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A few apples fell from my neighbor's tree branch which hangs over onto my property.


Well-known member
Tell him to keep his apples under control, and that you don't appreciate them trespassing on your property.

Elmer Bud

Genotype Sex Worker AKA strain whore
if you live in america, the apples are yours. branches over your fence are yours to cut, and leaves are yours to rake.

G `day L

Same in the Land Down Unda .
Over the fence means they can be picked .

Its mango trees in my hood . If the fruit are hanging over the foot path / side walk they can be picked . No matter what the owner might threaten you with .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Noonin NorCal

Active member
I have a few over hanging peach trees from my yard into the neighbors yard...

Hes a dick and has a busted sprinkler pointed over our fence


Active member
so you dont take responsibility for your trees because the law is on your side.

its you that is the shitty neighbor
No he's not you are wrong and so are the 12 people who agreed with you. You obviously don't own property and yes you don't understand the law.
A person can't go onto another person's property and start trimming branches even if the branches come from his tree. Frequently you can't trim it from your side of the property because you'd cut too far back on the branch and cause damage to the tree. It just needs a trim on the other side of the property line. Now you can talk to the neighbor and ask him if he wants you to do the trimming but you don't have to. He has every right to trim them to keep them off of his property himself. It happens all the time. I live in Washington and we have a lot of trees. People are always trimming up branches that come from other people's properties. It's normal and everybody expects it and just deals with it.
My neighbor has a tree and branches were coming way over onto my property 10 to 15 feet over the property line. I told him I would like to trim them back and I asked him if he wanted to do it or I would do it. He's a very meticulous and precise guy so he wanted to do it. He came over, did it and I took care of the waste.
I have other neighbors who just take care of those situations and don't even talk to the other neighbor about it and it's no problem. Now you have to use some common sense and can't start hackin away willie nillie. You also should only do it certain times of year. Do a little research, use your head and it's fine. We don't have any of this childish name calling bullshit.
No you're the bad neighbor. Grow up.