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A VP Kamala Harris Might Lead To Marijuana Legalization


Kamala laughed at the brothers she put in the slammer for small weed infractions while the cum from Willy Browns dick trickled from her mouth. You are out of your fucking mind if you think these guys won't throw the hammer down on us all.


Well-known member
What would the benefit be for federal legalization? The corporations would take over. States like florida would still lock us up and personally I'd prefer federal prison over any florida state prison. I don't see the benefit of federal legalization as it would only steal money out of small time growers pockets and give it to multinational corporations.


Well-known member
Yup,, but idiots are convinced and fooled by semantics,, and dirty politicians dangle that carrot in fronta them and,,, boy look at the fools pulling that donkey cart !!!
Didn't read the thread seen enough emotionally charged opinifacts
The title gave me a great belly laugh
I'd advise you to research comma la 's prosecutorial record pretaing to weed.
Then look at Joes legislation record on weed . They are pretty well suited that way but let me guess
this thread explains in detail exactly how a lepord changes it's spots.
Great title tho if it were sarcasm


Active member
Somebody has to buy McConnell to get it a vote He needs to replace his coal income.

Mitch will be fine.
His wife is trump’s secretary of transportation and part of a billionaire Chinese shipping magnate family.
Funny, but I don’t believe the family shipping business was impacted by trump’s trade wars with China.


Active member
Didn't read the thread seen enough emotionally charged opinifacts
The title gave me a great belly laugh
I'd advise you to research comma la 's prosecutorial record pretaing to weed.
Then look at Joes legislation record on weed . They are pretty well suited that way but let me guess
this thread explains in detail exactly how a lepord changes it's spots.
Great title tho if it were sarcasm

I dunno
Ask Brett if he still likes to get drunk on beer and gang-assault defenseless women?
Have his attitudes changed since the 1980’s?
I’m guessing he no longer behaves that way.
The country’s attitude towards cannabis has changed in the last 40 years. Close to 2/3rds of the country has legal cannabis in some form. In 1980 the count was zero. Vice President elect Harris co-sponsored a bill to deschedule cannabis and leave the decision to the states. Since States rights is a REPUBLICAN issue, one would think it would sail through the republican senate. President elect Biden has stated that he supports that bill. A similar bill has already passed the democratic house.
So, legalization is definitely possible, but it is not Joe whom is standing in the way. It is McConnell’s senate that is the problem.
I dunno
Ask Brett if he still likes to get drunk on beer and gang-assault defenseless women?
Have his attitudes changed since the 1980’s?
I’m guessing he no longer behaves that way.
The country’s attitude towards cannabis has changed in the last 40 years. Close to 2/3rds of the country has legal cannabis in some form. In 1980 the count was zero. Vice President elect Harris co-sponsored a bill to deschedule cannabis and leave the decision to the states. Since States rights is a REPUBLICAN issue, one would think it would sail through the republican senate. President elect Biden has stated that he supports that bill. A similar bill has already passed the democratic house.
So, legalization is definitely possible, but it is not Joe whom is standing in the way. It is McConnell’s senate that is the problem.

Sounds like some more opinifacts.
I don't recall any claim of substance or value thrown at justice Kavanaugh
Just some shady low brow politics and baseless allegations that proved by the evidence to be completely and utterly false.also from your other post
Basically you're saying hey don't worry Mitch is just as slimy and corrupt as our guys...funny maybe true though
Also his wife who belongs to that Shipping company from New York and ships dry materials worldwide not just China.anyway New York is Not China at least not yet.if Biden actually wins in the end in 2 years it will be:biglaugh:


Active member
Sounds like some more opinifacts.
I don't recall any claim of substance or value thrown at justice Kavanaugh
Just some shady low brow politics and baseless allegations that proved by the evidence to be completely and utterly false.also from your other post
Basically you're saying hey don't worry Mitch is just as slimy and corrupt as our guys...funny maybe true though
Also his wife who belongs to that Shipping company from New York and ships dry materials worldwide not just China.anyway New York is Not China at least not yet.if Biden actually wins in the end in 2 years it will be:biglaugh:

That sounds like all opinions to me, no facts provided. We can agree to disagree.


Well-known member
Funny, but I don’t believe the family shipping business was impacted by trump’s trade wars with China.

why is that funny???? - the families ships are mainly in the iron ore and coal trade... there is no iron ore traded from the US, and only a drop of coal... so why is this funny???


Well-known member
It was a campaign promise to help get them elected, prolly the easiest one of all to fulfill AND we're gonna hold their feet to the fire if they don't.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if they got the job done BEFORE Joe's out in April!!!;)

..... as for Mitch, he'll be 79 in abt 3 months (nobody lives forever!) and he already knows Kentucky is a great place to farm weed and the state could sure use the money!

It's also one of the few issues that both parties can agree on now and looks good as far as helping to 'bring the country together' (cough, cough!).

......... even Antifa folks can agree.:tiphat:

The only question I have is where is NORML when you need 'em?

Why isn't 'getting this done' an issue in the world of weed?:rolleyes:

Where are the voices/demonstrators, where's #BLM?


ICMag Donor

House will vote on cannabis legalization bill in December
A vote scheduled for September was postponed after some moderate Democrats got cold feet.

11/09/2020 08:12 PM EST

A bill to remove federal penalties on marijuana and scrap some cannabis-related records will receive a vote on the House floor in December, according to House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer.

In a letter to colleagues Monday, Hoyer outlined the legislative schedule for the lame-duck session in November and December.

"The House will vote on the MORE Act to decriminalize cannabis and expunge convictions for non-violent cannabis offenses that have prevented many Americans from getting jobs, applying for credit and loans, and accessing opportunities that make it possible to get ahead in our economy," the letter read.

This will hopefully lead to progressive measures once Biden/Harris are at the helm.


ICMag Donor
Sounds like some more opinifacts.
I don't recall any claim of substance or value thrown at justice Kavanaugh
Just some shady low brow politics and baseless allegations that proved by the evidence to be completely and utterly false.also from your other post
Basically you're saying hey don't worry Mitch is just as slimy and corrupt as our guys...funny maybe true though
Also his wife who belongs to that Shipping company from New York and ships dry materials worldwide not just China.anyway New York is Not China at least not yet.if Biden actually wins in the end in 2 years it will be:biglaugh:

TROLLING all the threads, little pollen, are ya?

Due to your syntax, I can almost be sure of who you are.

PROOF, or you're lying. We already know......

Like they say in the Netherlands when dawdling in a grocery line, "Skip along!!|
TROLLING all the threads, little pollen, are ya?

Due to your syntax, I can almost be sure of who you are.

PROOF, or you're lying. We already know......

Like they say in the Netherlands when dawdling in a grocery line, "Skip along!!|
I dont troll.Im just not emotional about politics, you should try removing your emotions you'll feel better but you grow autos lol so you're obviously not concerned with quality. Have a bud, bud
