actually, outdoor hemp farmers prefer to use feminized seed in which only about 1 out of 4000 is male. they look for those and try to eliminate them as soon as possible.
the ones who are not using feminized seed diligently walk their fields in weeks 5 and 6 to eliminate all males before they throw pollen. this is to keep extraction yield up.
this is for cbd oil extraction which is what most hemp farmers in the U.S. are growing for.
hemp farmers growing for fiber will usually take all plants before pollination can occur so they pose little threat as well.
it is the ones growing for seed that you have to worry about as they will just let everything go full course until harvest.
but so far few farmers in north america are growing for seed as the chinese have a strong presence in the seed for food market.
Cool! Thats pretty good news. I think I'll pass on the chinese hemp!