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Ace 2018 outdoor and greenhouse grow

Been main-lining most of the sativas, they are all at various spots in the process right now but they are taking to it pretty well and it should slow their growth down enough to allow me to manage them.

The four that I stuck in the window about 10 days ago to show sex have been growing like crazy hoping they will show soon

So far I have one Panama, one panxmal, and one malxpan popped they are taking their sweet time just like the OTH did so I'm starting to wonder if it may have been because when they arrived to me we were having record cold temps down to -20F hoping that didn't screw the seeds up but hopefully they will start going. The GT which was from a previous order popped in like 20% that all of this order is taking so I will remember not to order in the dead of winter anymore live and learn.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Moderndayhippy,

Glad to hear the new Malawi/Panama and Panama/Malawi hybrids are joinning the party! :dance013: Please, make sure to pop a bit more of each one, you will thank me at the end of the season ;)
Hi Moderndayhippy,

Glad to hear the new Malawi/Panama and Panama/Malawi hybrids are joinning the party! :dance013: Please, make sure to pop a bit more of each one, you will thank me at the end of the season ;)
they all went into the soil, been about two weeks and a few more are finally showing signs of life now, like I said when they got delivered to me it was during a record breaking cold snap -20F and it appears that the seeds did not enjoy that but hoping I can get at least half of them up and going be enough to give them a good test. I will make my summer seed purchases either in fall or spring from now on to avoid them getting abused in the mail.

I've grown enough of your seeds that I know that's not the problem, popped 8/8 GT seeds from two years ago in 3-4 days but the OTH from this order that I popped at the same time took well over a week before showing signs of life, and now same with these 17 seeds. It makes since can't imagine Sativa seeds are used to getting to -20 in the tropics.

In other news the first of my four plants in the window has shown sex and it's a very pretty lady Zamaldelica, biggest and stretchiest of the four plants. The clone is also fully rooted so the seed plant will get chopped and I will veg the clone out for the greenhouse. One of the others is starting to show preflowers and I would guess female but should know within a day or two for sure.
Transplanting most of the plants today putting them in 1.5 gallon pots, they will stay in these at least until the start of flowering if not a week or two after to control the stretch a little. They are really starting to grow which is nice I have been pretty aggressive with the main-lining and bending they are very short and branchy. Got the feeling by the end of the month I'm gonna have to get creative to keep everything going the plants are starting to add up.

Also got a couple more seeds to sprout, been two weeks in the soil the ones that aren't rotting first are looking like they will live. I'm hoping the non sativa seeds that I ordered won't have been affected like this from the cold weather pretty frustrating to wait weeks to get around half of your seeds to sprout. Good thing I had plenty of old Ace seeds to grow!

Dubi I thought I had read somewhere where you said most of the regular sativas have over 50% females but I can only find where you said the OTH is like 70% female what should I expect from the others? Thanks!
Been gone for a couple weeks just got back plants look great. I think I am basically done main-lining them gonna let them start to grow up a little bit hopefully going outside in about 2 weeks if the weather cooperates.

They are at their tallest about 4-6 inches above the soil right now. The four plants I put in the window to show sex I ended with three females, tossed all four plants have the three female clones about ready for transplant. When my greenhouse starts I will have about 20 pure sativas to throw in right away.

This is always a crazy time of the year between trying to keep the indoor runs going while finding enough space to veg for outdoors and the greenhouse, I'm hoping to get the other seeds going in the next week or two but I have to wait and see how much space I will have. i only have two more runs to flip to flower indoor so after that I will open up a couple extra veg lights and really let these ladies open and show what they can do.


Microbial Repositories
Premium user
Snow has just tarted to melt here. I will start working the soil over the next few weeks.
I look forward to seeing your progress going into summer.
Peace brother


ACE Seeds Breeder
Dubi I thought I had read somewhere where you said most of the regular sativas have over 50% females but I can only find where you said the OTH is like 70% female what should I expect from the others? Thanks!

Hi Moderndayhippy,

Sativa strains usually have a quite high female ratio, and the more tropical sativa strains even higher, although female ratio in cannabis seedlings from seed also depends on a lot on the growing variables in the first weeks of life of the plants.

Growing variables that produce higher female ratios: colder temps, use of big pots, proper ventilation and proper space between plants, proper light intensity, avoid heat peaks and excessive nitrogen feeding.

