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Ace Seeds Feminized Mix Pack; 1 Plant Grow


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*continued from last post due to picture count limit*

And here she is after the LST, so many growth shoots, I cannot even count them all! I am going to let her recover and start settling into her new position and then switch to 12/12. Hopefully a week or less!





I am so curious to as to how well she will perform in flower. I think this is a plant with a lot of potential. Anyway, that's all for now. As always, thanks for looking!
Ok, I learned not to comment anymore on people burning their plants, but you are trying to burn the whole house :)
The aluminum foil acts like a magnifying glass under the sun and can easily put the books on fire. It's only a matter of time.
You need a much safer and fireproof room with enough space.

I think this is a plant with a lot of potential.

It sure is, if you could put it in a bigger room, you'll get a great smoke. You could also consider putting it outside still.


Active member
Ok, I learned not to comment anymore on people burning their plants, but you are trying to burn the whole house :)
The aluminum foil acts like a magnifying glass under the sun and can easily put the books on fire. It's only a matter of time.
You need a much safer and fireproof room with enough space.

It sure is, if you could put it in a bigger room, you'll get a great smoke. You could also consider putting it outside still.
Nothing is going to burn down. It is reflective but it is not aluminum foil. Any heat build up is quickly exhausted out of my room with a powerful centrifugal fan. It is always cool to the touch when I put my hands on it. It is R-5 drywall insulation used to cover the pots so that, 1: I can water less, 2: keep the roots cool, 3: reflect light to the lower/shaded parts of the plant. The insulation is fire proof and my entire grow room is fire retardant. I even keep a fire extinguisher right next to the room.

My temps are really good in the room and don't have issues with reflective hot spots. I never let my temps get over 85 F, never let water drip around anywhere and always take precautions to stay safe and clean.

All the wiring for the grow room is located in the attic away from everything. Everything is on a surge protector and has safety fuses on each wire. I even use GFCI protected outlets and never overload any wire with too many joules.

What books are you talking about? All the pictures I have posted are from when I take the plant out of the room so that I can take pictures.

Either way, my plants are happy and growing well now. After the LST, I have 14-16 inches of vertical room now for stretch. Also, I have 2 other plants in my grow room that I am about to harvest, so that should free up so more room horizontally. At that point, I think I am going to transplant the girl a few days before I flip the switch. I plan on letting her have the whole room to herself so that she can really stretch her legs during flower.

My room is 2x2x2 foot cube. This is a micro grow with micro plants. After the LST, the plant is 10 inches tall, 11 inches wide and 15 inches long. I have plenty of room now after the LST and as long as I stay on top of my plant and keep tying her down, I don't see why I would need a bigger room. This setup is serving my purpose just fine and that is all that matters.

I cannot grow Indicas outside because they mold in my Humid Subtropical Climate so that is not an option. Sativas do great though!
Last edited:


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Texan,

Nice bush! Give her a good amount of organic fertilizer now in early flowering to recover a bit the deep green color and to improve stem size. It will help to start strong and healthy the flowering.

That structure-branching resembles our chinese hybrids, but the stems look like certain PCK phenos. Let's see what flowering brings!


Active member
Hi Texan,

Nice bush! Give her a good amount of organic fertilizer now in early flowering to recover a bit the deep green color and to improve stem size. It will help to start strong and healthy the flowering.

That structure-branching resembles our chinese hybrids, but the stems look like certain PCK phenos. Let's see what flowering brings!

So there may be some Chinese influence in her? That's great, that what I wanted!

Yeah, she was very hungry and I have been trying to get a handle on her feed. Now she gets a nice balanced Bat Guano/Alfalfa/Kel[ Tea ever 2 days. She seems to love it and is really greening up. Thanks for the advice dubi!

She is officially in flower now so things will be getting interested in the next few weeks. I think she is going to yield A LOT. :dance013:


Active member
ACE Seeds Fem's Mix: Flower Day 1; 80 days veg.

Finally switched to 12/12 flower after harvesting my other plants. She veg'd for a long 80 days. She been through a lot but has really recovered nicely. She has responded really well to the LST, her new feedings and has over 24 bud sites! Her leaves are more like a Sativa plant now while most of her younger life she had fat Indica leaves. When you rub her stem, she smells like Menthol and Eucalyptus. I think I am on the right track now, hopefully things go smoother in flower.

Let me know what y'all think!



Active member
ACE Seeds Fem's Mix: Flower Day 4: Adjusting well to 12/12 and new organic tea feedings. Not much stretch but she is getting bigger and bushier overall.




BTW, I think this is a Pakistani Chitral Kush mixed with some China Yunnan.


Active member
Thank you SecondAttempt for following along. Your encouragement helps a lot.

Here's another update!

Ace Seeds Fem'd Mix: Flower Day 20.

