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Aliens? maybe, maybe not

Space Toker

Active member
well that sounds like a better plan than most have itwas1969, , SERIOUSLY, if you achieve a higher purpose instead of navigating into a box that others impose on you you are more enlightened than most and have a real hope of changing the world for the better. good luck man!

ps yes looks more like a cosmic swarm than aliens at this point. although that is based on limited research and limited evidence. That it did not exhibit easily noticed signals doesn't mean they do know know how to "signal" in other ways, but well... I hope there is intelligence there or somewhere as we should hardly be the most intelligent species with our track record. Yes I think we can evolve and change all that, but right now from a skeptics view doesn't look good, but then when has anything looked good from a skeptics view! but then again they seem to turn out right more often than an optimist like myself but verdict is still out... Oh way overdid myself here once again. But my past assertions on the subject stand.

Dog Star

Active member
UFO song interconnected with knowledge from Illuminati group,

Illuminati have good knowledge on aliens...


Don't think sorry's easily said
Don't try turning tables instead
Youv'e taken lots of chances before
But I'm not gonna give anymore
Don't ask me
That's how it goes
Cause part of me knows what youre thinkin

Don't say words youre gonna regret
Don't let the fire rush to your head
Ive heard the accusation before
And I ain't gonna take any more
Believe me
The sun in your eyes
Made some of the lies worth believing

I am the eye in the sky
Looking at you
I can read your mind
I am the maker of rules
Dealing with fools
I can cheat you blind
And I dont need to see any more
To know that
I can read your mind, I can read your mind

Dont leave false illusions behind
Dont cry cause I aint changing my mind
So find another fool like before
Cause I aint gonna live anymore believing
Some of the lies while all of the signs are deceiving...

Then goes "Diamonds" Rihanna,pure UFO song that talks about "diamonds in a sky"...

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond

Find light in the beautiful sea
I choose to be happy
You and I, you and I
We’re like diamonds in the sky

You’re a shooting star I see
A vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I’m alive
We’re like diamonds in the sky

I knew that we’d become one right away
Oh, right away
At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes

So shine bright tonight, you and I
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Palms rise to the universe
As we moonshine and molly
Feel the warmth, we’ll never die
We’re like diamonds in the sky

You’re a shooting star I see
A vision of ecstasy
When you hold me, I’m alive
We’re like diamonds in the sky

At first sight I felt the energy of sun rays
I saw the life inside your eyes

So shine bright tonight, you and I
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
We’re beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond

So shine bright tonight, you and I
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky
Eye to eye, so alive
We're beautiful like diamonds in the sky

Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Oh, yeah
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond
Shine bright like a diamond

Both of songs talking about UFOs if you know to read between a lines... and both of musicians are for sure part of Illuminati group as they mention old knowledge
thru symbolicaly text inside songs...,they also mention love as a main thing that
is most important in this reality..

first song is specificaly significant since it mention eye-opening stuff for somewanne
that have wider knowledge about UFO specific theme...

"watchers","keepers" are usually their name in religic books.. but they are here
for sure and i have good feel we are in some way their space project.

Love and Universe will unite as in the end....


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well here's my take on the question of, "Are there aliens in space. Yes in a universe so vast it's nearly incomprehensible the odds favor there being other intelligent life in it. In fact the odds are greater that there is other intelligent life out there verses the odds that we are the only ones. What gets me is why waste time and energy on it? The star system in question is 1500 light years away, even if it were possible to travel the speed of light and we had that technology, it would take roughly 15 lifetimes at full throttle light speed to get there.

Then there are other technical details to grapple with such as a safe reliable energy source to power a ship for that long without breaking down. Or materials strong enough to endure the stresses of running that long. Hell we can't power a flashlight steadily for more then a few days tops so it's very unlikely we'll be making anything strong enough and reliable enough to run steadily for 1500 years, for quite some time yet. Such issues are very likely the same for any other intelligent life in the universe. Let's set that aside though there is still the question of why? Whatever the reasons, curiosity, the need for resources, the need for a new home, etc. As vast as the universe is with all the galaxies, stars, solar systems and planets there are just as likely to be good places to go within a handful of light years. When people go to get gas even though the price might be higher they tend to go to gas stations closest to them. What good is it to travel so far to get gas if the benefit of that gas is used up in the trip home?


Andinismo Hierbatero
We humans would not recognize intelligent life if it bit us in the ass...

That's a perception problem, how can we look for something we have no idea about?

Our specie should be re-named from homo-sapiens to homo-idiotus, just look at the state of humanity and say it is not so...


