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ACE (and other sats) Indoor Tricks


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
nice job... watching for these lebs!

I have 2 Lebanese females, one stretchy and one squat. They're just starting out in flower (after being topped about 10 days into flower cause they are deceptively stretchy plants - even the squat ones! :D) Nice smells out of the stems, mango-ey sweet. I'll have more on them when they become more than puffballs on internodes.

Med Tree Seeds Strawberry Bubba (Bubba pheno) at 8.5 week chop:



Well-known member
Terpene, brother... every time I see your work I'm truly inspired to learn more. Very impressive stuff my friend. I'm looking forward to seeing those Lebanese in action. Cheers!


Altruistic Hazeist
I want to grow these outdoors, thinking on sowing a couple reg seeds each of Lebanese, Honduras and Ethiopian, guess now it's the right time? (36N)


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Its definitely the right time to plant outside, this one had to be chopped as southern California is now seeing more than 13 hours of daylight - Panama Goddess x Zamaldelica at 11 weeks:



Strong Panama smells on this one with background hints of Zamaldelica but less the mango carrot sweet side and more of the traditional sativa Malawi / Thai smells. It also required a great deal of alcohol and shear cleaning! I really should have shot this plant in the dark to properly display it.

Meanwhile, indoor under 11/13 the fruity pineapple-ish smelling one took 11.5 weeks:




ACE Seeds Breeder
Excellent job as usual Terpene ;)

The Strawberry Bubba looks like my cup of tea afghan smoke for a calm evening :)

Thanks also for sharing your results with the new Panama x Zamaldelica regular cross, deepwaterdude also grew this cross and despite he couldn't finish them properly the genetics showed great potential. Feminized seeds of Zamaldelica elite x Panama Goddess are maturing as we speak :D Very soon i will send you the fem version of your beloved Purple Honduras/Panama and also from the new Zamaldelica/Panama fem.


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Very soon i will send you the fem version of your beloved Purple Honduras/Panama and also from the new Zamaldelica/Panama fem.

Thanks for the kind words sir. I very much look forward to your selection of the Purple Honduras/Panama :biggrin: I am also planning on crossing Med Tree Seeds Catalina Wine Mixer to a Zamaldelica leaning Zamaldelica x Panama Goddess. Before I get to that project, I have some Purple Zamal / Sinai landrace / Moroccan landrace seedlings that need to get moved through to flower. :D

Here are two SSH leaning phenos of Super Silver Haze x (ACE Mauritius x Ethiopian) by DRM Ranch at 14 week chop under screw in LEDs:




ACE Seeds Breeder
Thanks for the kind words sir. I very much look forward to your selection of the Purple Honduras/Panama :biggrin: I am also planning on crossing Med Tree Seeds Catalina Wine Mixer to a Zamaldelica leaning Zamaldelica x Panama Goddess. Before I get to that project, I have some Purple Zamal / Sinai landrace / Moroccan landrace seedlings that need to get moved through to flower. :D

Here are two SSH leaning phenos of Super Silver Haze x (ACE Mauritius x Ethiopian) by DRM Ranch at 14 week chop under screw in LEDs:

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Count with that, Terpene! :)

Btw, did you find any hermie trait in the Panama x Zamaldelica cross ? Indoors or outdoors with increasing photoperiod ?

The Zamal/Sinai/Moroccan should produce an interesting semi autoflowering sativa hybrid but be carefull with the hermies, all these lines are prone to produce hermies in some degree.

The SSH x Mauritius/Ethiopian looks really resinous and done after 14 weeks. Guess the SSH should have contributed with a much more complex terpene profile to the hybrid, while the africans hopefully contribute with their clear, positive and uplifting qualities.

Always a pleasure to follow the next thing coming from Terpene's garden! ;)


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Last seed of my first ever cross about 10 years ago, Purple People Eater (Destroyer x [Purple Thai-Skunk x White Widow]) at chop.


Every branch after trimming, Lemmy for scale. :D


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Well, ya can't win em all. :shucks:

I should preface this post with the results of my run of Lebanese are not the fault of Dubi / Ace / selection and entirely my own.

I just finished my run of Ace Lebanese and suffice it to say, I messed up. In veg, they are remarkably squat and dense, but the second they went into flower, the stretchy phenos ARE REALLY STRETCHY and put on 4-6 inches between nodes. This required them to be aggressively topped, which they did not like. They rewarded me with herm flowers and lots of viable pollen which required continual spraying with water and regular male flower removal. Eventually of two stretchy phenos, one had to be discarded cause it continued to throw a 30/70 mix of male to female flowers. The other stretchy pheno threw about 5/95 male to female and was kept. The one "squat" pheno had no issues with being topped, though it definitely reduced it's yield. So, in all, my bad. I should have tossed these into flower at a much smaller size and not relied on full bore abuse to solve the issue.

That all said, here are shots of both phenos. I prefer the look of the squatter pheno, but again, I think I could do much better with these in the future.






On the other hand, the pollen did happen to drift around the cabinet and I have a whole bunch of (Super Silver Haze x [Mauritius x Ethiopian]) x Lebanese S1s now. I'm probably just going to toss about 10 of them in a 1 gallon pot and go 12/12 from seed to see what happens.


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Btw, did you find any hermie trait in the Panama x Zamaldelica cross ? Indoors or outdoors with increasing photoperiod ?

I did actually, the lowers threw a couple male flowers around week 3-4 which I picked off and they went through the rest of flowering without any issue.

