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Africa Cape Town: City gives approval for hemp farming


Active member
March 4 2011 at 08:17pm
By Ella Smook
IOL news pic _hemp
hxxp://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/ ... -1.1036456

A plan to establish and develop a hemp industry in the Western Cape has been given an enthusiastic thumbs-up by the city’s economic development and tourism portfolio committee.

According to Tony Budden of Long Street’s Hemporium, hemp is an enormous untapped industry with the potential to address many of the city’s social woes, including in the areas of housing, unemployment and health.

Budden presented his views on the hemp industry to the committee yesterday.

Hemp products are mostly imported and crops may be cultivated locally only with a permit allowing the cultivation of narcotic drugs, issued by the Department of Health.

Industrial hemp contains only negligible amounts of the psychoactive substance tetrahydrocannabinol, which is found in dagga.

Budden was bombarded with questions yesterday from curious committee members.

After Budden’s presentation, chairman Pat Hill confirmed that the committee supported – “with some enthusiasm” – Hemporium’s plan to apply for a licence to grow hemp commercially.

Budden said the Western Cape was the ideal place to cultivate hemp crops. However, he said the country was being left behind in the wake of other countries that were already reaping the commercial, social and ecological rewards of industrial hemp production.

More than 30 countries produced industrial hemp, including Australia, Austria, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Chile, North Korea, Uruguay and nine US states.

The world’s leading producer of hemp was China, which, according to Budden, had set a target of creating 3 million jobs in the industry over the next 10 years.

Budden said hemp had the potential to create “an entire new industry for the Western Cape, and particularly for the City of Cape Town”.

It also had the potential to create up to four times the number of jobs associated with wheat cultivation.

Processed hemp had many uses and over the past 15 years several business, including Woolworths, Nando’s, Levi’s, Billabong, Clicks, Sappi, DaimlerChrysler, Unilever and Concretex, had shown “a genuine interest in locally grown hemp”.

Even in the government there was no shortage of people who supported industrial hemp production, Budden said.

“All we are asking for is to create an enabling environment for research so we can prove it is viable,” he urged.

While a sceptical Koos Bredenhand, of the ANC, initially put Budden through his paces, he was apparently won over after being shown raw hemp products, one of which he declared to be “beautiful”.

It also helped changed his mind when Budden explained the difference between hemp and dagga.

With the support of the city, Hemporium will now attempt to obtain the necessary permits for local hemp production. - Cape Argus


Active member

don't know what this has to do with hemp ???
came across this post in a couple of threads today ???
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Sat X RB

March 4 2011 at 08:17pm
By Ella Smook
IOL news pic _hemp
hxxp://www.iol.co.za/news/south-africa/ ... -1.103645

More than 30 countries produced industrial hemp, including Australia, Austria, Canada, Great Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Chile, North Korea, Uruguay and nine US states.

Cape Argus

incorrect! sad to say Australia does not produce industrial hemp altho there have been trials. even the production of seed to make health oils is banned.


Well-known member
A few photos they posted, 3 weeks from seed:

6 weeks:

10 weeks in, proud farmer in his crops


Well-known member
Oh really.. There is no distinction in the medicines and drug scheduling act and related acts between hemp and drug cannabis. Interesting. Nevermind the wording of the law says, 'any part of the plant thereof' so that makes your entire fruit and veg section and herb and spices section of the supermarket illegal as the terpenes are common and a 'part of the plant thereof'. Also under current law, the entire detergent and cleaning product section as well as cosmetics and perfumes are illegal too. Juices, sweets and all products derived from processing fruit containing common terpenes are subsequently as illegal, schedule 8, in South Africa as well as hemp, cannabis sativa. Fuck the state which is corrupt to the core and their gestapo dogs of war. Fuck the judges, they do not protect the rights of the citizens and tax-payers.

For sure, right now as I write this, people are being locked up for growing the same plant in the the same country, all over the country, in their respective homelands (Growing like their forefathers did for more than a thousand years nevermind). The same people were asked to grow in the 80's 'for the cause' to turn profit for the ANC currently in power who was expatriated all over the globe and with few military camps too and big bills to pay. The same 'cadres' now lock em up for the same thing while allowing pilot projects to grow the same for themselves of the same fucking plant with no change to law. What a joke. And us smokers and users of this medicine must ultimately foot the bill for this whole circus with our taxes.. Hmm F that shit.

Sat X RB

For sure, right now as I write this, people are being locked up for growing the same plant in the the same country, all over the country, in their respective homelands (Growing like their forefathers did for more than a thousand years nevermind). The same people were asked to grow in the 80's 'for the cause' to turn profit for the ANC currently in power who was expatriated all over the globe and with few military camps too and big bills to pay. The same 'cadres' now lock em up for the same thing while allowing pilot projects to grow the same for themselves of the same fucking plant with no change to law. What a joke. And us smokers and users of this medicine must ultimately foot the bill for this whole circus with our taxes.. Hmm F that shit.

I guess we've all had experiences in life where someone we know goes straight and forgets their past life.
like the friend you smoked with for years comes into a bit of money and then doesn't visit or smoke with you anymore because it might jeopardise their current good fortune.

cheers from across the southern waters ...

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