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A little growhouse in the arctic v2.0



think ill have to hold on to the pics for a bit guys sry. but im very happy, the quality was excellent :D

thanks for dropping in .. peace

Just a nice guy

Gotta get up more posts....
So here is a pic of my sour grapes @ day 37... smells so sweet!

Had to give your fans something to look at!


Active member
nice pics, the dutchman's trap looks frosty good. I guess you pulled pretty good off of that Cheese. Fat buds. So how do you like the cheese? good buzz?


hey nice guy :D thanks for the sour grape pic. looks wicked mate, wish i could sample some of that with u man.

the dutch man is fkn off the hook guys.. ive smoked alot of shit... but damn it just keeps impressing me. it holds a torch to anything else ive tried when it comes to the punch. the flavor of it is more for the experienced smoker, it has a deep earthy indica flavor and it just expands in your lungs like a motherfucker.

the cheese was a high yielder, great flavor im not so impressed with the trichome production tho. my cuts were showing some sign of cloning degeneration. it might have been feminized seeds originally but ill never know. ill not grow any more cheese. if ever anything cheese'ish ill go for the strawberry smile from dutch quality seeds. (strawberry coughXuk cheese) it was fantastic!! ill get back to that...

im taking a break for the summer. i dont want to get greedy now, so everything has come down for this time. maybe a change in address is in order aswell, ill see come fall.

time has passed abit since this grow.. its about time for some smoke reports and some dry nugshots. but right now im wasted. this shit is excellent! :D
the fkn strawberry smile... ohgod what an incredible scent and flavor. what a fantastic strain!!!



No Longer a Human Watering Can
hey man u got some killer buds growing in this place

i love all of your arctic pics it reminds me of when i lived in the U.P. i love snow but hate 7 months of winter


whats up guys, .. a few words on the strawberry smile from dutch quality seeds.

first some music :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_bk04H-NdcY


its a smaller tighter hybrid then the strawberry cough or haze. it has all the great features of the cheese in the mix, great yield and trichome production. and it STINKS!! it fkn reaks, i got cheese and this strawberry hanging in the same room and the strawberry smell is totally dominant!

in short this strain is it if you are into strawberry flavor. its even more flavorful then the strawberry cough and haze and with a much more benefitial plant size and much higher yield.

ill rate it

flavor:10/10 smooth on the inhale, expands nicely in the lungs and a distinct refreshing strawberry aftertaste.
smell:10/10 very strong odor, distinctly strawberry
bag appeal: 9/10 impressive trichome production, tight strawberry shaped buds.
effect: 9/10 heady stone, strong shit thats all i can say. leaves me stranded on the couch .. oh and i get the major munchies from this strain.. every time! but i chalk that off to the deliscious smell and flavor.

overall rating 10/10!! i highly reccomend it! if you want strawberry.. this is it!!


Very nice report, AS!

I like strawberries! :canabis:

That def looks and sounds like some hi grade ganja! :respect:

I must be slackin', cause I gotta "spread rep before..." :wink:


its 4/20 today :D... here we go with some more smokereports

first some 420 celebration music :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4bHfzUoDbA

OK .. the Love Potion. another great hybrid.

smell: 8/10 its a mix of mango, citrus, something ill describe as newly cut grass and greensoap.
taste: 8/10 im a bit biased here, i like fuely coughlock strains. this has a sweet lingering aftertaste. smooth yet rich. same mango, citrus, grass, soap flavor.
bag appeal: 10/10 great trichome production.. impressive infact and it will produce big buds if you want it to.
effect/potency: 9/10 it definately rates as a high potency strain in my book. i think it gives alittle more of an "up" high, quite heady yet energic. i guess thats the sativa innit.
overall rating: 9/10 the only thing i can say bad about this strain is its not my favorite flavor. but hey, thats just me!


continuing.. more smokereports.

new strain new song :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-VijzcWVUA

the cheese, unknown origins. this monster yielder of a cheese snuck in among my cuts and it didnt get discovered until it was huge. and im glad because its distinctly cheese.

smell: 9/10 even tho it smells divine cheese, with a earthy undertone. i gotta rate it 9/10 because the strawberry destroys it.
flavor: 9/10 im a sucker for the cheese. cheese is a love hate thing, this pheno has the stink i like :D
bag appeal: 7/10 id rate it 5/10 if it wasnt for the size of the avg buds. as far as trichome production is conserned not impressive. who knows where it came from and what the mom had been through.
effect/potency: 7/10 kicks a bit of a punch, i think its abit paranoid weed, leaves u staring at shit. i like to mix this up with some other strain for a more comfo high. thats just me tho.
overall rating: 7/10 because of the lack of hash production on fanleaves. and because the strawberry smile destroys it, yet the fantastic yield/budsize ups the rating.


great reports, great pics!
what more can I say?
Happy 420 Day!!


and another one...

the DMT or Dutch Mans Trap, Steph Blanche', Indica, unknown origins

crap pics..

smell: 8/10 strong, very overwhelming odor. just smells potent hashy earthy indica. not for the faint at heart. for the cannaseur and imo its a 10/10 but its not for the new smoker.
taste: 8/10 earthy, hashy, strong, bitter, fuely diesel.. expands in your lungs. totally coughlock for beginners.
bag appeal: 10/10 trichomes off the charts.. rockhard square nuggets. big grainy trichomes. full melt ..
effect/potency:10/10 this is the strongest weed if ever smoked.. ever! this is the shit i pull out after a 5 hour smoke session.. and get passified! very heady, very potent. i end up passing out on the couch when i smoke this, i got respect for this shit!
overall rating: 10/10 a cannaseurs dream.. an indica that just shines. ive never seen anything like it... looking for a male to cross it with..


hey CD thanks for dropping in :yes::wave:

ill do a coupple more reports another day.. think ill dive into this now..