The sinai, moroccan, and purple zamal are all separate lines. Sinai and moroccan I got from Med Tree Seeds as testers, the purple Zamal is yours (Purple Zamal x NepJam). I wasn't planning to cross any as I will be dusting the cabinet with Catalina Wine Mixer pollen for my Tripping @ the Catalina Wine Mixer pollen chucking project ([Zamaldelica x Panama] x Catalina Wine Mixer) and I don't want to confuse things.

Hopefully someone can come up with a better name for the F1s, Catalina Psychedelica Mixer? Panadelica Wine Mixer? Damn kitchen sink hybrids...
Just amazing Terpene, everything you put your "touch" on comes out golden..!!

Any Idea what Zamal Male was use male to cross to Panama Goddess x Zamaldelica..? I've have three outside praying to the sun.. Yours look magical ..! Didn't realize that plenty of alcohol was a prerequsite for the trimming of it or during but I'm down with that..!!
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Altruistic Hazeist
Amazing :tiphat: I would have ended with a tent full of seeds…

Would like to know Terpene, there's any hope trying to reveg a Zamaldelica? Or Guawi? If so, any tips? Will hermie like mad?


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Amazing :tiphat: I would have ended with a tent full of seeds…

Would like to know Terpene, there's any hope trying to reveg a Zamaldelica? Or Guawi? If so, any tips? Will hermie like mad?

I wouldn't worry about it. Everything should reveg fine provided theres still some green matter left on the plant. They're remarkably hardy plants. Some lines are just a bit less stable than others and my tendency to flip from 20/4 to 11/13 in a single switch definitely will bring this trait out. Outside, the transition to flowering is much more gradual, so plants tend to be less irritable.


Altruistic Hazeist
Thanks Terpene!!!

So leaving them outdoors now (36N) will be easier on them than indoors at 18/6??

I left the rootball unmolested... should I prune it?


I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Thanks Terpene!!!

So leaving them outdoors now (36N) will be easier on them than indoors at 18/6??

I left the rootball unmolested... should I prune it?

For the reveg process it really doesn't matter what light cycle you give them, though it will tend to happen faster on longer light cycles, so 18/6 will be slightly faster than 16/8 (or whatever you're currently at outside). You're revegging into vegetative/grow mode, so herm flowers wouldn't matter as they would die off well before flowering and the plant isn't getting the correct signals to keep producing them. I wouldn't worry about trimming the root ball, though you may want to transplant it into a slightly larger container with soil that has plenty of nitrogen in it so the plant gets the feed it needs as it rolls back into veg. The larger containers usually mean that the plant goes outside as space is always the limiting factor indoors - not to mention the fact it takes a few weeks for the plant to do its thing. Putting it outside as the days hit their peak in June is really ideal, the plant will get the signal to start flowering naturally in fall after a nice long veg period.

After you get back to a bushy green plant. The transition from vegetative mode back into flower is the same rules as always, the plant should behave as it has in the past. Herms are only indicative of stresses (you know, like taking half off of the Lebanese 3 weeks into flower, messing up a timer, etc).

Thermal - I know the Panama Goddess is a female elite pheno that Dubi likes, but I am unsure as to the male Zamaldelica's characteristics. I believe your Zamaldelica male question is best answered by Dubi.


Altruistic Hazeist
Terpene said:
For the reveg process it really doesn't matter what light cycle you give them, though it will tend to happen faster on longer light cycles, so 18/6 will be slightly faster than 16/8 (or whatever you're currently at outside). You're revegging into vegetative/grow mode, so herm flowers wouldn't matter as they would die off well before flowering and the plant isn't getting the correct signals to keep producing them. I wouldn't worry about trimming the root ball, though you may want to transplant it into a slightly larger container with soil that has plenty of nitrogen in it so the plant gets the feed it needs as it rolls back into veg. The larger containers usually mean that the plant goes outside as space is always the limiting factor indoors - not to mention the fact it takes a few weeks for the plant to do its thing. Putting it outside as the days hit their peak in June is really ideal, the plant will get the signal to start flowering naturally in fall after a nice long veg period.

After you get back to a bushy green plant. The transition from vegetative mode back into flower is the same rules as always, the plant should behave as it has in the past. Herms are only indicative of stresses (you know, like taking half off of the Lebanese 3 weeks into flower, messing up a timer, etc).

Thank you Master! :tiphat:

Will up-pot her and as I have to transition her from coco to soil will mix some coco in.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Terpene,

Don't worry friend :) It was not your fault. As we state in the official strain description
of the strain, the Lebanese is eminently an outdoor line and it has not been fully adapted to indoor growing and artificial lights yet, that's why we only recommend her for outdoor growing. Outdoors, the Lebanese can hanle very high temps, strong winds, drought, lack of nutrients, etc ... and yet finish happy and without hermie tendencies (maybe just a few bananas in a small % of plants in late flowering), but if you grow the line indoors in a small cabinet, with LED lights, with constant photoperiods and drastic change of photoperiods to induce flowering then they feel like in Mars, feel stressed and show hermie tendencies.

The same happened with ErdPurt, ErdPurt was a 100 % outdoor line when we received it and had hermie tendencies indoors, it took 3-4 generations to adapt the line indoors so nowadays it behaves well indoors without hermie tendencies.

Glad you have had the chance to find both: the more columnar and compact pheno, and the taller pheno with stronger branching and lankier structure. The compact columnar pheno has a more indica kind of flowering, usually finishes faster and has more resin production on the leaves close the flowers, while the taller stretchy phenos have a classic foxtailed sativa flower structure and take longer to ripen. Anyway i consider the lebanese as a pure sativa strain.

Sorry for the trouble, and hope you can give the line a chance outdoors, outdoors is where the Lebanese shows its true potential.