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You can pick you friends and you can pick your nos
Is it me or are there other people out there with posts disapearing?
I posted yesterday under Kallen and now the Biotch is gone.


Hydro- I certainly hope that posts arent disappearing cuz that would mean theres a wrinkle in the MATRIX somewhere! LOL, sometimes things disappear around here and all we can do is sit here and wonder, why?

Ax~ Damn brother you're layin it down somethin fierce round here! Heres to keepin the lights burning brightly! Peace and shine on, Weld.


its me Dave man open up the door...
ICMag Donor
...not just you hydro,i coulda swore i already posted in here too,i was just thinkin that then saw ur post...
ayo acc,cot dayum maing!!!!that is some tasty lookin nuggage bruh...good for you.ive read peeps get bad rates or no germ at all from Somas gear,you just gave alot of peeps some hope i bet.peace-T-


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Well, the EZ Cloner appears to be semi-working. I got some legs on the C99xOGKush, Blueberry and the Chem D. Just dropped 'em into veg a few seconds ago. I called EZ Cloner Tech service up and got the entire low-down on why they swapped out the original pump and changed things around....
After looking over the entire device it appears that the air-pump that oxygenates the reservoir is on the fritz. Luckily it's only like a $10 part. I ordered a new one and it's on the way. Things should be back in the saddle again asap.

Having a really hard time deciding what to do about the Lavender. On the one hand the small and lightweight phenotype #1 is super-potent and super-tasty. The larger and weighty phenotype #2 appears almost as tasty...it still has a bit of the chlorophyll taste to it...that should go away when it's fully dried/cured. The phenotype #1 has a dream-like quality to it....really special in every way. The phenotype #2 absolutely gets you stoned....but like stupid-stoned. I had the worst time at work on Wed. after doing a few bags. The high was misleading....I felt perfectly capable of doing my normal routine, but when push came to shove and I needed to engage my brain cells...I found that it was extremely difficult. I'd almost say that the high leaves you a bit "confused". There's nothing wrong with it per se...but I'd definitely not want to have responsibilites and puff on alot of it. You'll find yourself repeating the same actions or sentences over and over again....and circularly....LOL. If you are couch-bound and watching a flick...it's a good thing to start vaping/burning. If you're gonna be out and about....maybe not so much.

In a PERFECT world, the potentcy and calm easy feeling that comes from the phenotype #1 would be coupled with the sheer weight and presence of the phenotype #2. Phenotype #1 puts a smile on your face like everything is "just right" with the world. Phenotype #2 grabs your frontal lobe and manhandles it. You think you're fine until you try to use your brain...then nothing happens....ROFL.

I love variety, so I'll keep 'em around until something better comes down the pike. I'm running them both at least 1 more time.

Old Soul

Active member
LOL, that is exactly how I get when I smoke White Widow. The high is potent and all seems well until someone asks me a question, then I cannot seem to find the words that would normally come so quickly. Makes me feel stupid and I hate that. Not good for social situations for sure. That is great that you potentially found 2 keepers though, I bet you are stoked.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I'm hyper-critical when it comes to strains sometime. I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression: It's just that if you're going to take the time to grow herb, if you're going to allocate the space for particular plants, and considering the current legal status of the plant.....it ONLY makes sense to keep the VERY, VERY BEST. People may differ in their opinion about what they like: long flowering sativas...short flowering indicas....body high....mind high....tastes...etc. So I'm no different. I just want to keep and grow things that I personally love. For me there's no "commercial value". It's been years and years since I've had the active roll selling anything I produce. I'm not going to say there aren't friends who I toss a few nugs to now and again, but my harvests are primarily for me.

The Lavender was something I REALLY wanted to develop even before I started popping beans. It's just taken this long to get around to seeing the fruits of my labor. With the limitations of space and time, it does take me awhile to get to this point where I can sample, review and decide what is going to be part of the stable.

I had canned TH Seeds: Da Purps and a few others awhile back. I had great hopes for them, but they were just crap on a stick.

