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AF breeding selection for high % of NON-AF parent.

La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
Selecting for AF traits from F1-F2 generations is easy. We can easily pop hundreds of seeds in small pots and transplant to bigger pots only those that start to flower under 24 light, after a month or so we can throw away the rest.
We can manage with much less space/lights than when selecting 12/12 strains that we basicly have to grow all the way.
...Well, we have to do this with AF-strains also when the AF-trait is locked and we are selecting plants that have best high/taste.

I'm not very experienced as a breeder but thats how I do it.

That's indeed the way of selecting auto-flowing. I'm only selecting from the F2, also for the best high/taste and size


Thanks cricket, this has confirmed the process I'll be using. Would you recommend to always use the pollen from the male auto? and have you heard of adding flour to your pollen in order to apply it at lack of a better word 'thinner' rate?


icecoldcricket.. im just about to pop about 100 or so AK47/Pehkuruder F1's. Ill run a thread on them in the AF Breeder group.

Going to need some help from you guys with the selections i think.

After that .. im on to the SSH/PKR's F1's. Im planning to document the whole process on Icmag.

Copycats are afterall always one step behind. :D

I have also got some interesting half AF to AF combos coming. Like FinX father (38% lowryder non AF) to Pehkuruder AF mother. And the other way around, Pehkuruder father to FinX non AF mother.

I wonder how the percentages of AF offspring will play out in those crosses.... ill keep you all updated on that. but it'll take time as you know with these things.


Kaneh.. humm where to begin,, doing a BX with a different parent then the Original of the same strain can cause many problems later down the line and you might get unwanted traits pop up that where reccessive in the the Original Parent, but might be more dominant in the different parent. You will be adding 50% New DNA into the cross when making the BX with a different parent plant. Yes, using stable lines for this would be ideal so you might be able to BX with different plarents without worry ,, but the problem lies that there are not many strains in the world that are 100% stable or every trait. So, keeping your BX the Original would help you lock down the traits you want faster and more effectively.

What you said,, I do the BX to different parent to get more genetic variation, hoping to get more healthy strain.
Also I believe it is best to work with stable IBL strains. This way we get less variation in future generations. That is hard to understand why you would do this when breeding for certain traits that you want to lock down in the Orginal NON AF parent that you wanted in the first place. You said it yourself, This way we get less variation in future generations,, but you also sad before that you want to make the cross have much more variation by BX to a different Parent plant??? That dont make sense bro.:joint:


Eh, This should be pretty basic breeding 101. I'm sorry for my english, it's difficult to explain this kind of "technical" stuff in foreign language!
I can see now that what I was saying was confusing:
"I do the BX to different parent to get more genetic variation"
and "it is best to work with stable IBL strains. This way we get less variation in future generations."
But, I still stand behind what I say, I prefer to have that genetic variation that happens inside good IBL strain and do selecting for traits I see important in future generations. Next time I will do open pollination of selected plants to get even broader genetic spectrum.

This is how I understand it, but I'm not pro-breeder and I might be wrong about this...

Check out this thread, I quess Tom Hill and Nvisionary can explain better what I'm trying to say:
It's mostly of topic and weird, but same time one of the best threads I have read here.


I also do an open pollination when i get a new strain, or starting on breeding work. You need to see as many different combinations of the genes as you can. It's been said before when choosing parents you need to select from as larg a population as you can.

A good portion of cuttings wouldn't be here if skunk didn't have such variation in it's line.

I also agree that the clone mom BX is essential in nailing down the desirered traits in the new AF line.

If i want to find that gem AF to strart breeding to my clone only mom, i have to look into as many different phenos as i can.

Just my thoughts. Re-hash really.


We were talking apples and oranges here ICC.
I checked your first post and you were talkin ELITE, I'm not sure what that really means. But the way I understand it, it means clone only strain? ie one special invidual found in certain strain.

So, you want to lock traits of single plant, and I wan't to lock traits of single strain.

