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A question to some of the older folks


The law against MJ was found to be unconstitional and thus repealed in 1970 (US). Very shortly afterward it was thrown in with the law against narcotics without much thought or debate.
I started smoking at about the same time and have heard of small victories from time to time but nothing to suggest that we might be free at last. I was sure that when the responsible people of my day got old enough and in proper position, they would end these silly laws. As with so many things, I was WRONG! It seems the dedicated stoners didnt run for office and couldnt change the law from the positions they found themselves in.
So drunks like Ted Kennedy get to pass laws sending stoners to jail for being immoral and corrupt. Kinda silly, aint it?


i am almost 30 and i believe we will not see it pass in our time maybe my sons time.if it did pass it wouldn't really change anything for us other us other then we wouldn't have to worry about getting busted.
MMJ and legality

MMJ and legality

In the 60's and 70's it was socially acceptable to experiment with drugs in your youth; Timothy Leary, et al. But it was also anticipated, that like their parents the youth of the 60's would put down their bongs and pick up guns in defense of the American way of life, as their parents and their parents parents did with alcohol and WWI, WWII, and Korea. Vietnam was not that way. It was just the opposite.

That did not happen, and in fact just the opposite happened and America has not been the same since. Mandatory service to your country has been changed to voluntary service to your country. Drugs are perceived as the root cause of America's malaise and lack of motivation to fight for the American way of life, when in fact the American way of life is just a mirage. In Buddhism it would be called a Phantom City, or an expedient. A lie that leads to the truth. However, there must be a truth that lies at the source of the lie for it to be considered an expedient, or else it is just a lie.

But in America that truth has proven to be a lie as well. The American way of life is in itself a lie. The current economic situation world-wide suggest that when the US economy coughs the world gets a cold. When American's lose sight of the American way of life the world becomes lost. No buyers no sellers. All suffering from the same virus called debt and credit, just like the Visa commercial, everyone on a carousel of debt. LOL.

Now that it has been proven; the business model for selling marijuana legally; a system of taxes is being developed as we speak. Currently, most MMJ dispensaries are considered charitable organizations. That will change and they will be taxed at the business rates of most pharmaceuticals dispensaries, i.e. pharmacies and drug stores. LOL.

As long as the medical community and the tax community, can make a profit on selling weed it will be legalized and taxed appropriately. Controlling the production is not the issue it is the storefront side of the operation; the retail side; the US government is concerned with as that is the taxing side of the business. Who cares where or who grows the weed, if the seller can be taxed so can the grower! Taxes are arbitrary and capricious anyway. Taxing the seller effectively taxes the grower, forcing the growers prices down in order to hold prices stable to the buyer.

Just my far-flung opinions but they have some basis based on current facts and policies being discusses in Washington DC and elsewhere like California and other financially deficit states with legal MMJ medical programs, including I believe twelve states currently.



That did not happen, and in fact just the opposite happened and America has not been the same since. Mandatory service to your country has been changed to voluntary service to your country. Drugs are perceived as the root cause of America's malaise and lack of motivation to fight for the American way of life, when in fact the American way of life is just a mirage. In Buddhism it would be called a Phantom City, or an expedient. A lie that leads to the truth. However, there must be a truth that lies at the source of the lie for it to be considered an expedient, or else it is just a lie.

I think this puts it rather well;
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”:wallbash:


Just remember to vote Demopublican ...Or is that Republicrat ?? Either way its all the same. There's only a few polititians who will come flat out and say "Youre being robbed of your money and youre birthright!" One of them is Ron Paul. Written off as a nut-case by The Mainstream Press. That, in and of itself, means he deserves a closer look. See what he says himself, not what others say he says.
How do you spell Fractional Banking? (making money out of thin air)

O.K. We wont throw you in jail for growing your smoke....We'll just take your property and money instead. We''ll just threaten you with jail so you'll be relieved... unless you really piss us off....then we send you to Club Fed...