Looking good, that's going to be a decent full canopy! - you could always swap the short one next to the fan with the one in the middle to give your canopy a classic 'bowl' shape - tall round the edges and shorter in the centre.... plants look very happy !
i know about what you said , i should do that , all about my lazyness , lol , i just have to identify the 3 burning kush ( right side line ) and i can do it ...
a bit more stretch ( look at the eletctric plug for ref. ) ,
i' m sure the cold temps had delay the flowering , it' s cold from 2 weeks ,
i had some job for insulate my room , and if needed , i will heat it ...
You' re true gizmo ,
but tomorow i will finish the big insulation work and will dial it after ,
will see , would like to see how the led perform without hps mix spectrum ,
i' m not hurry , if it just delay a bit , i don't care ,
have enough buds under the belt