else to see here. Maybe some dry pics of the buds I used the trimpro on....harvest around the 7th...more to come.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
Ax- per your star wars post....YAAAAY! I read these books, (i am a closet nerd) while I was in "college" and hoped the would get made into a movie. The new jedi order is pretty insane too...Luke is an old man, and can do jedi mind tricks across planets.....woooooooooooow.

in regards to your cinnamon question, I have had this happen too 2-3 times when I make bubblehash with more than one variety...Its usually when I use NCDG a lot, when ya take it at 50-55 days, its VERY pineappley mango grapefruit kinda smell....10 more days brings in the spicy side...almost completely taking over the sweet if gone 60-62 days....
That got mixed with the CHunk D and Querkle a few times...so I think it may just be the terpene mixing...my .2

good vibes

love the post in the MJ thread!!!!


Chairman of the Joint Chiefs
Ax, wasn't/isn't there a 'Cinnamon Haze' - maybe as part of a cross - up on the 'bay recently? I swear I saw that word in print... and if not, I know I've seen it before.

I've also had a couple strains over the years with faint cinnamon notes, but more like... baked cinnamon-sugar smell than sharp cinnamon? The GSK I run right now takes on a wondrous grape + hash + 'sticky-bun' smell about 3 weeks into curing. Favorite jar for sure.



I sometimes catch hint of slight peppermint in one SSH.
:listen2: But, I don't really know what I'm doing...:crazy:

...speaking of finicky plants....
A while back, I had a SBbx3 that was very finicky...Long story short, I eventually lost her.

Now I'm growing some of her progeny.
12/12, from seed.
They are exibiting similar "finikiness".

It looks alot like yours...but a few degrees higher... :redface:

I figure, It's gotta be nutritional.:chin:

I considered that maybe it wanted a diff pH...
But I'm in well buffered soil...So, that's pretty much taken care of...I suppose...


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
This thread is kind of like my "Twitter"......LOL.

Well here's the scoop: my internet was cool until like 1am last night...now I'm not getting a connection at home....no xbox...no internet...nada....lame-ski.
I went through all the hullaballoo with the cable provder....now it may be a street related issue....so it may be awhile before it's resolved.

Just keep your fingers and other appendages crossed that it's a minor issue that will resolve itself somehow magically....if not....I may only be able to get on IC from my office...which honestly is no problem.....but I don't have as wide-ranging access as I had temporarily...

Reason I'm letting ya all know: FYI in case you try to send me a PM or what-not and I don't get back to you right away....
Updates as necessary....PEACE! :friends:

P.S.-To all my F.A.M. getting together....enjoy.....puff one (or many) for me! See you all next time 'round.

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