Growing variables that produce higher male ratios: high temps in seedling stage, lack of ventilation and lack of proper light intensity in indoor grows, use of small pots, excessive/agressive topping, underfeeding, etc ...

If you take good care of your seedlings usually the female ratio on regular seeds is over 50 %.

Hope it helps.
Hi Moderndayhippy,

Sativa strains usually have a quite high female ratio, and the more tropical sativa strains even higher, although female ratio in cannabis seedlings from seed also depends on a lot on the growing variables in the first weeks of life of the plants.

Growing variables that produce higher female ratios: colder temps, use of big pots, proper ventilation and proper space between plants, proper light intensity, avoid heat peaks and excessive nitrogen feeding.

Growing variables that produce higher male ratios: high temps in seedling stage, lack of ventilation and lack of proper light intensity in indoor grows, use of small pots, excessive/agressive topping, underfeeding, etc ...

If you take good care of your seedlings usually the female ratio on regular seeds is over 50 %.

Hope it helps.
Thanks Dubi! I started 3/4 females so hoping I will stay close to that ratio, I think I have met most of those variables you listed. Couple weeks will we know for sure thanks again.
looking good man... any pics of the GH these will be going into?
I had deleted all my pictures from last year, just took one my dog wanted to be in it

The light dep cover is down right now and the inside looks like a skating rink waiting for the snow to melt so I can roll it up and get it warmer in there. 12x20 hoop greenhouse with auto light dep nothing too crazy.
Can you explain the auto dep. What are you using? approx cost?
Pics if you can please.

Cute dog.

Peace GG
I bought the greenhouse from here https://fullbloomlightdep.com/select-your-greenhouse-size/ they no longer make the 12ft wide version which is too bad because it was more affordable and easy to set up without the use of ladders or anything. My grow partner and I set it up in a couple days with only a drill.

I will post pics once I get it going but everything that makes it work is in the basement at the moment like the motors and the control box. It is set on a timer and it will roll up that white cover at 730 AM and then roll back down at 630 PM. Runs off of a regular extension cord


Well-known member
I bought the greenhouse from here https://fullbloomlightdep.com/select-your-greenhouse-size/ they no longer make the 12ft wide version which is too bad because it was more affordable and easy to set up without the use of ladders or anything. My grow partner and I set it up in a couple days with only a drill.

I will post pics once I get it going but everything that makes it work is in the basement at the moment like the motors and the control box. It is set on a timer and it will roll up that white cover at 730 AM and then roll back down at 630 PM. Runs off of a regular extension cord

Wow, now I know what I want for Christmas. Dude, incredible.
Plants are starting to outgrow my veg area, I got a little greenhouse to veg in but the weather doesn't look anywhere near decent for another week so I've been fitting some of these sativas into my other veg tents.

There were originally 14 plants in here but I moved 5 to make more space still pretty full with 9.

OTH that has been mainlined to 8 tops.

Hoping to get them outside next week veg for a week or so and then move them into the light dep greenhouse. cant wait to flip these and watch them stretch.
Looks like the mainlining is coming on strong MDH nice looking tops on that OTH..!!

Hopefully the weather cooperates for you, certainly an issue here for us in the Midwest.. the babies need to get outside under the sun god ..!


Well-known member
stoked to watch those sativa blow up in your light dep there hippy.... gonna be an awesome show i'm sure :)
great to see peeps running sativa up here in the nor east hey...
best of vibes
Been putting the plants out into a small greenhouse the last couple days pulling them in at night as it is getting down into the low 20s every night. It hasn't gotten over 45 out but it has been at least 70 in the greenhouse with all the sun we have been getting.

I am ready to flip these but my light dep greenhouse is further from my house than my veg greenhouse and I don't want to carry them back and forth everyday so maybe in a week or two the nights will be warm enough that I can throw a heater in and they won't mind too much.


ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi Moderndayhippy,

Glad to hear you are working on the preparatives for the outdoor season :)
Nice growth on your plants too.

Not sure about the photoperiods you are using indoors and outdoors but be careful in case you are not extending out the outdoor photoperiod with lamps because with the exception of the Oldtimer's Haze the rest of the strains can start to flower if you suddenly place them in a location with a 12/12 photoperiod.

Have a great weekend! :)

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