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A try at Green/Purple Haze x Thai outdoors at 44 degrees north


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3 and 2, PHT

amazing yours is 2 weeks farther in flower with worse conditions!
my seem to have totally stagnated for a week now ...
all the best!



Well-known member
Hey, as far as I can see, the difference in flowering stage is not as big as 2 weeks. It's just that the plant I have has very short internodes compared to the other HxTs and so its tops look bushier. Anyways, these Hazes are as slow flowering as a legendary sativa should be :)

I have been smoking quickly-dried tops of the removed branches for the last 2 days. And I'm really happy with the effect of these samples. Not counting the green grass notes, the taste is so close to the Nirvana's Haze (season 2012) that I'm still smoking, that I'm not sure I could distinguish them in a blind test. The effect is more energetic and focused though, definitely a bit more Thaish. A great energetic and euphoric effect without any cure out of young barely-visible trichomes! I really dig it!
Maybe I'm too used (addicted?) to Haze, but right from the first waves of the effect, I knew I would like this plant much more than any of the 4 Zamaldelica plants of season 2013 that I tried. Outdoor Hazes make me feel so good - physically, emotionally and socially.
Outdoor Hazes make me feel so good - physically, emotionally and socially.

the best cure for depression is hands down - long flowering strains like hazes and thais. i've experienced this first hand. they can take you to places that you would think only god himself could put you.


Well-known member
Thanks for the nice words, buddyboy! Everyone has different tastes but I think everyone should try a Haze (or Haze x sativa like here) in their quest for good weed. As warcraft74 pointed out, these long-flowering sativas are very positive and sometimes blissful, especially if you overindulge ;)
By the way, these fine qualities of the high are suppressed by smoking strong indica/hybrids before that. So, heavy smokers who want to enjoy Haze in its full complexity must smoke only it for several days (to clear from the indica junk clogging the brain).

HxT #4 seems healthy but still shocked as it hasn't made any progress the last few days. Next week is going to be mostly sunny according to the forecasts, so I hope progress will be made.

I removed the tomato plants next to HxT #4 because they didn't handle the freezing temperatures as well.





Well-known member
Everyone has different tastes but I think everyone should try a Haze (or Haze x sativa like here) in their quest for good weed. As warcraft74 pointed out, these long-flowering sativas are very positive and sometimes blissful, especially if you overindulge ;)
By the way, these fine qualities of the high are suppressed by smoking strong indica/hybrids before that. So, heavy smokers who want to enjoy Haze in its full complexity must smoke only it for several days (to clear from the indica junk clogging the brain).


You hit the nail on the head with that paragraph. That is exactly how it should be done.

Your plants are looking great also. Ha!



ACE Seeds Breeder
It's amazing she survived the strong frost :) surprising for a tropical sativa, really survival genetics!

Great job recovering her after the damage, looks like a beautiful purple haze pheno. Hopefully there are no more nasty storms in the upcoming weeks.

The Panama female is small but damn resinous! Hope she is strong and tasty! :yummy:


ACE Seeds Breeder
I've got their Thai stick and Thai x Purple haze going right now love what I see so far and their Bangi Haze has been a total surprise it just gets fatter and fatter take care buddy happy gardening!

Hi Golden Tree,

I'm glad you are happy with your Bangi Haze so far, looks really fatty and has high flower/leaf ratio. Good luck with the haze thais!


Well-known member
Two weeks after harvest, in a jar for a few days, quite in accordance with its hashplant-looking buds, the Panama feels like an indica - very stony, even boring, with a dirty fuzzy confusion and red Chinese eyes. It's really almost all in the head, but it still feels like gravity is increased 10 times and nails me to the chair. The smoke is very smooth and easy though. Nice gentle aftertaste. Duration of effect is about 1 hour. After that, it doesn't leave me as wasted as an indica of such disabling power.
I'm giving this report only for the record, as I'm still waiting for the cure to work its way. I've had such plants in the past, that are very stony as fresh but cure to very nice highs. I guess this is the case, as I can't believe people can rave about such effect :)

P.S. Just checked the Panama thread, curious to see if other people have experienced this stoniness and warcraft74 is right there at the last page saying that he has changed his mind from the previous page that the Panama is boring and dirty. It seems cure is really important here.


Well-known member
The Haze x Thai is pretty good though :) I'm still smoking from the broken branches' tops. Great morning weed in lower doses -1 hit - (active, clean, positive effect) and in higher doses becomes as intense as needed - rushy, edgy, electric, trippy, eyes wide open, with nice positive feeling as a whole, quite euphoric at moments. Higher doses can bring a little paranoia in the supermarket, I also felt slight anxiety at home after a whole bowl (4 hits). But these effects appear only at the very "intense" level.
Two weeks after harvest, in a jar for a few days, quite in accordance with its hashplant-looking buds, the Panama feels like an indica - very stony, even boring, with a dirty fuzzy confusion and red Chinese eyes. It's really almost all in the head, but it still feels like gravity is increased 10 times and nails me to the chair. The smoke is very smooth and easy though. Nice gentle aftertaste. Duration of effect is about 1 hour. After that, it doesn't leave me as wasted as an indica of such disabling power.
I'm giving this report only for the record, as I'm still waiting for the cure to work its way. I've had such plants in the past, that are very stony as fresh but cure to very nice highs. I guess this is the case, as I can't believe people can rave about such effect :)

P.S. Just checked the Panama thread, curious to see if other people have experienced this stoniness and warcraft74 is right there at the last page saying that he has changed his mind from the previous page that the Panama is boring and dirty. It seems cure is really important here.

hey yoss33. i did grow out a few panamas this season, and a couple of phenos were pretty disappointing to me. these phenos were a denser, darker green and shorter flowering than the red pheno and green pheno that i also grew. at a glance, they look like your typical indica buds, but upon closer inspection you can def see the sativa dominance. i'd say pure sativa - yes, but a high cbd sativa. the green pheno you can pretty much call your classic sativa - bright green with a pretty bright and clear high (although of course not quite on par with a haze or thai). the red panama is somewhere in between the green and the dirtiness of the shorter flowering phenos. it gives you a really strong head high, and at least to me can be a struggle to find your focus. the shorter flowering phenos like you said are all in the head, but very narcotic and confusing.

i don't have much of the green pheno unfortunately, so i'll have to get by on the red this year. the other phenos really turn me off and put me in a bad mood so i'll have to see what i can do with those. you described 'em right - boring and fuzzy lol. it's really a downer for me - nothing 'up' about it. i'm looking towards trying guatemala next year for that happy, clean and euphoric effect. i'll post pics in the panama thread soon :)


Well-known member
Oh well, then I guess I got the narco Panama pheno :) Maybe I'll have more luck next year.

We had great weather this week (5*C - 18*C every day) and I expected to see nice progress with HxT #4. On my weekly visit yesterday I was surprised to see it looking very frost-bitten and generally unhappy. Don't know if this is damage from the snow from 2 weeks ago, but anyways the plant has lost all its bigger leaves. It also has 2 molding terminal buds. Pistils are all colored, with a few new small white ones here and there.
No cold coming in the 10-days forecast. I hope the plant manages to make a little more progress and not die in the middle of nice weather.

Here are the photos:





I love the smell of cannabis in the morning
Yoss, that thing is gorgeous. If its looking unhappy and mold is developing, there's no harm in cutting it down now. She looks close enough to me!


He Yoss:biggrin:
Beautful Plant even after the frost damage. Just some more time and you can harvest the fruits of your crop ! I would love to try some from these flowers in the vaporizer. Really hope the wheather will be on your site.

greetings gemüse

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