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A question for Tony

You've obviously put an enormous amount of thought and work into your RIL project, and there's lots of info about breeding, scent, flavor, plant morphology - but not a whole lot regarding it's effects. Personally, the effect is of prime importance to me, most everything else a distant 2nd.
I'm getting a few packs of these to pollen-chuck with, and every aspect of the RIL looks good to me, but would you be so kind as to expound a bit more on the predominant effects of the line at this point? I have zero experience with anything GG4, and don't know what it tends to contribute to its hybrids.
I'm especially looking for a relatively clear, calming, yet dreamy effect, preferably one that doesn't suppress respiration much and/or make me feel like my head and ass are dragging the next day (assuming, of course, I don't over-indulge).
Specifically want to mate this with my Blueberry, hoping to retain as much of BB's unique effect as possible, and get a vigorous plant, something to enjoy late in the evening to drift out into space on some ambient music prior to sleep.
Thanks brother for creating what looks like a pretty solid breeding tool.


Well-known member
Tony must be real busy these days. I like the sound of your plant descriptions and you sound right on key—perfect tones for the mind. What have you got growing in your garden now?
Hi Creeperpark - this summer outdoors will be DJs Blueberry, V-2 (a thai-leaning Flo), Ace's New Caledonia, and possibly Tony's recombinant glue line.