I expected Lavender to be really low yielding. Soma has openly stated that you shouldn't be looking for commerical viability in his strains....that his strains are connoisseur flavors for relatively experienced growers. I only cracked open 2 seeds of Lavender. Both popped with no problems. Through the vegative phase they looked remarkably similar. As soon as I dropped 'em into 12/12 it was apparent that one was going to be a fast developer, while the other was short and sweet.
Phenotype #1 was tall, slender and lanky. The topmost portion of it turned out to be about 7 grams dry weight. Not too bad, but I'm accustomed to AT LEAST 14 grams per plant dry weight...and typically more like 28 grams per plant. I'm not completely unwilling to keep a low producer around if the smoke is something REALLY special. This phenotype qualifies in that department. I'm just wondering if I vegged it up a bit more, and supercropped it if I'd get more yield. The taste is SUPERB. It's the kind of thing you'd ask for again in an Amsterdam coffeeshop even if you have alot of other choices.
Who the hell doesn't want to feel all daydreamy, relaxed and perfectly at peace with the world? And it's a solid 60 day strain...
Phenotype #2 on the other hand is NO slacker. At this point however, it hasn't dried to the same degree as the first pheno. I had been vaping it since it was wet, and I've noticed a distinct change in the high and taste as it has been drying. To be perfectly fair, I had done almost the same thing with the pheno #1. It had been drying for at least 3 days before I started vaping it. I started vaping the pheno #2 within a day or two of picking it....and it's markedly more dense.
I was expecting all Soma strains to put out light weights. This particular pheno is defying all previous descriptions of yield for Lavender. I cut the plant down in stages. The bottom-most parts seemed well done first....so they were taken almost a week earlier than the rest. Those bottom pieces dry were 14+ grams (I say 14+ because 14 was what was left after I've been vaping it like crazy for days without having weighed all the pieces). That was 1 clothes hanger of nugs taken. I've got 2 more, and they were MUCH more weighty. So if I base my estimates on the first things taken, I'd triple that estimate saying I'm way over 28 grams dry for the whole plant.....possibly 1.5 ounces total..but we'll see as I finish drying it. I'd say that this pheno could go 10 weeks or more. I pulled it at 9 (plus or minus 2 days)....and it looked like it could still go longer. I just didn't have room to keep it in the flowering area....and I decided to go with what I had.
As I've recounted earlier: the vape and subsequent high from this pheno #2 was "misleading" to say the least. I think I'm a pretty good judge of how high I get. I think the primary problem with my earlier descriptions is that I really didn't feel that affected by the vape or smoke. That's completely inaccurate however. In retrospect, while I bravely sucked down bags of vape.....I had no real concept of how it was affecting my mental faculties.
9 out of 10 times I can party and still hold my shit together. It's that 1 time where you're heart is racing, you've got rather overwhelming paranoia and an inability to do anything effectively. Well, that's this pheno. Bad type of strain to puff and then go and do your normal activities that require brainpower, thought and concentration.

Last night was a completely different story: I was doing NOTHING but being a couch potato. So I sat in, watched movies and played Xbox......the strain was a perfect compliment to that. I've redacted my opinion about these two phenos entirely.

I'm satisfied with both. I'm sure there are even better phenos out there somewhere. But for now, these both suffice. I'm prolly going to put a bunch of pheno #1 outdoors and see if it performs better. I'm going to keep #2 in the stable until something better comes around. Both will be run at least 1 more time to re-assess my ability to grow them effectively, to tweak the parameters a bit...and to see how the high is next time.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
My Tuesday Afternoon....with Lavender: Phenotype #2

My Tuesday Afternoon....with Lavender: Phenotype #2

Aaaah. A rare opportunity to just chillax. I had to work early this morning, but I rewarded myself with an afternoon vape session of Soma's Sacred Lavender: Phenotype #2. She's perfectly dried and the total weight was 38.4 grams off 1 plant. I'm honestly a bit surprised about the yield because I've always heard that Soma's strains were not the heaviest yielders. This one obviously is an exception. She has floral undertones like rosewater and lavender, but also has that pungent Diesel/Petroleum odor. Her sister which is just a wee bit tastier and has essence of anise, pineapple and floral/lavender terpenes yielded only about a quarter total dry weight. Both are exceptional strains. I may have to crack a few more of Soma's beans now...
A perfect afternoon, and a suitable song to go with the session: The Moody Blues "Tuesday Afternoon":

Tuesday afternoon.
I'm just beginning to see,
Now I'm on my way...


