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Advanced Nutrients OIM In Hydro: What's the good word?


Autistic Diplomat in Training
I see AN has an organic input material line of hydro nutes, but I don't see any threads in the organic hydro subforum with grow shows about them.

Did I miss something? (Entirely possible since I miss a lot of stuff lol)


Well-known member
eh... this seems super new... like I was on ANs site about 2-3 weeks ago and i swear there was no OG organics category at that point.

interesting about the standard change, all the posted input material is pretty bog standard, i worry about the branding premium though..


Autistic Diplomat in Training
5 years ago.. so I figured there would be a LOT of reviews available. Have not found anything worth mentioning yet.


New member
I bought one liter each of the whole line. Six of seven of their line was one hundred and eighty-seven dollars at the local grow shop and I had to come back for the final bottle Ancient Earth. It seemed to me that they added one more to their organic line from the initial release though I am not 100% sure. Same at that shop with the Gavita LED light controller which is a dimmer and timer and the 220 volt adapter. Two separate trips. And all of the employees there say things like I can get it. As in no I do not (know how to) grow or use cannabis or have a clue about the stuff at all. It was called Organic Input Material (OIM) before they changed the name recently. The Big Bud bottle with the guy on the front went missing from here my detached garage. So on that note I still have to put up gates and get around to changing the locks and put up a fence and cameras here. I ended up replacing that one liter Big Bud OIM bottle with a four liter jug and bought two others Iguana Grow and Sensizym. I remember Advanced Nutrients from years ago and I wanted to support the top shelf brand of products for every reason one may be able to imagine. This is kind of coming at the same time since I am working on organic sustainable cultivation outside and having a liquid version to use in a tomato hothouse on rockwool slabs or in coco coir containers with drip lines would be perfect. Outside one can pile up coffee grounds and collect leaves and plant cover crops. With hydroponics the stuff has to be digested and filtered to some extent if it is going to flow through any hydro system. If they simply called it compost tea that might not be accurate. I have not seen organic hydroponics really, occasionally a mediocre aquaponic setup, although I have no interest in raising fish. The outdoor plants are doing so well with the sun shining bright that I have not practically had time yet to try a 100% Advanced Nutrients OIM grow. I can say it grows great looking plants when used with coco and potting mix. 187 / 6 = 31.17 per liter bottle purchased locally. Online from now on. [do anything]
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New member
It sounds like OIM means California Department of Food and Agriculture. Where sprays and whatever else growing medias are registered organic NOP Oregon Washington and so on, OMRI CDFA, this looks like it applies to plant food or fertilizer. I have not seen anything beyond looking for organic certified compost, or asking if livestock are given pharmaceuticals (without reason) when searching for inputs. Lots of jokes about shoveling manure, when, in fact, there are green manures cover crops! Haha :) Organic and/or home grown foods are so much better tasting once you try them, if it is for you, church choir pot kettle...
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New member
I be telling grow shops to their face that there isn't any good decent viable valuable grow shop around or that I have ever visited really. They have yet to form an answer a response to this day any of them. It would be one thing if we were kind of keeping up with the Jones' exchanging looks petty jealousy over each other's hair or eyelashes clothes money size whatever. While/when in fact jealousy is not minor it is not a laughing matter major serious final if you will really. Just like tampering or obstruction with freedom of speech, I digress. I mean these are grow shops where not a single person has any idea whatsoever about even the simplest cultivation question. Mendel's pea plants let us say. Not to mention whatever it is they carry on about or pretend to be actually doing, about that I have no idea at all.
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New member
You've got to understand what it would be like if I said here now that my frog hunts cats. A moderator or such may wonder what I or we are doing exactly, why so verbose so many words. And I could talk about Advanced Nutrients or organic or say hi/high to Douglas and ask how they've been how things are going. It doesn't actually apply or help, to have a sour attitude and respond to every single thread when you don't even really seem to smoke cannabis or grow. To show your face so to speak when you do not have anything positively helpful to contribute. If not then stay away get out and all of that. Is how I feel for one. Douglas' lungs and mine and our money. Unless you can show that your powder produces the same clean sticky buds side by side convincingly and believably it looks honestly to me like nothing more than harassment. To comment when you have nothing substantial to say and being disqualified in a thread by someone else feels like entrapment by a self-described poverty stricken loser troll no less.
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Well-known member
About 10 or 12 years ago High Times ran a bunch of ads saying no need for pH meters anymore. Throw your pH meters away and get pH-perfect Advanced Nutrients. That it was pH perfect with whatever type of grow you are growing. Indoor or outdoor hydro or soil and can be used with any type of water. That sounded too good to be true. I bought the whole kit and some friends did too.