...hmm and i need some chocolate or something :yummy:


Nice work, my friend!

I really like your reports.
That's something I've been meaning to work on...

That DMT sounds like a real winner!
Hell, they ALL sound like winners.

Yummy pile of trichs you've got to dive into! :canabis:

Looking forward to more! :lurk:
...wasn't there a Smiling Strawberry...:D Hehe

Happy 420! :rasta:


the dmt i know i go on about it, im just a sucker for heavy duty indicas thats all hehe..

i was looking for a tutorial for the smokereports, didnt there used to be one in the dried stash shots subforum?.. like a sticky or something? anyways i just winged it glad u liked the rest of the growdescriptions are in the thread ofc so i cba with all that.

the kief is too much for me, i dont hit that usually until late at nite. 1 of them bags are only second quality so is the dish. ill upload a pic of the shaker i use, i find it quite clever tbh. its a single screen, dunno what size the screen holes are but the quality of the kief depends how long i shake and how much i grind up the trimmings.

theres about 3-5gs of kief in each of them bags, ive smoked loads of it and given away quite abit. also i think i got about half the trimmings left but i threw out my arm from all the shaking hehe.

the strawberry smile is in the first smokereport :D i made a new thread btw for the cured and dry stashshots and smokereports


there u goes!


I've spent a lot of time rounding up info for smoke reports.

It got...complicated...:wallbash:

I got stuck in a way too detailed template, that included things like "Trich Field Density" & "Bud Stem Node Length" ...:crazy:

I like your Smoker's Perspective style.

Oh yeah, those nice pics, too. :yes:

I've never heard that excuse before, for throwing out an arm...:jerkit:
:wink: :biglaugh:
Gonna check out the new thread...:wave:


lol trich field density? ummm like bag appeal? hehe.. i tried to separate grower-me from smoker-me, because they are two different peoples. grower-me worships the plants like some sort of demi-gods... smoker-me doesnt allways agree.. btw it was smoker-me that threw out the arm hehe, grower-me must have been doing blondes at the disco as usual, grower-me doesnt throw out an arm, he throws IN an arm! :D

ive been thinking maybe i was alittle too kind on the rating of the strains.. i went 10 for 10 on the strawberry smile. but ill stand by that descition uk cheese X strawberry cough.. its a real .. real candystrain! go get it!!! it's turned alittle more sour now that it has cured for a month .. it just keeps getting better tbh. ill show you what she can do, i couldnt help myself from doing one last hydro run with the strawberries before summer. i wasnt going to post on it, but now that i see the early trichs starting to form on the fanleaves i figure i just have to take a few pics just to show what all the hype is about... in a few days..

my LP#1 is from the release year, whenever that was, some years ago. it delivers thats all i got to say about it, whoever does the research will find out that LP is one hell of a plant. she makes it into my rotation even tho i dont perticularly favor her flavor, the high is great tho, and after a good cure she kind of appeals even to me. she will throw trichs all over the place, up along the stems, on large fanleaves.. on everything she touches. sticky shit!

i had some well grown jack herer today, just a coupple of sample buds from a mate, i didnt take any pics... but as of today ive kind of put the LP up on that pedistal with the really potent shit.. jack, NL, amnezia.. etc..

i have been critical and looked up a strainreview from strainreview.com.. i did this AFTER i did my smokereport ofc hehe

http://strainreview.com/love-potion-1/ said:
The scent is hazey, like a soft sandalwood and soapstone. Softly celery-scented with a bit of peppermint, this is not nearly as spicy as the Amnesia Haze, this gear burns a bit lighter than you would expect, leaving a sweet and hazey-annisette scent. Very similar in fact to some of the scent given off by HGF’s “Cheese”!

The flav is a bit “gaseous” during the vapourisation leaving your lungs feeling a bit scorched but that is usually the case with serious Sativa. The crystals that are housed in the interior of the plants tend to release in a completely different way than Indica. To describe the taste, imagine drinking from a minty-herbal tea glass that was left a little bit Soapy and you got it!!! (I always love how herb smokers enjoy flavours that aren’t too appealing to most other people.)

Being stoned from this is just plain HEAVY-DUTY. I really couldn’t say more.The FX are heavy-lid, like someone tied sandbags to your lashes! Nearly tripping, but not dopey and sleepy. This is a great thing. Pay your money and sit back for the ride…

i'd say i nailed that report right down to the soapy not so appealing flavor to the trippy sativa high! :woohoo: ill stand by my 9/10 rating for this strain aswell. after a months curing it kind of aquires a more fuely spicy flavor, where that soap odor becomes much less dominant... which is more to my liking, im a heavy duty indica fan. not-so-much with the sweet hybrids allways


whats up gang... i couldnt help myself from having one final go before summer, im off to the dam again this week.. gonna show a friend the city and chill for a week.

here we go with a little peak in the room..

my strawberry field :D

strawberry smile..




dutch mans trap


dutch man infront of the blueberry.. seems i uploaded the wrong pics i was shooting for the blueberry pics, but cba uploading again.. so here ya go


stay cool gang... laters

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