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A little something I'm working on...

silver hawaiian

Active member
Looking amazing man - I'm really excited to see what's around the corner! :watchplant:

How big are those containers in the setup you're mulling? Looks to me like what you're rockin' now are at least a smidgen bigger'n these..?

I dunno MM - a buddy of mine runs something like what you've pictured, and he gets good sized trees, for sure, .. But I'm not sure they're any bigger than what I imagine will come out of your setup now..

I'm not a hydro guy, but I've got to believe the size of your trees will be directly dependent upon the size of your roots.. Have you seen gettogro's garden? https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=209486

I only make the reference to his grow in terms of container size/root mass.. And resulting yield, of course :)

My gut tells me the buckets pictured are smaller'n what you're running now, so if that's the case.. :shucks:

Whatever you do, I'll be content to lean against this back wall, just takin' it all in, admiring the whole time.. :respect:

Mad Matt

Looking amazing man - I'm really excited to see what's around the corner! :watchplant:

How big are those containers in the setup you're mulling? Looks to me like what you're rockin' now are at least a smidgen bigger'n these..?

I dunno MM - a buddy of mine runs something like what you've pictured, and he gets good sized trees, for sure, .. But I'm not sure they're any bigger than what I imagine will come out of your setup now..

I'm not a hydro guy, but I've got to believe the size of your trees will be directly dependent upon the size of your roots.. Have you seen gettogro's garden? https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=209486

Harry Gypsna

Dirty hippy Bastard
You can DIY something that works better than those bubblepots mate, looking at the room you've put together-you definately underrate your abilities.
Or have you considered bato buckets/dutch pots(not the GH system, the pots on their own. I think dutch pots would be ideal in your setup, you can use them as recirculating hydro, or for soil/coco with minimal runoff. I know Ugrow sell the pots on their own.
Seriously bato pots are awesome.
The batos are a square pot with a drain just above the bottom of the pot, so the pots has a reserve of water, the drain is like 2 elbow fitting one inside and one poutside the pot, you just get some waste pipe drill hols for the pots drain and lay your pots out. Really easy system.
You could also mod your flo-gros to be be more like waterfarms, plumb them all together so the nutrient under the media tub is recirculating, but still using the individual pumps in each flo grow to feed. Flo-gros are great for a couple of em, awesome mother keepers, but as you know-a real pain in the arse to run a lot of them.
I really think the batos would work awseome for you.

silver hawaiian

Active member
I'm w/ Harry - you're onto the scent, just gotta finger out how to make it work for you.. My buddy made the move from the ebb-n-gro buckets (probably 2-3 gallons?) to 5 gallon buckets with 10" net pots, and he was pleased.

..But, that's at least a level "below" where you are.. Like I said, I'm not a hydro guy, but I think you'll be able to build a RDWC setup (similar to gettogro's, for example of large-container) that would better suit your needs.. Rather than step it down in terms of container size..

C'mon MM - where there's a will, there's a will, there's a way! :tiphat: And if you're capable of securing a spot like you've got, setup like you've got, growing plants that I see, .. You can tinker and construct/modify your own RDWC setup that'll fit exactly into your spot.. Rather than vice-versa :ying:


Build me one please:biggrin:

Mate i couldn't construct anything like that to save my life, ive found a company that sells them here in the UK however there no where near as good as Heaths..

There was a time when I didnt know how to use power tools & now all my systems & tailor made to fit my needs.


Get some rest mate,

you are an inspiration to many mate, you got it going on baby!

i pretty sure you will iron out your probs, hopefully its all done now,
i just done the opposite and reverted back to soil as i was having dramas with my hydro but it was as much my system as myself,

this post is fucking proper, its great to see some thing on this scale, i hope to be able to achieve something along these lines sooner rather then later,
absolutley fantastic maddmatt

Mad Matt

Get some rest mate,

you are an inspiration to many mate, you got it going on baby!

i pretty sure you will iron out your probs, hopefully its all done now,
i just done the opposite and reverted back to soil as i was having dramas with my hydro but it was as much my system as myself,

this post is fucking proper, its great to see some thing on this scale, i hope to be able to achieve something along these lines sooner rather then later,
absolutley fantastic maddmatt

Thanks for the inspirational words mate...


Convicted for turning dreams into reality
It´s all about learning with our mess ups. I´m sure you will reach your goals soon enough.
Keep it up bro.

Mad Matt

Just to add to the above, plants tend to take in more nitrogen when in veg but more phosphorus when in flower....
very good work matt, thats the type grow I dream about in my sleep :) .... I read you put the lights off for 3 days before switching to 12/12.... is there a benefit of total darkness for a few days (speed up the change of going to flowering mode) or was this an accident?
great job so far cant wait for more bud pics :dance013:


Well-known member
Hi Matt,
I've only read this page.

The first 2 weeks of 12/12 the plants are still growing, then the transitional period starts to happen. Between the second and third week the plant will start to flower, this causes the PH to drop drasticly, time to change the nutes (to bloom).

I always use MH bulbs (thicker, robust growth with less stretch) for the first 2 weeks of 12/12 and grow nutes for the first 2-3 weeks of 12/12 depending on variety, thus giving them more N at this growing stage.

Hope this helps