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aerogarden attempt #2


Well-known member
I should probably feed it again soon but I don't know. As the bottle says to feed every 1 to 2 weeks. Do I change the water whenever I feed or just add water with food? And of course check the ph of the water.



Well-known member
I changed the old water with new and she looking good so far well better than i thought she wood. Actually, I'm surprised she's growing this bushy and fast in an earogarden. And oddly flowering on 18/6 light cycle.
Im not to concerned bot the yellow leafs as this was ment to be an experiment anyway.


Well-known member
I wish I had a bunch of these earogardends that I could set up all in one area and have multiple plants growing at once. This is the first time I've tried anythng hydro In many years. The second picture is of the hydro cheese next to a big bud auto. Next round will be an auto seed to see how that does.



Well-known member
Next round should I look for an organic hydroponic food Instead of using the miracle, grow food that it came with? I mean this round the food. It came with is working, but it would be cool to go organic with this thing.😁


Well-known member
I'm wondering if I should add some CAL-MAG plus to the res? If so how much? Also i cut back some on the MG food. So far im pleased with how it's growing. The bigger aerogarden i got came in and i got it all set up. Im waiting for the cheese seed to sprout. The light raises much higher.





Well-known member
These little Aerogardens are a pretty neat way to grow a couple of small autos. Didn't know they have a bigger one too, nice.


Well-known member
The aerogarden cheese is still moving along. The PH was getting hot so I changed out the water with fresh water with a lowered ph. The smell is like super strong.
And the seed in the new earogarden has officially sparouted. The light is able to raise almost 3 feet. And this one has a built-in light timer that you can customize to your liking, so you could do 24 hours on or 12 hours or 18 hours on whatever you wanted. And with this one I may or may not buy an organic hydro fertilizer. The water is easy to change with this when you have a pump to pump out the old water and pump in the new water. And after the one that is currently in flower cycle, I will try an auto seed. I would say for my first time trying this system, I'm doing pretty good. Everything is to learn curve in life. The fact that the plant grew so fast is a plus in my world, the faster the better.😁🌲



Well-known member
So the cheese in the new earogarden is starting to look a lil burnt.😬😰 I need to fix this before it's too late. I really need to buy an air pump soon, but i have to wait till payday which thankfully is soon. I plan on getting a strong air pump but for a low price. I have the water set two be running for 60min on and 130min off. Which I don't know if that's a good amount or not. This which is why I want to get the airstone going soon for more oxygen to the roots.
The machine enables me to set the water to come on and go off anytime I want for as long or as little as I need. Say it also I need a small fan fr better air flow. So if it grows big enough I'll top it and tie it down to bush it out.



Well-known member
Somehow this new cheese seedling got burnt or somthing. I still haven't been able to order an air pump yet. Currently, the water pump inside the machine is running for 113 minuts on and 80 minuts off. I can change that to whatever I'd like. I just don't know what i would change it to? If I ordered an air pump, would it even help at this point?



Well-known member
I'm trying out hydro for the first time and I just keep the pump running all the time. Not sure if it's necessary but the plants seem happy.

What is your EC and pH?


Well-known member
The roots are white but I don't know how long I should be running the water pump that's inside the machine. If I got an air pump and I could get some air bubbles for some Oxygen. I don't know if that would help either. And what about some h2o2 water? Should I just start over or is this seedling saveable? I followed the directions from the book that came with this machine.