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Advertising revenues leap in MMJ area publications


Original Editor of ICMagazine
So many businesses of a cannabis-oriented nature are opening, each with unique needs for advertising that even the mainstream publications are running their ads. For the revenue.

Print publications across the nation are dying. Excluding advertising from cannabis businesses would be suicidal.

Hearst must be rolling over in his grave, it was his newspaper empire that demonized 'marijuana,' and he was a major force behind the criminalization of cannabis here in the USA.

<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0"> <tbody><tr> <td class="alt2" style="border: 1px inset;"> The legalization of marijuana in California is on the November ballot, and medicinal marijuana dispensary ads are all over the place these days.

If you grab a Sacramento News & Review, you'll see multiple ads for medicinal marijuana stores. Advertisements include free deliveries, free lighters and "free gram" promotions.

With so many shops, the medicinal marijuana business is competitive in Sacramento.

Jeff von Kaenel, president and CEO of the News & Review newspapers, said about 15 percent of the Sacramento publication's ads are for medicinal marijuana.

"It reflects the values we have at the News & Review. We let our readers make up their own minds about things. They're mature enough, and we don't want to be a censor of business in Sacramento." </td> </tr> </tbody></table>
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Senior Member
ICMag Donor
Nice story Payaso, thanks for posting. If the voters react this fall as they are in the poll that they have going it won't be good for MJ. DD
I sure hope they legalize downa nd west of me. Doesn't matter which state lightens up on their serious prohibition - it all equals the same here in Canada.. More liberal rule.

Unfortunately the Canadian politicians in Ottawa are pussies and frankly they're too afraid to make the right move untili the U.S. okay's it. I am so sick of tired of walking on glass simply because the US decides what is morally or virtually deemed as accptable behavior. All the while this same government seems to think it's acceptable for homeless people to somehow extract alcohol from cleaning sprays such as Lysol to get their poison.

Poison - that is alcohol compared to MJ. So why no skull an cross bones. SIN TAX = good money. Honestly I don't really care anymore after waiting so long - either the gov legalizes for health or because they're greedy. Just do the right thing and legalize it. I don't like shady dope dealers - and I don't have a crop that grows on time all the time.

Enough already. Make some SIN tax, stop drug dealers from getting rich and make decent MJ easily Accessible to the same people that this Gov is willing to sell alcohol to. I know from personal experience that buying some brews sometimes is easier than finding decent pot - why would I want to be alcoholic? I don't - sell me a joint - and the world will be a better place.


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