I was taught an air exchange ever 2 minutes when I first started but it's actually more complex than that. You want to exchange the air, in an open system, as fast as possible IMO/IME, while maintaining proper temps while the lights are on as lights off is a different animal and really requires no air exchange if certain parameters are held in check. One thing that will occur lights on is the longer you go between air exchanges the more humidity will rise so even though temps may be in check to your satisfaction RH will go up. Personally I'd rather run at cooler temps with lower RH than higher temps with higher RH and this is more true for me the later I'm in flower. In veg I'd take the higher temps/humidity though.I've read that you should size a fan so it can exchange the air in your room within 3-5 minutes. However, how often during an hour do you want to exchange the air? Once an hour? Twice?
For stealth purposes I rather not have the fan run continuously, but I am curious as to what is a sufficient number of air exchanges.
Also regarding your question it's difficult to say how often you'd need to exchange air to maintain satisfactory CO2 levels because it's not the size of the space but how much canopy you have in that space that will determine how fast the CO2 is depleted.
If stealth is a concern buy oversized fans and slow them down with a speed controller, use insulated oversized ducting, use noise mufflers, hang fans using bungee cords, etc. Also a fan like an Elicent is quieter than the same sized Vortex cause the Elicent is moving less air making it quieter in comparison. More air flowing through the same sized fan housing increases noise.
Good luck!