Me and two friends used Advanced Nutrients with rock wool as well as recirculating hydro and both gave us a lot of problems. Both units failed, in the end, and when we switched back to General Hydroponics, we got big buds that grew like crazy. Here is the kicker, we all bought their gear for way over $100 and threw it in the trash, and didn't even get any weed. Since everyone I know that used it for hydro didn't keep using it, I felt like it was a rip-off. That's just my opinion, however, I have heard tell it works pretty well outdoors directly in the soil. But that I don't know. By the time we found out, they already made $100s just off us.

Lastly, would I recommend A.N.? NO! I wouldn't not for hydro or any grow.. 😎
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Well-known member
You've got to understand what it would be like if I said here now that my frog hunts cats. A moderator or such may wonder what I or we are doing exactly, why so verbose so many words. And I could talk about Advanced Nutrients or organic or say hi/high to Douglas and ask how they've been how things are going. It doesn't actually apply or help, to have a sour attitude and respond to every single thread when you don't even really seem to smoke cannabis or grow. To show your face so to speak when you do not have anything positively helpful to contribute. If not then stay away get out and all of that. Is how I feel for one. Douglas' lungs and mine and our money. Unless you can show that your powder produces the same clean sticky buds side by side convincingly and believably it looks honestly to me like nothing more than harassment. To comment when you have nothing substantial to say and being disqualified in a thread by someone else feels like entrapment by a self-described poverty stricken loser troll no less.
I checked your media for photos of clean sticky buds you describe but don't see any? 😎


Autistic Diplomat in Training
You WANT a healthy pH swing for awesome cannabis. The complexity of your terpenes and cannabinoids depends on it to get a diverse product from the enzymes in your plants. ;)

Soo... AN OIM nutes are a bust for indoor hydro, and I found out after the fact. Sounds about par for the course.

Thank you so much for the input everyone, I'm headed out to test some proprietary, organic, hydro nutes of my own. ;)


Well-known member
I guess no report back on Advance Nutrients is an answer that tells me what I already knew. That fertilizer ain't no good in hydro and it's a lot of hype. They're rich now and don't care if you like their product or not. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is. They got a hundred notes off of me. Never have to test pH again, bull crap. 😎


New member
About 10 or 12 years ago High Times ran a bunch of ads saying no need for pH meters anymore. Throw your pH meters away and get pH-perfect Advanced Nutrients. That it was pH perfect with whatever type of grow you are growing. Indoor or outdoor hydro or soil and can be used with any type of water. That sounded too good to be true. I bought the whole kit and some friends did too.

Me and two friends used Advanced Nutrients with rock wool as well as recirculating hydro and both gave us a lot of problems. Both units failed, in the end, and when we switched back to General Hydroponics, we got big buds that grew like crazy. Here is the kicker, we all bought their gear for way over $100 and threw it in the trash, and didn't even get any weed. Since everyone I know that used it for hydro didn't keep using it, I felt like it was a rip-off. That's just my opinion, however, I have heard tell it works pretty well outdoors directly in the soil. But that I don't know. By the time we found out, they already made $100s just off us.

Lastly, would I recommend A.N.? NO! I wouldn't not for hydro or any grow.. 😎
I recently got back into growing and instead of using jacks like I did in the past, I tried their sensi coco line for two seasons and it worked for me. First season I used only the base at half strength for the entire grow and for the second season I used it at full strength and added BB and OD. I noticed that at the bottom of the 6 gallon bloom A has this blob of gunk? That kinda trips me out because even after shaking the shit out of the container, it's still there. Recently, I got dosers with the in-line bluelab and the pH fluctuates around 7.1 to 8.0, I'm in rockwool now and its still rockin. I'll update if there are problems. Cheers