Things are starting to get really nice, take a look. She is taken over the grow room completely now and is about 2x2x2 feet all around. She's a big girl for a micro grow.

When you run the stem, it's smells like a fresh piney evergreen forest after some rain. So FRESH!!!






Thanks for looking!


Active member
Continued from last post; Flower Day 20:




I really hope you guys like her. I really feel she might give me a good yield if I treat her well.


Active member
I don't really show my grow room at all so I'll try to share more on that.

It's hard to take pictures of the grow room since I built it into the corner of the top shelf of my closet. I basically squared off the top corner of the closet and run all the ducting/wiring straight into the attic.

It's a simple design.

-big passive intake on the bottom right corner
-4 inch exhaust (exhaust fan/ducting in attic) in the ceiling right next to the bulb
-4 inch AC hose blowing cool air over the bulb
-flat white paint
-open, horizontal 250 Phillips CMH HID
-small computer fan for circulation
-temps never go over 85 F and never below 70 F
-humidity stays between 50-60% constantly

I grow for personal use and only need about an ounce a month. This setup works well for my needs and have been using this setup for about a year now.

Here are some shitty pictures:





Here is a look at some of the LST I had to do in her. I really had to tie this bitch down:


Thanks for looking!


Active member
Ace Seeds Fem'd Mix: Flower Day 24

Things are getting frostier every day. She looks like she will be a very high % THC plant. She is starting to flower out nicely. I still can't put my finger on the smell. The stem smells like FRESH Cedar with some Eucalyptus in there somewhere. The buds do smell funky but not too strongly yet.

So far I am water every 2 days with various teas that I make. She seems to be feeding ok. I got some yellow leaves here and there but overall she looks happy and is growing well. I try not to stress the little things. It takes the fun out of growing.

Let me know what y'all think!





ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Texan,

Looks bushy and happy in mid flowering :) I think the feeding is ok.
I'm curious to know more about her flowering traits and aromas at the end of flowering.

Thanks a lot for the updates!


Active member
Hi Texan,

Looks bushy and happy in mid flowering :) I think the feeding is ok.
I'm curious to know more about her flowering traits and aromas at the end of flowering.

Thanks a lot for the updates!

Thank you for your comment Dubi! I am trying to do your genetics justice but I am nothing more than just an amateur personal smoke grower.


Hello everyone else! Kinda lonely in this thread but here is another update.

Ace Seeds Fem'd Mix Pack: Flower Day 29:

I am shocked at the amount of food this plant requires. I am feeding heavy with every feeding and she can't seem to get enough food still. I really don't want to use synthetic fertilizers so if anyone has any heavy organic feeding solutions, I would like to know.

Either way, the plant is looking great overall. There are a few pale/yellow leaves here and there but I am hoping to get some better organic fertilizers tomorrow. Even so, the plant is growing fast, the flowers are really starting to pack on some size and the aromas are starting to get more complex. The best part is that the trichome production is really high on this plant.

I really think this plant is very robust with potential to produce a lot of bud. Hoping for at least a QP of fine organic flowers.

Here are some pictures from flower day 29:





*continued in next post*


Active member
Wow, ICMAG is tough....seems like unless you are in the inner circle, no on talks to you or gives you advice/input. No one really likes Texans much anyway so whatever.

Either way, here's another update if anyone cares to look.

I went ahead and just doubled my tea feedings to keep the micro herd happy/healthy. Still organic. Plant is still feeding a lot but I think I will be OK for now.

The aroma is really starting to get complex. Originally, the entire plant would smell like fresh woody cedar. I cannot emphasize the word FRESH enough. It smells like a cedar forest after a warm coastal rain shower if that makes any sense. In the last couple of days, the flowers are spewing out a very strong citrus type smell. It literally smells like cedar and fresh cut oranges!!! There is also a very obvious FUNK in the background but it is not skunky at all. Basically, I love the smells, it is very nice.

The trichome production on this plant is what really impresses me. It is kind of weird as I have never seen this before, but the trichomes are very small, almost smaller than normal sized trichome. But they are so abundant, that the flowers are totally crusted. I was reading a Jorge Cervantes book and he said that smaller trichomes indicates strong Sativa genetic influence. Does anyone have any insight on this? Either way, the flowers are seriously very sticky. So sticky that it actually gets kind of annoying trying to work on her. I would rub my fingers afterwards and have tiny little hash balls that I drop into my bowl and smoke later. Haha, it works out in the end.

Either way, that is my report on my girl so far. Don't mind the droop as I snapped these right before I fed her. Here are some pictures from DAY 37 FLOWER:






That's all I have for now. Until next time, thanks for looking!!
Nice grow Texan!

Plants look healthy and fat. i read the thread but didnt spot what you are feeding them? can you tell something about the soil?

last grow i did was my first organic grow and it went ok. didnt feed teas,only top dressing guano,chicken manure and palm three ash.


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