But what you do after you got your auto "elite" BX4?
You have AF plant so you can't clone it. So to keep the strain alive you have to start inbreeding it. I'm afraid at this point your elite starts to lose its vigour because of genetic degeneration. It's specially important if you want to continue using that AF-elite as breeding stock.
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Do you really believe that landraces are originated from one mother?
Theres no way you can compare landraces and BX done to one plant in your closet!

Let me quote myself:

Check out this thread, I quess Tom Hill and Nvisionary can explain better what I'm trying to say:
It's mostly of topic and weird, but same time one of the best threads I have read here.

Theres some posts deleted in the beginning, so first pages doesn't make much sense. But keep reading, it gets really interesting.
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La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
Do you really believe that landraces are originated from one mother?
Theres no way you can compare landraces and BX done to one plant in your closet!

Let me quote myself:

Check out this thread, I quess Tom Hill and Nvisionary can explain better what I'm trying to say:
It's mostly of topic and weird, but same time one of the best threads I have read here.

Theres some posts deleted in the beginning, so first pages doesn't make much sense. But keep reading, it gets really interesting.

damm i m so bad in english i dont understand it :badday::puppydoge

i m now back crossing my Auto Haze's it too o,Haze and
a ACE Oldtimers Haze X CBG's Meao Thai
Meao Thai is a highly worked highland thai, selected here for a few generations. It's very resinous, with an euphoric menthal high, taste is woody lemony. It's the thai that was used to create Destroyer. Flowering time is around 16 weeks.

some of my Autoflowering Haze;s have now only 1/8 lowryder(autoflowering) in them
i now breeding them too haze's so end of next year i will have autoflowering strains with 1/16 (loweryder) in them !!

i beleef in crossing a male autoflower too a stable not autoflower strain.
breed this F1 till you get stable autoflowering and the traids of the not autoflowering female.
than you breed a male from the same strain as the non autoflowering female and breed till autoflowering
the males and female are importend in genetics

hoop you guy understand what im seying/mening?



ICC, first off, your organic method works wonders for AF's, my first foray into organic teas was with your method.

I don't know much about breeding done a few pollen chucks in my day, but nothing on a serious note. As such i am only a speculator. I don't want to come across as arguing here. I am just verbalising what i've been taught about breeding. That beeing said, i am a student for life, show me and i will learn, involve me and i will remember.

When i think of back crossing i always relate back to BOG's sour bubble. Back in the overgrow days i watched him pretty much create that strain from ground up. Much of what i know stems from BOG.

The way i see it, the BX is a short cut to the same end result. IBL of the desired traits. Agreed it saves time for sure. So for it's purpose it does serve well. It has also been said that working with landraces will give the line more vigor, so the way i see it there is benifits to each, it comes down to what "YOU" are trying to acheive i suppose.

LBH, we just have to sound out your spelling to get what your saying. You get the point across, but the spelling needs some work for sure.. lmao.. :) some of us still can't spell so no worries mate. cheers.


La Buena Hierba

Active member
ICMag Donor
damm sorry guy's Is really frustaning for my too explant myzelf end not working/getting too you guy's?so i will stop discussing
in english
(what i meant is that a male is importend as a female to stablize an AF version of your favorite NON AF strain )



LBH Don't stop on the account of that.. I was saying we CAN understand you. Spelling is minor. Your work with AF's should be shared. Your knowledge needs to be documented, even if we have to sound it out.



The process in this thread will work to stablize an AF version of your favorite NON AF plant that, that carries most if not all traits of your NON-AF plant, you wanted to keep. Simple.


This method also takes care of that age old complaint about AF's. You can't clone them, so when you find that elite AF pheno you can't keep it around in it's purest form.

Since the backcrossing gets you closer to the clone mother, the gripe about each seed beeing very different in uniformity is sort of null (in a sence). No need to clone when each seed will be within a degree of the clone your trying to make AF.


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