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African Strains


Well-known member
Go watch the Congo episode ….if you haven’t already seen it ..
angry locals, and pretty much had the army blokes protecting them
The “extinction” is the plan but only in the wild/outdoors .To be the only ones with pure ..
I met a grower
where they had been before and he was not stoked
bugs, mould and much more watering is what he told me and he wished he never took their seed
Yeah the one with vice no?
Yeah indicas and hybrids with a lot of indicas don't doit good in the tropics.
even those that are supposed to be mostly sativas behave as an automatic would behave in other latitudes and normally the density of their flowers causes them to grow mold in the rainy season.

planting in the tropics makes it impossible for them to sell us cat for rabbit, as we say here, because it quickly shows how indica the "sativas" are.

The downside is that even more ethical breeders than those mentioned, in their process of adapting landraces to more temperate climates, also screw it up a bit for us growers who live in the tropics and subtropics.


Well-known member
Yeah the one with vice no?
Yeah indicas and hybrids with a lot of indicas don't doit good in the tropics.
even those that are supposed to be mostly sativas behave as an automatic would behave in other latitudes and normally the density of their flowers causes them to grow mold in the rainy season.

planting in the tropics makes it impossible for them to sell us cat for rabbit, as we say here, because it quickly shows how indica the "sativas" are.

The downside is that even more ethical breeders than those mentioned, in their process of adapting landraces to more temperate climates, also screw it up a bit for us growers who live in the tropics and subtropics.
Looks like it’s gone ? Not sure .. you see them dealing with the chief and paying him peanuts , like a few dollars
When they go to field
the other tribesmen want to kill them but they have the army with them
that beat off and threaten to shoot them if they don’t back off and leave them alone
Let me know if you find it, thanks
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Well-known member
If I could live in tropical Africa, there's an experience I'd love to make. Just grow hemp there for the rest of my life and document each year, generation after generation, the evolution of the hemp. Could something like Carmagnola or Kompolti (European hemp both) grow into Malawi Gold or Jamaican Blue Mountain (it's an historical hypothesis that has been formulated) ?
Better yet start with a Siberian Auto Landrace !
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Well-known member
yes, robert clarke says that a small degree of Latitude changes the expression of a plant enormously.

Cant you imagine that if one plant expresses much different (much worse i guess is the point of Robert clarke, bee it just the yeald that was visibly lower, even african indigenous folks would probably TEND to let a big Bud stand and tend to let the small bud next to it go..

Evolution theory says that the enviroment shapes species,, so its not news.. (well its probably the other way around and a given Species can turn into "shape A", or "shape B". But it doesent matter, cause it only hapens if Shape A, or B, or C is needed in order to survive the situation(new situation).

So, i believe your weed will become Malawi Gold..
However its very important that your Hemp hasnt systemically breed out THC.. Before prohibition hemp had about one or two percent thc, and occasionally even 5 percent i estimate.. Cant say exactly..
But post Prohibition HEmp-Strains have often below 0.3...
Taking such a 0.3 Strain would probably take triple as long to adapt into malawi gold..

Im astonished nobody thinks about this beisdes me and people who deal with me on a regular basis. lol

(i mean i heard per coexidence in a Doku of some fish , they shown them and they said they could see the adaption happening because some circumstance changed, and they could see it happen faster then they thought..)


Well-known member
Wait, i forgot human selection.. The THC of wild weed is about the same as the old-day hemp.. one two percent..
So this doesent change if you dont select the Strain you grow for your Taste..
And it wouldnt matter totaly what your HAnd has choosen, because what you will choose WILL correspond with the natural habitat.. If the ground is high in XY than the plant you will select will be ok with Grounds in XY..
So, you would end up with something with strong resemblances to malawi gold.. there might bee some Differences, namely old african Folks,,, they live in a different Time, they had different interesses.. (they often wanted to see the Gods , and communicate with em and prayers)
Old Folks often liked spiritual things.. Modern Folks often are less into spiritual things..
Never the less ,
-1)) there will be strong similarities because bnecause again; the enviroment shapes the style of plant in a very particullar way.. Even if you dont select it, Robert Clare probably had a finding thats important, namely he said the cultivated Species often had similar Features as the semiwild species in the same country.... (wich could be because theyre escaped cultivated species, yes.. but could also be that the wild ones are greatly untouched and adapted similar)

- 2)) And some aspects that you as a modern HUMAN will select for will probably be the same as the aspects that an oldworld HUMAN did select..


Well-known member
That said, i think what I PERSONALLY love so much in LAndraces is mostly this "Shapepshift of the Adaptation".
I beleive this complexity of a Landrace effect is greatly caused by Adaptation.
And if the human selection is not quiet as important..
Thats why i hate hybrids alwyays. IT has two compleetly different adaptations,, the complex Adaptation now has two totally different difrections, interfeering with each other.. (dissonance).

And human intention lie (spiritual highs) , (kitschy stupid highs as comparison) is ot even thaaat different.. Most destructive is the said outcrossing and totally different adaptions combined in one hybrid . (hence my/our dislike of hybrids).
(This Post says we dont like hybrids, wich may be individually different for each person.. i just speak to landrace- lovers and whats the "reason " behind it ,in my theory)

Mimpi Manis

Well-known member
yes, robert clarke says that a small degree of Latitude changes the expression of a plant enormously.

