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hey there :)

im starting some plants from seed which i plan to keep as bonsai moms,

i was wondering what would be the 'minimum' ammount of internodes in a plant from seed to make the first cut to keep a bonsai mum?



I normally top a seed plant when it get to 5 leaf sets. Meaning after the first set of nonserrated leaves but counting the first serrated single leaves. I leave that single leaf set, and two other nodes. Once I had one die, but the other 30 or so I have done that way have been fine. The clones from the top like that fme are bulletproof and I don't think I have ever lost one. I typically take the clone and then flower the seed plant for sexing and evaluation.

If i wanted to keep my bonsai moms in solo cups, how frequently should i expect to trim the roots??

I was using a Hiko tray that has about 400ml volume per, and am now using 10 oz solo cups. Either way they are due for a root pruning every 3 months or so and I do it just like it says here. They love it and just go nuts a week or two after the pruning. I can hold up to 7 moms and I run a 25 plant micro sog. Never had a problem with my moms not producing enough cuts and usually was throwing away twice as many as I was using. Most of my cuts are only a couple inches long. I don't use intense light because I DON"T want tight nodes on my moms. I trim to encourage lower growth to keep my heights down and to encourage the soft growth that is best for cloning. When I root prune I bury the main stalk some too.

When you first start keeping bonsai moms it is a real good idea to always have something in clone and a couple versions of the mom in veg so you can make the occasional mistake and not loose your genetics.

My .02


Active member


Great thread. You inspired me and many others I am sure.:artist:
I am taking it to the next phase in my post "Grafting to create the perfect Bonsai Mom". I have finally created a Bonsai mom of many (2 so far) flavors by grafting a different strain (a berry smelling lucky bag-seed) onto my beloved Judy (master kush).
I have plans to try to make her a 3 in 1 as well.
This will give 3 different smokes from one mom.

So I really have to thank you.:bump:


You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jump117 again

You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to jump117 again


Jump, i'm your biggest fan! Ificially! In the pics above there was a manifestation of love, skill and creative outbursts!





Yo bro! This second girl was in flowering time,wasn't she?
I'm trying to do something similar me too with a girl of bubblelicious of nirvana..Now she is in a pot of 0,5 lt .I've cutted the rest of the plant how you have done leaving only two stems with some leafs and flowers..
Now she is under a neon light(18 watt) by 1 week..
Coco nutrients A/B(coco soil)...
How much it will takes before I'll see some new leaves?

(thnks sorry for the english)



how you have done leaving only two stems with some leafs and flowers..
Hey, sketchy, i revegged her. A couple of weeks before harvest she looked like that

cause i was in need of some smoke. There were five branches at the beggining of reveg process. When i noticed some serious new grow on two of the branches, i cut of the rest three and transferd it to the smaller pot. When first new small branches formed, i chopped out the the remaining parts of the bud and smoked them...
The picture i posted before was taken 6-7 weeks after the beggining of reveg process. Right now theres only the bigger branch left.


Thnxs bro...

So how is the set up for the revegetation?
Do you use mh or neon light..
I've tried many years ago something similar, but these 2 babies didn't made it..
I think maybe 'cause for the weak light of my neon..

(tnxs anyway)

Hey, sketchy, i revegged her. A couple of weeks before harvest she looked like that

cause i was in need of some smoke. There were five branches at the beggining of reveg process. When i noticed some serious new grow on two of the branches, i cut of the rest three and transferd it to the smaller pot. When first new small branches formed, i chopped out the the remaining parts of the bud and smoked them...
The picture i posted before was taken 6-7 weeks after the beggining of reveg process. Right now theres only the bigger branch left.


I used 2x25w cfl's (6400k).

"I've tried many years ago something similar, but these 2 babies didn't made it.."

I tried it for the first time (nooB inda house) and 2 out of 4 died...


New member
What kind of light do you using for the mother plants ?
I plan to have 7 different (clone only) mother plants in 1,5 pots.
What is minimum light requirement ? Is 2x18w (6000K fluorescent) enough with total 2600 lumen in 80x30cm(31˝x12˝) box?
I need only 4 clone every 2 months... and 10 of each in spring
What kind of light do you using for the mother plants ?
I plan to have 7 different (clone only) mother plants in 1,5 pots.
What is minimum light requirement ? Is 2x18w (6000K fluorescent) enough with total 2600 lumen in 80x30cm(31˝x12˝) box?
I need only 4 clone every 2 months... and 10 of each in spring

That should be enough but won't provide vigorous growth, and won't provide much penetration so you will need to keep them low and tight. I use 2 @ 27w cfl's in a 7x14" space with 7 moms and a 12-18 space cloner. I throw more cuts away just maintaining my size than what I actually use, so that is good for me. ymmv


New member
Would be grolux 18 W better or is daylight (6000K) enough ? I'm worried that my precious moms won't survive... so should I add one 18 W extra for sure ?
Anyone have any pointers for making a bonsai mother from seed? The guide is about making one from a clone, but suppose I don't have any clones.. I want to pop like maybe 4 seeds, and treat them all as females, then just yank males when preflowers appear (which they will at some point, since it's just perpetual veg, right?). I'm just not sure when\where to prune them if we're talking about seedlings.

Once they're sexed I want to take cuttings from each mom and flower the cuttings to see which mom is the best, and then flower out the weaker moms for bud and keep the good one.


Anyone have any pointers for making a bonsai mother from seed? The guide is about making one from a clone, but suppose I don't have any clones.. I want to pop like maybe 4 seeds, and treat them all as females, then just yank males when preflowers appear (which they will at some point, since it's just perpetual veg, right?). I'm just not sure when\where to prune them if we're talking about seedlings.

Once they're sexed I want to take cuttings from each mom and flower the cuttings to see which mom is the best, and then flower out the weaker moms for bud and keep the good one.

Top it a lot...you can LST it as well...fim tech, pinch it...how about i just link you to this awesome thread...

Cool, thanks for that info! I had an additional question if anyone could answer it for me..

How long minimum do you need to veg a newly rooted\transplanted clone before you flower it? I want to "test" my mothers to find which one is best by simply flowering a couple clones of each mother. I want to do it as fast as possible since it's just a test, but I want to make sure that the flowering clones are actually expressing their true potential so I can make a good final mother selection. Once I know which mother is the dankest, THEN I'll give the next set of cuts a proper veg.

Also, regarding water PH: What PH should the water you germ seeds with be? And what PH should the water you clone in be (assuming you're transplanting the clones into organic soil)?

Thanks in advance for any help! I'm not new to growing but I AM new to working with real genetics, so I really don't wanna screw up picking a good mother. Only ten precious little seeds!


New member
They do work better from clone so really what makes more sense is to take clones, and once they've rooted and are vegging treat them as the mums and flower out the seedlings.