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A legalization initiative petition has been filed in Missouri

Bwahahhaa... ha.. lol. Sorry, I hope it passes, but the bible force is strong with this state. Only about 3rd in line of most unlikely to go full legal in USA, compared to Bush country down here... Good luck Mosurrians! I mostly hated it when I lived there for 5 years.


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ICMag Donor
The major voting areas in Missouri are Democratic, St Louis, Kansas City, Columbia, and Springfield. I also think at least half of the Republicans would be sensible enough to vote for it. It could very well pass. When they polled for this election cycle support was hanging around 58%. They said without 60% in a non-presidential election, it probably wouldn't pass.

There has been monumental progress in the state government. At least they are willing to start talking about cannabis. And that is a huge improvement.

They also passed a medical marijuana program for one condition. Step forward also imho.


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ICMag Donor
Whatever the case may be they need to get the word out and push for this. If this state would fall. The domino train wouldn't stop. This is a state that resists change. Let's hope for the best.


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ICMag Donor
The problem is the system. They want to keep the courts full. Keep cops busy. Keep those federal funds coming in from busts. Diversion programs give people jobs. Taxes, fines, and penalties. Cheap labor for the state once you're incarcerated. Keeps lawyers pockets full. And not to mention the privatized prisons that get paid more for having more people in them. The whole system is f-ed up. There needs to be a change. Hopefully they'll exhonerate the people already doing time for these meaningless offenses.


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ICMag Donor
I'm sure the cartels even support prohibition.

We need to legalize it and treat it like any other commodity.


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ICMag Donor
Plus if you're in the system there is no taxes being taken out of paychecks, no sales tax being collected. Just a waste of good people.

St. Phatty

Active member

what we need are Bible-thumpers who can communicate a simple truth to the other Bible-thumpers -

From 1776 to 1930-something, the pharmacopeia of the US drew on 3 primary organic feedstocks: opiates, coca-derived, and Cannabinoids from Cannabis.

This was before Big Pharma.

I'd say we did pretty well during those 160 years.

The dislike that Bible-thumpers and other people who call themselves 'conservative', have for Marijuana, is related to better days they think we had, in the 1950's, when Cannabis was illegal and things were better for the working person.

But if they want to be really conservative, they have to plant hempseed and enjoy the smoke, like our nation's founders.

Cool Moe

Active member
Check out Show-Me Cannabis for more information on the group working to pass the pro-cannabis initiative in Missouri. The group includes several people who worked on the successful Oregon campaign. They would not have filed the initiative if they didn't firmly believe it will pass. Tax and Regulate like alcohol for people 21 and older. Just like Colorado. 6 plants per adult, 12 plants max per household. The signature drive will start soon, as will the effort to educate the voters. The times they are a changin'!


Active member
Best of luck "show me" state.

I think they should change that state motto of FL from the "sunshine state" to the "toilet paper state". Because, once again, as always was, we'll be wiping up the rear.

Fun fact: FL recently surpassed NYS in population.

Now, back to your regularly scheduled program.