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Ace test, latitude 66...



Lovely Scai, my Zamadelica is still in veg mode ...and summer gone away today

It was worst summer for ages!
Do you still have plants outside? If I remember right, you grow in garden soil?

I must say, from this lot, Zamaldelicas are the winners, 3/3 females, and rapid ones.
Ace mix didn't do so well, one is left. Hoping it will be female.
Black thais were 2/3 male.One female had bad start, but managed to save it ;)
Tropical mix, fantastic plants, but male ;)
Tikals, nice plants 2/3 male.
Erdpurts, one male, two females, one nice, one runt ;)

Nice grow, nice genetics.Nice outcome.
I'll post some pictures of Zamaldelicas in a about months time, when we start to get some amazing colas ;)


Damn, I found the reason why one Erdpurt is wierd! It's PREGNANT!
It's full of seeds!
And who is the father? Need to take some DNA tests ;)))?To found a quilty one ;)
Maybe hire a private detective?

Some males did rippen very quicly, and i suspect it either Vietnam black thai (keep your fingers cross) or tropical mix? Well they are not bad dad canditates, and it will be nice to pop some seeds and see how they are doing? What will become of these mystery seeds !


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hello scai :)

Wish you find good representation of the ace seeds' strains you are growing! Thanks for the updates. Best regards!


This is Zamaldelica number 2, very hard buds, stinky ;)

This is Zamaldelica number 1, number three is same pheno

And this is overwiew,I apollogise poor picture quality, but they are far too big to transfer or move around.About 150 cm.Alla those nice buds are Zamaldelicas. About a month left...
Last edited:


All the others went down today.I didn't remember to take pictures of them.

Two Erdpurts were full of seeds, other one was green pheno, and the other one was purple.
And dad is Vietnam Black thai, so not a bad outcoming.
One minty Tikal was also full of seeds, same dad. So I took them down and they are hanging upside down to dry and I will collect the seeds.

One Acemix, last one, was male, so it went down too.

One Tropical mix is still to flower, it might be ready just in time for Xmas....

I'm very happy with these mixes.Seeding wasn't what I palnned, but...I still can't complain.
I need to pop some Black Thais again, and hope for females this time...

New batch is already on the way, 10 Ace mixes and 10 China kalis.....the PCK and panamas, malawis, few each.

There will be one final update, when Zamaldelicas are ready ;) and I will show how far Tropical is then.
Thankyou Dubi and Ace seeds, you are fantastic combination.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for the update and kind of words scai :)

Im glad you have produced your own seed, hybrids sound funny and interesting to try, erdpurt x vb thai sounds quite good.

Zamaldelicas are looking good although pics are too small to see details.

Wish you the best with the next strains!


Pictures are bit bigger in my album ;)
I bring thumbnails here not to overload forum ;)

Thans for wishing well ;)
Erdpurt X VBT were on my todo list anyway, another one was Arjans strawberry X VBT and now it's done too, should be interesting...


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi scai,

I checked your Zamaldelica pics at your gallery, looks like they are performing real good in your indoor garden :) Im glad to see indoor growers are also exploring tropical sativas genetics.


Hi scai,

I checked your Zamaldelica pics at your gallery, looks like they are performing real good in your indoor garden :) Im glad to see indoor growers are also exploring tropical sativas genetics.

Wait till you see my one Tropical mix, which is still to come, starting flowering now.
Zamaldelica 1 went down now, cos I wanted to harvest the seeds....and there were one million ;)
number 3 and 2 are still growing and I will post pictures once they mature...it will be few weeks still... They are different phenos..

Along I have very many Ace seeds coming, panamas, china kalis, Ace mix again, etc..and I'm very satisfied how they perform.
need to grab some Banghi and others this month ;)
Very impressed these China Kalis by the way...
I'm so sorry that I don't have better camera, or skills to have better pictures, but they all are very nice plants ;)



This diary is coming to it's end.
Here is Zamaldelica no 2, with pyramid shape of buds.
This is supposed to be Malawi pheno, right?


Zamaldelica no3 with more thai influence, both of these girls contain seeds also.

Pity that all my VB:s were males, and Tikals flowering went to makin seeds, but Hey! I got some interesting seeds, and all my friends must make test grows!

One Tropical mix is still coming, it's only starting to flower now, so her picture will end this diary, within a month or two ;) I suppose she will be my xmas present.150 cm tall and lanky ;)

Got some more Ace plants coming but I will not make diary of them, probably I'll be puting pictures to their own topics ;)


ACE Seeds Breeder
Im glad the ace genetics are working fine at your garden scai :)

Zamaldelica 2 looks more malawi influenced you are right, i'd need to see a bigger pic of the n3 to judge her parental influence but both look like very nice expressions ;)

Looking forward to see the others coming along ... best wishes!



Here she is bigger one ;) No more pics anymore, she is now smoke in the air ;)
But yes, I think she was Malawi pheno, and very nice smoke...lots of seeds too ;)
I'm looking forward to pop those seeds in spring ( Zamaldelica X VBT)


ACE Seeds Breeder
It's indeed quite malawi influenced scai ;) Im glad it was a nice smoke, enjoy!