It doesn't matter to me,
Chasing the clouds away...


Something calls to me.
The trees
are drawing me near,
I've got to find out why.
Those gentle voices I hear
Explain it all with a sigh.


I'm looking at myself, reflections of my mind.
It's just the kind of day to leave myself behind.
So gently swaying through the fairy-land of love,
If you could just come with me and see the beauty


Tuesday afternoon...
Tuesday afternoon...


Tuesday afternoon.
I'm just beginning to see...
Now I'm on my way...


It doesn't matter to me,
Chasing the clouds away...


Something calls to me.
The trees
are drawing me near,
I've got to find out why.
Those gentle voices I hear
Explain it all with a sigh.



mmmm..looks soo damn tasty on top of your description..
love the tune btw..


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
hehehe i woz thinking something visually when i saw that razor...you gonne snort that THC ? hahaha
NWay mate ...those lavender nugs look to die for...very smokalisious !

Old Soul

Active member
Beautiful looking buds bro! Pass that bag, I can almost taste the vapors from here. So, quick question. I have the solid valve for the volcano and you can only fill the filling chamber up halfway at the most. Are you able to fill the whole chamber with the ez valve? I am thinking of getting one as they look easier to clean and maintain. Especially now that I know you can change the bags yourself, which is way cheaper than I previously thought.


There is only one king, god picks em, hand pluckes
ICMag Donor
I'm hyper-critical when it comes to strains sometime. I don't want to give anyone the wrong impression: It's just that if you're going to take the time to grow herb, if you're going to allocate the space for particular plants, and considering the current legal status of the plant.....it ONLY makes sense to keep the VERY, VERY BEST. People may differ in their opinion about what they like: long flowering sativas...short flowering indicas....body high....mind high....tastes...etc. So I'm no different. I just want to keep and grow things that I personally love.
dude...thanks for the new quote if I may!! I seriously couldnt have put that in so little words. Mail on the head f.a.m!:respect::yeahthatsWas originally just stopping in to say hiiiiiiigh:joint:..... And I think Ima have to have you be my strain tester/writer-outer?
good vibes

btw...going to take cuts tomorrow morning to take to a buddy about 8 hours later. Should I still wrap around the actual cut, or just snip and stick in a box. Only 8 hours...New to moving cuts anywhere farther than the tray...lol

good vibes....again


Rosin Junky and Certified Worm Wrangler
btw...going to take cuts tomorrow morning to take to a buddy about 8 hours later. Should I still wrap around the actual cut, or just snip and stick in a box. Only 8 hours...New to moving cuts anywhere farther than the tray...lol

good vibes....again

personally, I wrap the ends in moist paper towel/TP even if I'm just going across town.


Heyya Access.

I had to stop in for two reasons:
#1 Hello. Haven't talked to ya in a while, but I confess that I do lurk in this thread(nice sugar on the Lavender, BTW)
#2 I made a reference to Grimace's genitalia in a recent thread. You are the only other person on this site who is warped enough to reference the furry purple junk of a fast food advertisement, so I'm marking my territory. IOW:
Clam taint:accesndx :: Grimace's dong:Weedninja


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
WT: I think you're the first person EVER to suggest that I may have said something succinctly.....LOL. I'll take it as a compliment however. I'd be the first to suggest that I'm verbose (much to the chagrin of other F.A.M.I.L.Y.!!!)
Secondly, I would ALWAYS wrap the cuts in the paper towels....it's a great idea as Lappy said.

WeedNinja: You know I love your style bro...you can shake Grimace's junk here anytime...but just don't forget Shamrock McShake bro!!!

stoned teacher

That video game looks trippy!

Nice writeup on the lavender.

Glad to see all is well...