Well-known member
i'll keep this updated until it looks 'solved'
a NASA team has announced the dimming is likely from a very large comet swarm
with one very big comet causing the big drop in light
doesn't sound right to me, this comet would have to be the size of Jupiter, probably bigger
repost from CNN

(CNN)An anomaly in deep space that has been the focus of speculation and observation for weeks over possible extraterrestrial life may have just been solved.

A research team from Iowa State University looked at data from NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope, and found that the strange dips in light, which were initially theorized to be possible structures, were likely a "swarm of comets."

The system, KIC 8462852, had been under scrutiny since its unusual light fluctuation was discovered by users of the online astronomy crowdsourcing site Planet Hunters. The group uses publicly available data gathered by NASA's Kepler Telescope, which has been tasked with finding Earth-like planets by searching for the periodic dimming of stars that might suggest such a planet is passing by.

But NASA says the Kepler Telescope only viewed the star in "visible light," and in this case, they searched by infrared light.

"It's possible that a family of comets is traveling on a very long, eccentric orbit around the star," NASA said in a statement. "At the head of the pack would be a very large comet, which would have blocked the star's light."

Associate Professor Massimo Marengo at Iowa State led the study and said more observations are needed to confirm their study's conclusion.

"This is very strange star," Marengo said. "We may not know yet what's going on around this star. But that's what makes it so interesting."

Investigating KIC 8462852

The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence Institute has been monitoring the star since early October. Situated 1,500 light years away between the Cygnus and Lyra constellations, light from the star system occasionally has dropped by 20%. SETI Institute started investigating the star after learning that the Kepler team had vetted data showing there is an atypical light pattern coming from the region.

Using the Allen Telescope Array, which comprises a large number of small dishes used to monitor wavelengths, SETI Institute said it has not detected radio signals.

Space anomaly gets experts' attention

The telescope, in the Cascade Mountains in California, was searching for two different types of radio signals -- possible markers for technology.

The first type of radio signals, narrow-band signals, theoretically emit a "hailing signal" that a society would use if it wanted to announce its presence. They are most often sought in radio experiments, according to the SETI Institute. The second type -- broadband signals -- might be present if there was an ancient alien structure in the star system.

What the institute is looking for are signals from transmitters such as from a television station or a radar, senior astronomer Seth Shostak told CNN. But so far they haven't picked up anything from KIC 8462852.

But that doesn't rule out intelligent life in the star system or other parts of the universe, Shostak said.

"There is estimated to be in our galaxy alone a trillion planets. And we can see 100 billion galaxies," he said. "It's believed that one in 10 stars may have a habitable world capable of supporting life. That's a lot of real estate."

Several theories have been offered up as explanations for the star's aperiodic light variation.

In September, Yale postdoctoral astronomy fellow Tabetha Boyajian, who is on Planet Hunters' advisory team, and other colleagues published an academic paper that theorized the light changes could be from comet fragments. However, Boyajian told CNN in October that future observations are still needed.

Other theories that have been tossed around by experts and astronomy novices include a swarm of comets, an undetected celestial phenomenon heading toward Earth or the most attention-grabbing -- an "alien megastructure," a term coined by some Internet users.

"The history of astronomy tells us that every time we thought we had found a phenomenon due to the activities of extraterrestrials, we were wrong," Shostak said.

"But although it's quite likely that this star's strange behavior is due to nature, not aliens, it's only prudent to check such things out."

Dog Star

Active member
Are you understand what word demon means??

Demon means that those being come from a GOD,as evil and all good beings comes from Creator as he created all things that exist in Universe in this moment and in moment that will come.

So as Creator was made World and you,and he created a lot more
than you can imagine... a lot more types of beings...

and then you say that aliens dont exist but you still belive they are
demons(being that comes from a GOD)...

its a bit confusing as you dont understand that Aliens are
for sure Demons,beings that was created by GOD that created
hole this Universe...

Look good in meaning of a word DEMON... you will get things much
more clear and then it will be not impossible to belive
in Aliens too...

All the best


Aliens do not exist, it's deceptive demons from another dimension that are role playing aliens.


Well-known member
Are you understand what word demon means??

Demon means that those being come from a GOD,as evil and all good beings comes from Creator as he created all things that exist in Universe in this moment and in moment that will come.

So as Creator was made World and you,and he created a lot more
than you can imagine... a lot more types of beings...

and then you say that aliens dont exist but you still belive they are
demons(being that comes from a GOD)...

its a bit confusing as you dont understand that Aliens are
for sure Demons,beings that was created by GOD that created
hole this Universe...

