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A Sad Farewell!



had this happen to me aswell.. it is a terrible thing to have happen .. let alone to see..

i unfortunetly had witnessed the accident.. as it happened no more then 10 feet from me.. cats and city streets dont mix.. :frown: she was only 10 weeks old..::terrible mental pictures::

I SEND SOOO MUCH LOVE YOUR WAY.. as i know the pain that comes along with this.. having to bury your buddy yourself.. i hope you do what we did, and fill that void with a new bundle of joy.. be strong.


Active member
so sad

so sad

at0mic said:
had this happen to me aswell.. it is a terrible thing to have happen .. let alone to see..

i unfortunetly had witnessed the accident.. as it happened no more then 10 feet from me.. cats and city streets dont mix.. :frown: she was only 10 weeks old..::terrible mental pictures::

I SEND SOOO MUCH LOVE YOUR WAY.. as i know the pain that comes along with this.. having to bury your buddy yourself.. i hope you do what we did, and fill that void with a new bundle of joy.. be strong.

Oooooh at0mic my heart goes out to you as well :petting: 10 weeks....that's so sad. It is so hard to loose a member of the family, and thats what our pets are. We still have our Skitz mommas' little girl Grease, she is almost 6mo old. She has been loving all the attention let me tell ya! Though you can tell she misses mommy too. Thank you for the support. Be strong too and love the heck out of your new bundle of joy!

zeppelindood, mtnjohn, eskimo
just wanted you guys to know how much we thank you for your kind words. It means so much to us all!


Oh my...I am so sorry to hear this...it just rips my heart out, I know how you feel and it's such a sad emotion. I have 2 cats, well, used to have 3, but lost one to a car also, and he was a special cat, but aren't they all. I brought all 3 of mine from USA to Holland, now try travelling with 3 airline regulation cat carriers as well as my own multiple suitcases, oh do I not miss THAT part...but one of my expat cats (lol) slipped out the door when I had my arms full carrying supplies into the grow room. Instead of setting everything down and rounding him back up and into the house I finished what I was doing....and it cost him his beloved life. My cats are all house cats, not accustomed to going out and roaming about, have no idea of the dangers outside. Anyway, sorry to ramble on about my loss...it's your loss and sadness now, just wanted you to know that I can definitely relate to how sad of a time it is for you and I hope you find another kitty to keep Grease company, they need company.



Bubblegum Specialist
Aww. :( I so sorry.

For the cats we have lost I have cried as well. One morning my red tiger named "Dolly Dagger" who was pregnant was heard howling. I went to let her inside as it was summer and she had been out mousing all night.

I found her writhing in pain. Upon inspection she had a puncture wound in her abdomen and evidently a large owl had attacked her. She was sufferring so horribly I could not stand it and in tears I grabbed my pistol and carried her around back of the house. I could not wait one more minute to put her out of her misery but saying this still makes me cry 20 years later. Maybe I was wrong.

I loved her so much and she was the toughest female I ever had. All my pets have had to die. Its very sad but the reincarnate back to me and so can yours. If you believe. BOG


BushyOldGrower said:
Aww. :( I so sorry.

For the cats we have lost I have cried as well. One morning my red tiger named "Dolly Dagger" who was pregnant was heard howling. I went to let her inside as it was summer and she had been out mousing all night.

I found her writhing in pain. Upon inspection she had a puncture wound in her abdomen and evidently a large owl had attacked her. She was sufferring so horribly I could not stand it and in tears I grabbed my pistol and carried her around back of the house. I could not wait one more minute to put her out of her misery but saying this still makes me cry 20 years later. Maybe I was wrong.

I loved her so much and she was the toughest female I ever had. All my pets have had to die. Its very sad but the reincarnate back to me and so can yours. If you believe. BOG

You did nothing wrong Bog,I admire you for being compasionate enuf to know when to put your animal down.Death is as much a part of life as is birth,too many people fear death or think badly of it,it's the most natural thing there is.On the farm it's a daily occurance,somethings dying or being born all the time,animals are killed for meat or sent to market.It's a natural circle that we will all complete.Still it pains me more putting down an animal I love than yer ordinary farm kritter.We mourn....We rejoice....The sun will rise tommorow and I hope it finds all here safe and sound!!


so sad to hear of your famillies loss.
She was a very pretty kitty.

oh how I hate cars, frickin' killing machines.

all the best skitz. which from the love shown will be assured.


sorry for your loss
Mine was an indoor cat but when I moved to my house , she went outside. the first time , I was worried about what happens
and now when she doesn't come back , I always think she might be hurt by cars...

take care

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