Cant you imagine that if one plant expresses much different (much worse i guess is the point of Robert clarke, bee it just the yeald that was visibly lower, even african indigenous folks would probably TEND to let a big Bud stand and tend to let the small bud next to it go..

Evolution theory says that the enviroment shapes species,, so its not news.. (well its probably the other way around and a given Species can turn into "shape A", or "shape B". But it doesent matter, cause it only hapens if Shape A, or B, or C is needed in order to survive the situation(new situation).

So, i believe your weed will become Malawi Gold..
However its very important that your Hemp hasnt systemically breed out THC.. Before prohibition hemp had about one or two percent thc, and occasionally even 5 percent i estimate.. Cant say exactly..
But post Prohibition HEmp-Strains have often below 0.3...
Taking such a 0.3 Strain would probably take triple as long to adapt into malawi gold..

Im astonished nobody thinks about this beisdes me and people who deal with me on a regular basis. lol

(i mean i heard per coexidence in a Doku of some fish , they shown them and they said they could see the adaption happening because some circumstance changed, and they could see it happen faster then they thought..)

Not sure exactly when your post prohibition theory kicks in... but those SE Asian strains I had during 60's and 70's had more than 0.3% THC I'll wager. I think you're drawing more than few long bows here. Genetics are complicated. Historical accounts and anecdotal information not always reliable. Simple B&W answers are oft fraught with anomalies and nebulous assumptions. One thing I know for certain; I surely regret the passing of those amazing strains of yore. Shame many of current generations never got to try them. Would have definitely spring cleaned a few synapses and added a little informed frisson to the debate.

PS. Liked the RC Clarke clip. But it did pose a few questions. For instance; just how much THC did those Chinese hemp strains have exactly? No production numbers and comparisons? Viability of hemp crops economically? You aware of any other info relating to this clip?
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Well-known member
we got a missunderstanding , i said the hemp we have around atleast in Europe has the thc bred out. Its not the Hemp that is speculated (from some guys) to first have entered Southamerica, AND later became stronger till it became Columbian Landrace .
but i guess you also discount this theory as fantasy,,
and it is speculation, not from me, but speculation..

point is: a guy asked wha would happen if he imported his plant to foreign climate, so what you expect? an expert listing huntert site long studies of what happens if you place a plant into other climate ?
further, i already listed prooe for parts of my theory elsewhere (terroirs influence on wine wich is prooven) with very sparse interesse shown from others... so i saved me the exhausting part of pasting those links again, cause i dont know,, few interesse? no, actually cause it takes longer to read and i found that i get close to zero likes for posts exceeding a certain lenght,, so..


Well-known member
so, you want the few evidence i have , rewritten again, i can do it again, but feeling there is few interesse-- i almost feel people dislike it, but if you want tell me.


Well-known member
i dont know have i listed it, but one part evidence is that one of these cannabis scientists said that in a geneticalanalysis of various chinese strains that there is a clear genetic similarity between samples they took on the same latitude.. sometimes im unshure if people understand the possible meaning of this finding.. and it is: the landscape shapes the genetical composition of a given landrace... i mean its probably not the only explonation, but hey,, adaption to climate isnt really new theory, its part of evolution theory.. and may it not be 100 percent proven, so is it still ... i mean you can ask god if thats to bad for you, lol all good, ok
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Well-known member
Oh, and acording my theory, if you breed a strain 50 or 100 generations in small numbers it would anyway get horrible inbreedingdepression


Well-known member
sudanese . kwik seeds . she has been flowering around 14 weeks. i had another pheno that was ready after 12 weeks that was a bit hempy , this remaining pheno is superior , after testing an early sample. she is ripening fast now. aromas are citrus peel , tangerine side.


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Well-known member
@romanoweed great to see your participation .

your saying plants change themselves what i understand. i've previously thought genomes were engines of an evolving process. i do not know how they evolve but somehow they contain terpenes of many, but not all in every seed. humans mixing populations of distinct sub populations. if canna was never hybridized we would not have the benefit of the plants we do have today. the plants would have remained very basic and contents of minute amounts.1 its only natural to improve its like an argument against evolution.

the plants of the years of yore contained the same compounds somebody from that era wouldnt be bragging but it online on an obscure forum. i wish to learn more about this process.


Well-known member
Cross-breeding is the mating of two different strains or breeding lines of a species. Hybridization is the mating of two different species. got it. i dont agree about mono hybrids either what is the philosophy in that if the genes cant play out? benefits, cons? @anybody and @romanoweed

is that combination of genes to create something that could not be accomplished without those genes combined is how we got what we got.
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Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Not sure of rules regarding seed sites not involved here but will link by name. I got 10 fem Black African Magic seeds and will germ 1 right away even being my grow is a month in.... Supposed to be killer and can be TRIPPY!! seed fair

Ordered Malawi, Congo, Ugandan and Ethiopian seeds from east africa genes. They are out of Kenya. Seems legit.