Look good in meaning of a word DEMON... you will get things much
more clear and then it will be not impossible to belive
in Aliens too...

All the best


Dude, don't assume what I understand and not understand, because I know what I was saying, but it seems you didn't understood.
"Aliens" is a term for our Universe, the whole Cosmos, but in our world there are no aliens as such, I was talking about another dimension...

About your claim that God has created lot more types of beings, maybe, but not in our Universe or dimension...

here, put this into google translator, it has couple of pages
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Well-known member
About Universe, my opinion is that the whole Universe is a mechanism to provide conditions for Earth and Life on it, that's the only purpose of it.
About Universe, my opinion is that the whole Universe is a mechanism to provide conditions for Earth and Life on it, that's the only purpose of it.

Or maybe the Universe provides a mechanism for humans to expand and survive forever. People talk about saving the Earth, I say lets talk about expanding past Earth.:tiphat: Humans are dentin to become a class 3 civilization, and harness the power of solar systems.

Dog Star

Active member
E brate... razumijem ja to savršeno,

ali mi se čini da ti mene nisi shvatio potpuno...

Krenuo si nas šprehat sa spikom koju crkva prodaje ovčicama,
gdje čovijek je još uvijek centar svemira i jedino biće koje zaslužuje Božiju Ljubav... Egocentrizam kakav je prisutan u crkvi,

ta oni to najbolje pokazuju prema drugim vjerama a kamoli ne bih
protiv kakvih tamo "svemiraca"...

Zamisli taj beskonačan prostor oko nas stvoren samo za čovijeka i nijedno drugo biće??? Nije li to malo glupo??

Svako dobro Bruce Banner,nadam se da ti neće trebati Google translate program... :tiphat:


Dude, don't assume what I understand and not understand, because I know what I was saying, but it seems you didn't understood.
"Aliens" is a term for our Universe, the whole Cosmos, but in our world there are no aliens as such, I was talking about another dimension...

About your claim that God has created lot more types of beings, maybe, but not in our Universe or dimension...

here, put this into google translator, it has couple of pages


Well-known member
E brate... razumijem ja to savršeno,

ali mi se čini da ti mene nisi shvatio potpuno...

Krenuo si nas šprehat sa spikom koju crkva prodaje ovčicama,
gdje čovijek je još uvijek centar svemira i jedino biće koje zaslužuje Božiju Ljubav... Egocentrizam kakav je prisutan u crkvi,

ta oni to najbolje pokazuju prema drugim vjerama a kamoli ne bih
protiv kakvih tamo "svemiraca"...

Zamisli taj beskonačan prostor oko nas stvoren samo za čovijeka i nijedno drugo biće??? Nije li to malo glupo??

Svako dobro Bruce Banner,nadam se da ti neće trebati Google translate program... :tiphat:


Ti nisi ni procitao sta tamo sve pise... a da li je glupo videces :)

PS: ziveo sam u nemackoj 6 godina pa mi nisu uspeli prodati spiku da koristim rec sprehati, pa ti vidi ko je kome prodao spiku... a iskreno, o pravoslavlju ne znas bas mnogo

Dog Star

Active member
Obećajem da ću pročitati kasnije,ali pošto vidim ko piše malo sumnjam da ću vjerovati
jer ta crkvena ekipa radi probleme civilizaciji od svog nastanka,a to mislim za sve vjere.

Tako oni upozoravaju da su svemirci "zli demoni"... a mi znamo da tamo ima i "dobrih anđela"... nije sve crno i zlo... ima tamo i svijetlih bića...

kako na nebu tako i na zemlji.... to je univerzalan zakon za cijeli svemir.

I moja vjera u Boga govori mi da on ima još puno "kuća" rasijanih ovim našim svemirom
sa ko zna kakvim čudima i bićima,da li su oni dobri ili zli ja u to ne ulazim...

ja znam da oni postoje na isti način na koji i mi postojimo i neshvatljiv mi je
ograničeni vid svemira kakav ti spominješ te navodiš taj link..

Ja znam da iza tog texta sto posto stoji ljudski samoljubivi EGO,ogranićen tip materijala
koji je sam sebe postavio u središte svemira,ta znaš da je jedna od največih
ljudskih mana glupost,neki je porede ćak sa veličinom svemira ali kažu da je ljudska
glupost ipak veča od tog istog svemira...

Moj tip bi bio da otvoriš um,da razmišljaš svojom glavom i da sam potražiš riješenje
te misterije ali na tom putu da ne pitaš samo jednog za mišljenje,npr SPC ili bilo koju drugu crkvu... ta znaš da oni nisu bez greške na ovom svijetu..

