Aliens do not exist, it's deceptive demons from another dimension that are role playing aliens.
Are you understand what word demon means??
Demon means that those being come from a GOD,as evil and all good beings comes from Creator as he created all things that exist in Universe in this moment and in moment that will come.
So as Creator was made World and you,and he created a lot more
than you can imagine... a lot more types of beings...
and then you say that aliens dont exist but you still belive they are
demons(being that comes from a GOD)...
its a bit confusing as you dont understand that Aliens are
for sure Demons,beings that was created by GOD that created
hole this Universe...
Look good in meaning of a word DEMON... you will get things much
more clear and then it will be not impossible to belive
in Aliens too...
All the best
About Universe, my opinion is that the whole Universe is a mechanism to provide conditions for Earth and Life on it, that's the only purpose of it.
The Ptolemaic system?
About Universe, my opinion is that the whole Universe is a mechanism to provide conditions for Earth and Life on it, that's the only purpose of it.
Dude, don't assume what I understand and not understand, because I know what I was saying, but it seems you didn't understood.
"Aliens" is a term for our Universe, the whole Cosmos, but in our world there are no aliens as such, I was talking about another dimension...
About your claim that God has created lot more types of beings, maybe, but not in our Universe or dimension...
here, put this into google translator, it has couple of pages
E brate... razumijem ja to savršeno,
ali mi se čini da ti mene nisi shvatio potpuno...
Krenuo si nas šprehat sa spikom koju crkva prodaje ovčicama,
gdje čovijek je još uvijek centar svemira i jedino biće koje zaslužuje Božiju Ljubav... Egocentrizam kakav je prisutan u crkvi,
ta oni to najbolje pokazuju prema drugim vjerama a kamoli ne bih
protiv kakvih tamo "svemiraca"...
Zamisli taj beskonačan prostor oko nas stvoren samo za čovijeka i nijedno drugo biće??? Nije li to malo glupo??
Svako dobro Bruce Banner,nadam se da ti neće trebati Google translate program...
Obećajem da ću pročitati kasnije,ali pošto vidim ko piše malo sumnjam da ću vjerovati
jer ta crkvena ekipa radi probleme civilizaciji od svog nastanka,a to mislim za sve vjere.
Nije to ta ekipa... A dal ces verovati ili ne na tebi je, samo sto kad procitas videces i sam dal je logicno ili ne, ima nekoliko strana, dole desno klikaj na sledeca... naravno da ima andjela to nisam ni sporio pa nema logike da postoje demoni a andjeli ne, i o njima imas podrobno na tom sajtu, vise nego sto mozes bilo gde da nadjes, mislim ne vise, nego je kakvoca u pitanju... Inace to valjda znas, covek je kruna Bozijeg stvaranja, andjeli su izmedju ostalog stvoreni i da sluze coveku...
Pozdrav iz Vojvodine
(u koju ce izgleda uskoro uci trupe u crnim uniformama, al nema frke jerbo cim udju odma ce i izaci )
PS: to za ego je moguce da si pokupio od Osha ili slicnih opsenara, veruj mi sve te skole sam prosao... inace u poslednje vreme ta ego mantra se mnogo koristi u new age doktrinama... a um mi je prilicno otvoren u to nema potrebe da sumnjas
I have seen on the ground , a craft that was as tall as a two story house , from a distance of a couple hundred yards or less , there was also someone else that was I a pickup that pulled up to it , 35 to 40 yards that had video of it posted on utube , and it got removed,