acces champ looking stellar
Stay safe m8
dude...thanks for the new quote if I may!! I seriously couldnt have put that in so little words. Mail on the head f.a.m!I'm hyper-critical when it comes to strains sometime. I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression: It's just that if you're going to take the time to grow herb, if you're going to allocate the space for particular plants, and considering the current legal status of the plant.....it ONLY makes sense to keep the VERY, VERY BEST. People may differ in their opinion about what they like: long flowering sativas...short flowering indicas....body high....mind high....tastes...etc. So I'm no different. I just want to keep and grow things that I personally love.
btw...going to take cuts tomorrow morning to take to a buddy about 8 hours later. Should I still wrap around the actual cut, or just snip and stick in a box. Only 8 hours...New to moving cuts anywhere farther than the tray...lol
good vibes....again
thanks lap!personally, I wrap the ends in moist paper towel/TP even if I'm just going across town.