Živio Bruce



ruger 500
I have seen on the ground , a craft that was as tall as a two story house , from a distance of a couple hundred yards or less , there was also someone else that was I a pickup that pulled up to it , 35 to 40 yards that had video of it posted on utube , and it got removed,


Well-known member
Obećajem da ću pročitati kasnije,ali pošto vidim ko piše malo sumnjam da ću vjerovati
jer ta crkvena ekipa radi probleme civilizaciji od svog nastanka,a to mislim za sve vjere.


Nije to ta ekipa... A dal ces verovati ili ne na tebi je, samo sto kad procitas videces i sam dal je logicno ili ne, ima nekoliko strana, dole desno klikaj na sledeca... naravno da ima andjela to nisam ni sporio pa nema logike da postoje demoni a andjeli ne, i o njima imas podrobno na tom sajtu, vise nego sto mozes bilo gde da nadjes, mislim ne vise, nego je kakvoca u pitanju i samo poznanje... Inace to valjda znas, covek je kruna Bozijeg stvaranja, andjeli su izmedju ostalog stvoreni i da sluze coveku...

Pozdrav iz Vojvodine
(u koju ce izgleda uskoro uci trupe u crnim uniformama, al nema frke jerbo cim udju odma ce i izaci :))

PS: to za ego je moguce da si pokupio od Osha ili slicnih opsenara, veruj mi sve te skole sam prosao... inace u poslednje vreme ta ego mantra se mnogo koristi u new age doktrinama... a um mi je prilicno otvoren u to nema potrebe da sumnjas
I jos nesto, ja nisam prvo procitao tekst pa formirao misljenje, nego sam vec formiranog istovetnog misljenja naisao na tekst koji je samo potvrdio i upotpunio ono sto vec znam.
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Dog Star

Active member
Pročitati ću prvo taj text,sad imam nešto obveza pa neću odmah,

ali obečajem pa ću te onda kontaktirati,i ja sam zainteresiran za ovu temu tako da možemo kasnije prokomentirat to sve..

Nisam čitao tog Osha i nisam New Age-ovac,a što se tiće EGA njega
sam osobno upoznao na svom primjeru tako da znam o ćemu se radi...

Čujemo se kasnije,sorry moram bežat sad :tiphat:


Nije to ta ekipa... A dal ces verovati ili ne na tebi je, samo sto kad procitas videces i sam dal je logicno ili ne, ima nekoliko strana, dole desno klikaj na sledeca... naravno da ima andjela to nisam ni sporio pa nema logike da postoje demoni a andjeli ne, i o njima imas podrobno na tom sajtu, vise nego sto mozes bilo gde da nadjes, mislim ne vise, nego je kakvoca u pitanju... Inace to valjda znas, covek je kruna Bozijeg stvaranja, andjeli su izmedju ostalog stvoreni i da sluze coveku...

Pozdrav iz Vojvodine
(u koju ce izgleda uskoro uci trupe u crnim uniformama, al nema frke jerbo cim udju odma ce i izaci :))

PS: to za ego je moguce da si pokupio od Osha ili slicnih opsenara, veruj mi sve te skole sam prosao... inace u poslednje vreme ta ego mantra se mnogo koristi u new age doktrinama... a um mi je prilicno otvoren u to nema potrebe da sumnjas


Active member
fault lines

fault lines

I have seen on the ground , a craft that was as tall as a two story house , from a distance of a couple hundred yards or less , there was also someone else that was I a pickup that pulled up to it , 35 to 40 yards that had video of it posted on utube , and it got removed,

In 1969 , me and a couple of friends were out exploring the san andreas fault just east of palm springs calif ,because many desert oasis's , are along the fault . It was summer where daytime temperature reach over 120 f., and being a desert creature at the time , we go out at night to explore , due to day time temps we were at the 1000 palms oasis (well before the nature conservancy fenced the place ) , we were exploring the oasis , when we looked down the fault line and saw lights in the sky due east. the lights were coming towards us at an elevation of about 300 ft., about a half mile out , traveling about 5 mph .slowly a craft came into view , it was a triangle shaped craft with sides about 75 feet long .with lights on the corners . It slowly flew right over our heads, and went behind a cliff at our backs .We looked at each other (with our hair standing straight up , and said what the f@#$, just then the craft backed up right over us , and then we heard something in the reeds plop down , This is when we started rung like greased lightning to the 65 vw where I tried to fit under the front seat (being so scared ) ,, we woke up the next morning up canyon north of the oasis .

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